Source code for maestral.utils

"""Utility modules and functions"""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Iterator, TypeVar, Optional, Iterable, Tuple, Type

from packaging.version import Version

from .path import normalize

_N = TypeVar("_N", float, int)
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_ExecInfoType = Tuple[Type[BaseException], BaseException, Optional[TracebackType]]

[docs]def natural_size(num: float, unit: str = "B", sep: bool = True) -> str: """ Convert number to a human-readable string with decimal prefix. :param float num: Value in given unit. :param unit: Unit suffix. :param sep: Whether to separate unit and value with a space. :returns: Human-readable string with decimal prefixes. """ sep_char = " " if sep else "" for prefix in ("", "K", "M", "G"): if abs(num) < 1000.0: return f"{num:3.1f}{sep_char}{prefix}{unit}" num /= 1000.0 prefix = "T" return f"{num:.1f}{sep_char}{prefix}{unit}"
[docs]def chunks(lst: list[_T], n: int, consume: bool = False) -> Iterator[list[_T]]: """ Partitions a list into chunks of length ``n``. :param lst: Iterable to partition. :param n: Chunk size. :param consume: If True, the list will be consumed (emptied) during the iteration. :returns: Iterator over chunks. """ if consume: while lst: chunk = lst[0:n] del lst[0:n] yield chunk else: for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i : i + n]
[docs]def clamp(n: _N, minn: _N, maxn: _N) -> _N: """ Clamps a number between a minimum and maximum value. :param n: Original value. :param minn: Minimum allowed value. :param maxn: Maximum allowed value. :returns: Clamped value. """ if n > maxn: return maxn elif n < minn: return minn else: return n
[docs]def get_newer_version(version: str, releases: Iterable[str]) -> Optional[str]: """ Checks a given release version against a version list of releases to see if an update is available. Only offers newer versions if they are not a prerelease. :param version: The current version. :param releases: A list of valid cleaned releases. :returns: The version string of the latest release if a newer release is available. """ releases = [r for r in releases if not Version(r).is_prerelease] releases.sort(key=Version) latest_release = releases[-1] return latest_release if Version(version) < Version(latest_release) else None
[docs]def removeprefix(string: str, prefix: str, case_sensitive: bool = True) -> str: """ Removes the given prefix from a string. Only the first instance of the prefix is removed. The original string is returned if it does not start with the given prefix. This follows the Python 3.9 implementation of ``str.removeprefix``. :param string: Original string. :param prefix: Prefix to remove. :param case_sensitive: Whether to do case-sensitive prefix removal. :returns: String without prefix. """ if case_sensitive: string_lower = string prefix_lower = prefix else: string_lower = normalize(string) prefix_lower = normalize(prefix) if string_lower.startswith(prefix_lower): return string[len(prefix) :] else: raise ValueError(f'"{string}" does not start with "{prefix}"')
[docs]def sanitize_string(string: str) -> str: """ Converts a string provided by file system APIs, which may contain surrogate escapes for bytes with unknown encoding, to a string which can always be displayed or printed. This is done by replacing invalid characters with "�". :param string: Original string. :returns: Sanitised path where all surrogate escapes have been replaced with "�". """ return os.fsencode(string).decode(errors="replace")
[docs]def exc_info_tuple(exc: BaseException) -> _ExecInfoType: """Creates an exc-info tuple from an exception.""" return type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__