Source code for maestral.sync

"""This module contains the main syncing functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

# system imports
import errno
import sys
import os
import os.path as osp
import time
import random
import uuid
import urllib.parse
import enum
import sqlite3
import gc
from stat import S_ISDIR
from pprint import pformat
from threading import Event, Condition, RLock, current_thread
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from queue import Queue, Empty
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import Any, Iterator, Iterable, Collection, Callable, TypeVar, cast
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

# external imports
import click
from pathspec import PathSpec
from import FileSystemEventHandler
from import (
from import (

# local imports
from . import notify
from .config import MaestralConfig, MaestralState
from .core import (
from .constants import (
from .exceptions import (
from .errorhandling import os_to_maestral_error, convert_api_errors
from .client import (
from .models import (
from .logging import scoped_logger
from .utils import removeprefix, sanitize_string, exc_info_tuple
from .utils.caches import LRUCache
from .utils.integration import (
from .utils.path import (
from .database.orm import Manager
from .database.core import Database
from .database.query import PathTreeQuery, MatchQuery, AllQuery, AndQuery
from .utils.appdirs import get_data_path

__all__ = [

umask = os.umask(0o22)

NUM_THREADS = min(64, CPU_COUNT * 4)

P = ParamSpec("P")
T = TypeVar("T")

# ======================================================================================
# Syncing functionality
# ======================================================================================

[docs]class Conflict(enum.Enum): """Enumeration of sync conflict types"""
[docs] RemoteNewer = "remote newer"
[docs] Conflict = "conflict"
[docs] Identical = "identical"
[docs] LocalNewerOrIdentical = "local newer or identical"
class _Ignore: def __init__( self, event: FileSystemEvent, start_time: float, ttl: float | None, recursive: bool, ) -> None: self.event = event self.start_time = start_time self.ttl = ttl self.recursive = recursive def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(event={self.event}, " f"recursive={self.recursive}, ttl={self.ttl})>" )
[docs]class FSEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): """A local file event handler Handles captured file events and adds them to :class:`SyncEngine`'s file event queue to be uploaded by :meth:`upload_worker`. This acts as a translation layer between :class:`watchdog.Observer` and :class:`SyncEngine`. White lists of event types to handle are supplied as ``file_event_types`` and ``dir_event_types``. This is for forward compatibility as additional event types may be added to watchdog in the future. :param file_event_types: Types of file events to handle. This acts as a whitelist. :param dir_event_types: Types of folder events to handle. This acts as a whitelist. :cvar float ignore_timeout: Timeout in seconds after which filters for ignored events will expire. """ _ignored_events: set[_Ignore]
[docs] local_file_event_queue: Queue[FileSystemEvent]
def __init__( self, file_event_types: tuple[str, ...] = ( EVENT_TYPE_CREATED, EVENT_TYPE_DELETED, EVENT_TYPE_MODIFIED, EVENT_TYPE_MOVED, ), dir_event_types: tuple[str, ...] = ( EVENT_TYPE_CREATED, EVENT_TYPE_DELETED, EVENT_TYPE_MOVED, ), ) -> None: super().__init__() self._enabled = False self.has_events = Condition() self.file_event_types = file_event_types self.dir_event_types = dir_event_types self.file_event_types = file_event_types self.dir_event_types = dir_event_types self._ignored_events = set() self.ignore_timeout = 2.0 self.local_file_event_queue = Queue() @property
[docs] def enabled(self) -> bool: """Whether queuing of events is enabled.""" return self._enabled
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """Turn on queueing of events.""" self._enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: """Turn off queueing of new events and remove all events from queue.""" self._enabled = False while True: try: self.local_file_event_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: break
[docs] def ignore( self, *events: FileSystemEvent, recursive: bool = True ) -> Iterator[None]: """A context manager to ignore local file events Once a matching event has been registered, further matching events will no longer be ignored unless ``recursive`` is ``True``. If no matching event has occurred before leaving the context, the event will be ignored for :attr:`ignore_timeout` sec after leaving then context and then discarded. This accounts for possible delays in the emission of local file system events. This context manager is used to filter out file system events caused by maestral itself, for instance during a download or when moving a conflict. :Example: Prevent triggereing a sync event when creating a local file: >>> from import FileCreatedEvent >>> from maestral.main import Maestral >>> m = Maestral() >>> with m.sync.fs_events.ignore(FileCreatedEvent('path')): ... open('path').close() :param events: Local events to ignore. :param recursive: If ``True``, all child events of a directory event will be ignored as well. This parameter will be ignored for file events. """ now = time.time() new_ignores = set() for e in events: new_ignores.add( _Ignore( event=e, start_time=now, ttl=None, recursive=recursive and e.is_directory, ) ) self._ignored_events.update(new_ignores) try: yield finally: for ignore in new_ignores: ignore.ttl = time.time() + self.ignore_timeout
[docs] def expire_ignored_events(self) -> None: """Removes all expired ignore entries.""" now = time.time() for ignore in self._ignored_events.copy(): if ignore.ttl and ignore.ttl < now: self._ignored_events.discard(ignore)
def _is_ignored(self, event: FileSystemEvent) -> bool: """ Checks if a file system event should be explicitly ignored because it was triggered by Maestral itself. :param event: Local file system event. :returns: Whether the event should be ignored. """ for ignore in self._ignored_events.copy(): # Check for expired events. if ignore.ttl and ignore.ttl < time.time(): self._ignored_events.discard(ignore) continue ignore_event = ignore.event recursive = ignore.recursive if event == ignore_event: if not recursive: self._ignored_events.discard(ignore) return True elif recursive: type_match = event.event_type == ignore_event.event_type src_match = is_equal_or_child(event.src_path, ignore_event.src_path) dest_match = is_equal_or_child( get_dest_path(event), get_dest_path(ignore_event) ) if type_match and src_match and dest_match: return True return False
[docs] def on_any_event(self, event: FileSystemEvent) -> None: """ Checks if the system file event should be ignored. If not, adds it to the queue for events to upload. If syncing is paused or stopped, all events will be ignored. :param event: Watchdog file event. """ # Ignore events if asked to do so. if not self._enabled: return # Handle only whitelisted dir event types. if event.is_directory and event.event_type not in self.dir_event_types: return # Handle only whitelisted file event types. if not event.is_directory and event.event_type not in self.file_event_types: return # Ignore moves onto itself, they may be erroneuosly emitted on older versions of # macOS when changing the unicode normalisation of a path with os.rename(). # See if event.event_type == EVENT_TYPE_MOVED and event.src_path == event.dest_path: return # Check if event should be ignored. if self._is_ignored(event): return self.queue_event(event)
[docs] def queue_event(self, event: FileSystemEvent) -> None: """ Queues an individual file system event. Notifies / wakes up all threads that are waiting with :meth:`wait_for_event`. :param event: File system event to queue. """ with self.has_events: self.local_file_event_queue.put(event) self.has_events.notify_all()
[docs] def wait_for_event(self, timeout: float = 40) -> bool: """ Blocks until an event is available in the queue or a timeout occurs, whichever comes first. You can use with method to wait for file system events in another thread. .. note:: If there are multiple threads waiting for events, all of them will be notified. If one of those threads starts getting events from :attr:`local_file_event_queue`, other threads may find that the queue is empty despite being woken. You should therefore be prepared to handle an empty queue even if this method returns ``True``. :param timeout: Maximum time to block in seconds. :returns: ``True`` if an event is available, ``False`` if the call returns due to a timeout. """ with self.has_events: if self.local_file_event_queue.qsize() > 0: return True self.has_events.wait(timeout) return self.local_file_event_queue.qsize() > 0
[docs]class SyncEngine: """Class that handles syncing with Dropbox Provides methods to wait for local or remote changes and sync them, including conflict resolution and updates to our index. :param client: Dropbox API client instance. """ _max_history = 1000 _num_threads = min(64, CPU_COUNT * 4) def __init__(self, client: DropboxClient): self.client = client self.config_name = self.client.config_name self.fs_events = FSEventHandler() self._logger = scoped_logger(__name__, self.config_name) # Synchronize upload and download sync. self.sync_lock = RLock() # Synchronizes DB access. self._db_lock = RLock() # Synchronize sync activity across multiple levels. self._tree_traversal = RLock() self._conf = MaestralConfig(self.config_name) self._state = MaestralState(self.config_name) self.reload_cached_config() self.desktop_notifier = notify.MaestralDesktopNotifier(self.config_name) # Data structures for internal communication. self._cancel_requested = Event() # Data structures for user information. self.syncing: dict[str, SyncEvent] = {} # Initialize SQLite database. self._db_path = get_data_path("maestral", f"{self.config_name}.db") if not exists(self._db_path): # Reset the sync state if DB is missing. self.remote_cursor = "" self.local_cursor = 0.0 self._connection = sqlite3.connect(self._db_path, check_same_thread=False) self._db = Database(self._connection) self._index_table = Manager(self._db, IndexEntry) self._history_table = Manager(self._db, SyncEvent) self._hash_table = Manager(self._db, HashCacheEntry) self._sync_errors_table = Manager(self._db, SyncErrorEntry) # Caches. self._case_conversion_cache = LRUCache(capacity=5000) # Clean our file cache- self.clean_cache_dir(raise_error=False)
[docs] def reload_cached_config(self) -> None: """ Reloads all config and state values that are otherwise cached by this class for faster access. Call this method if config or state values where modified directly instead of using :class:`SyncEngine` APIs. """ self._dropbox_path: str = self._conf.get("sync", "path") self._mignore_path: str = osp.join(self._dropbox_path, MIGNORE_FILE) self._file_cache_path: str = osp.join(self._dropbox_path, FILE_CACHE) self._excluded_items: list[str] = self._conf.get("sync", "excluded_items") self._max_cpu_percent: float = ( self._conf.get("sync", "max_cpu_percent") * CPU_COUNT ) self._local_cursor: float = self._state.get("sync", "lastsync") self._is_fs_case_sensitive = self._check_fs_case_sensitive() self.load_mignore_file()
def _check_fs_case_sensitive(self) -> bool: try: return is_fs_case_sensitive(self._dropbox_path) except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): # Fall back to the assumption of a case-sensitive file system. return True # ==== Config access =============================================================== @property
[docs] def dropbox_path(self) -> str: """ Path to local Dropbox folder, as loaded from the config file. Before changing :attr:`dropbox_path`, make sure that syncing is paused. Move the dropbox folder to the new location before resuming the sync. Changes are saved to the config file. """ return self._dropbox_path
@dropbox_path.setter def dropbox_path(self, path: str) -> None: """Setter: dropbox_path""" path = osp.realpath(path) with self.sync_lock: self._dropbox_path = path self._mignore_path = osp.join(self._dropbox_path, MIGNORE_FILE) self._file_cache_path = osp.join(self._dropbox_path, FILE_CACHE) self._conf.set("sync", "path", path) self._is_fs_case_sensitive = self._check_fs_case_sensitive() @property
[docs] def is_fs_case_sensitive(self) -> bool: """Whether the local Dropbox directory lies on a case-sensitive file system.""" return self._is_fs_case_sensitive
[docs] def database_path(self) -> str: """Path SQLite database.""" return self._db_path
[docs] def file_cache_path(self) -> str: """Path to cache folder for temporary files (read only). The cache folder '.maestral.cache' is located inside the local Dropbox folder to prevent file transfer between different partitions or drives during sync.""" return self._file_cache_path
[docs] def excluded_items(self) -> list[str]: """List of all files and folders excluded from sync. Changes are saved to the config file. If a parent folder is excluded, its children will automatically be removed from the list. If only children are given but not the parent folder, any new items added to the parent will be synced. Change this property *before* downloading newly included items or deleting excluded items.""" return self._excluded_items
@excluded_items.setter def excluded_items(self, folder_list: list[str]) -> None: """Setter: excluded_items""" with self.sync_lock: clean_list = self.clean_excluded_items_list(folder_list) self._excluded_items = clean_list self._conf.set("sync", "excluded_items", clean_list) @staticmethod
[docs] def clean_excluded_items_list(folder_list: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Removes all duplicates and children of excluded items from the excluded items list. Normalises all paths to lower case. :param folder_list: Dropbox paths to exclude. :returns: Cleaned up items. """ # Remove duplicate entries by creating set, strip trailing '/'. folder_set = {normalize(f).rstrip("/") for f in folder_list} # Remove all children of excluded folders. clean_list = list(folder_set) for folder in folder_set: clean_list = [f for f in clean_list if not is_child(f, folder)] return clean_list
[docs] def max_cpu_percent(self) -> float: """Maximum CPU usage for parallel downloads or uploads in percent of the total available CPU time per core. Individual workers in a thread pool will pause until the usage drops below this value. Tasks in the main thread such as indexing file changes may still use more CPU time. Setting this to 200% means that two full logical CPU core can be used.""" return self._max_cpu_percent
@max_cpu_percent.setter def max_cpu_percent(self, percent: float) -> None: """Setter: max_cpu_percent.""" self._max_cpu_percent = percent self._conf.set("sync", "max_cpu_percent", percent // CPU_COUNT) # ==== Sync state ================================================================== @property
[docs] def remote_cursor(self) -> str: """Cursor from last sync with remote Dropbox. The value is updated and saved to the config file on every successful download of remote changes.""" return self._state.get("sync", "cursor")
@remote_cursor.setter def remote_cursor(self, cursor: str) -> None: """Setter: last_cursor""" with self.sync_lock: self._state.set("sync", "cursor", cursor) self._logger.debug("Remote cursor saved: %s", cursor) @property
[docs] def local_cursor(self) -> float: """Time stamp from last sync with remote Dropbox. The value is updated and saved to the config file on every successful upload of local changes.""" return self._local_cursor
@local_cursor.setter def local_cursor(self, last_sync: float) -> None: """Setter: local_cursor""" with self.sync_lock: self._local_cursor = last_sync self._state.set("sync", "lastsync", last_sync) self._logger.debug("Local cursor saved: %s", last_sync) @property
[docs] def last_change(self) -> float: """The time stamp of the last file change or 0.0 if there are no file changes in our history.""" with self._database_access(): res = self._db.execute("SELECT MAX(last_sync) FROM 'index'").fetchone() if res: return res["MAX(sync_time)"] or 0.0 else: return 0.0
[docs] def last_reindex(self) -> float: """Time stamp of last full indexing. This is used to determine when the next full indexing should take place.""" return self._state.get("sync", "last_reindex")
[docs] def history(self) -> list[SyncEvent]: """A list of the last SyncEvents in our history. History will be kept for the interval specified by the config value ``keep_history`` (defaults to two weeks) but at most 1,000 events will be kept.""" with self._database_access(): sync_events = self._history_table.select_sql( "ORDER BY IFNULL(change_time, sync_time)" ) return sync_events
[docs] def reset_sync_state(self) -> None: """Resets all saved sync state. Settings are not affected.""" if self.busy(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot reset sync state while syncing.") with self._database_access(): self._index_table.clear() self._history_table.clear() self._sync_errors_table.clear() self._hash_table.clear() self._state.reset_to_defaults("sync") self.reload_cached_config() self._logger.debug("Sync state reset")
# ==== Sync error management ======================================================= @property
[docs] def sync_errors(self) -> list[SyncErrorEntry]: """Returns a list of all sync errors.""" with self._database_access(): return
[docs] def upload_errors(self) -> list[SyncErrorEntry]: """Returns a list of all upload errors.""" with self._database_access(): query = MatchQuery(SyncErrorEntry.direction, SyncDirection.Up) return
[docs] def download_errors(self) -> list[SyncErrorEntry]: """Returns a list of all download errors.""" with self._database_access(): query = MatchQuery(SyncErrorEntry.direction, SyncDirection.Down) return
[docs] def has_sync_errors(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` in case of sync errors, ``False`` otherwise.""" with self._database_access(): return self._sync_errors_table.count() > 0
[docs] def sync_errors_for_path( self, dbx_path_lower: str, direction: SyncDirection | None = None ) -> list[SyncErrorEntry]: """ Returns a list of all sync errors for the given path and its children. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalised Dropbox path. :param direction: Direction to filter sync errors. If not given, both upload and download errors will be returned. :returns: List of sync errors. """ with self._database_access(): path_tree_query = PathTreeQuery( SyncErrorEntry.dbx_path_lower, dbx_path_lower ) if direction: direction_query = MatchQuery(SyncErrorEntry.direction, direction) joint_query = AndQuery(path_tree_query, direction_query) errors = else: errors = return errors
[docs] def clear_sync_errors_for_path( self, dbx_path_lower: str, recursive: bool = False ) -> None: """ Clear all sync errors for a path after a successful sync event. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalised Dropbox path to clear. :param recursive: Whether to clear sync errors for children of the given path. """ with self._database_access(): self._sync_errors_table.delete_primary_key(dbx_path_lower) if recursive: query = PathTreeQuery(SyncErrorEntry.dbx_path_lower, dbx_path_lower) self._sync_errors_table.delete(query)
[docs] def clear_sync_errors_from_event(self, event: SyncEvent) -> None: """Clears sync errors corresponding to a sync event.""" recursive = event.is_moved or event.is_deleted or event.is_file self.clear_sync_errors_for_path(event.dbx_path_lower, recursive) if event.dbx_path_from_lower is not None: self.clear_sync_errors_for_path(event.dbx_path_from_lower, recursive)
# ==== Index access and management =================================================
[docs] def get_index(self) -> list[IndexEntry]: """ Returns a copy of the local index of synced files and folders. :returns: List of index entries. """ with self._database_access(): return
[docs] def get_index_entry(self, dbx_path_lower: str) -> IndexEntry | None: """ Gets the index entry for the given Dropbox path. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalized lower case Dropbox path. :returns: Index entry or ``None`` if no entry exists for the given path. """ with self._database_access(): return self._index_table.get(dbx_path_lower)
[docs] def iter_index(self) -> Iterator[IndexEntry]: """ Returns an iterator over the local index of synced files and folders. :returns: Iterator over index entries. """ with self._database_access(): for entries in self._index_table.select_iter(AllQuery()): yield from entries
[docs] def index_count(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of items in our index without loading any items. :returns: Number of index entries. """ with self._database_access(): return self._index_table.count()
[docs] def get_local_rev(self, dbx_path_lower: str) -> str | None: """ Gets revision number of local file. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalized lower case Dropbox path. :returns: Revision number as str or ``None`` if no local revision number has been saved. """ entry = self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower) if entry: return entry.rev else: return None
[docs] def get_last_sync(self, dbx_path_lower: str) -> float: """ Returns the timestamp of last sync for an individual path. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalized lower case Dropbox path. :returns: Time of last sync. """ entry = self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower) if entry: last_sync = entry.last_sync or 0.0 else: last_sync = 0.0 return max(last_sync, self.local_cursor)
[docs] def update_index_from_sync_event(self, event: SyncEvent) -> None: """ Updates the local index from a SyncEvent. :param event: SyncEvent from download. """ if event.change_type is not ChangeType.Removed and not event.rev: raise ValueError("Rev required to update index") dbx_path_lower = event.dbx_path_lower with self._database_access(): # Remove any entries for deleted or moved items. if event.change_type is ChangeType.Removed: self.remove_node_from_index(dbx_path_lower) elif event.change_type is ChangeType.Moved: assert event.dbx_path_from_lower is not None self.remove_node_from_index(event.dbx_path_from_lower) # Add or update entries for created or modified items. if event.change_type is not ChangeType.Removed: # Create or update entry. entry = IndexEntry( dbx_path_cased=event.dbx_path, dbx_path_lower=dbx_path_lower, dbx_id=event.dbx_id, item_type=event.item_type, last_sync=self._get_ctime(event.local_path), rev=event.rev, content_hash=event.content_hash, symlink_target=event.symlink_target, ) self._index_table.update(entry)
[docs] def update_index_from_dbx_metadata( self, md: Metadata, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> None: """ Updates the local index from Dropbox metadata. :param md: Dropbox metadata. :param client: DropboxClient instance to use. If not given, use the global instance. """ client = client or self.client with self._database_access(): if isinstance(md, DeletedMetadata): return self.remove_node_from_index(md.path_lower) if isinstance(md, FileMetadata): rev = md.rev hash_str = md.content_hash item_type = ItemType.File symlink_target = md.symlink_target md_id = elif isinstance(md, FolderMetadata): rev = "folder" hash_str = "folder" item_type = ItemType.Folder symlink_target = None md_id = else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown metadata type: {md}") # Construct correct display path from ancestors. dbx_path_cased = self.correct_case(md.path_display, client) # Update existing entry or create new entry. entry = IndexEntry( dbx_path_cased=dbx_path_cased, dbx_path_lower=md.path_lower, dbx_id=md_id, item_type=item_type, last_sync=None, rev=rev, content_hash=hash_str, symlink_target=symlink_target, ) self._index_table.update(entry)
[docs] def remove_node_from_index(self, dbx_path_lower: str) -> None: """ Removes any local index entries for the given path and all its children. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalized lower case Dropbox path. """ with self._database_access(): query = PathTreeQuery(IndexEntry.dbx_path_lower, dbx_path_lower) self._index_table.delete(query)
# ==== Content hashing =============================================================
[docs] def get_local_hash(self, local_path: str) -> str | None: """ Computes content hash of a local file. :param local_path: Absolute path on local drive. :returns: Content hash to compare with Dropbox's content hash, or 'folder' if the path points to a directory. ``None`` if there is nothing at the path. """ try: stat = os.lstat(local_path) except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): # Remove all cache entries for local_path and return None. with self._database_access(): query = MatchQuery(HashCacheEntry.local_path, local_path) self._hash_table.delete(query) return None except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.ENAMETOOLONG: return None raise os_to_maestral_error(err) if S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode): return "folder" mtime: float | None = stat.st_mtime with self._database_access(): # Check cache for an up-to-date content hash and return if it exists. cache_entry = self._hash_table.get(stat.st_ino) if cache_entry and cache_entry.mtime == mtime: return cache_entry.hash_str with convert_api_errors(): hash_str, mtime = content_hash(local_path) self._save_local_hash(stat.st_ino, local_path, hash_str, mtime) return hash_str
def _save_local_hash( self, inode: int, local_path: str, hash_str: str | None, mtime: float | None, ) -> None: """ Save the content hash for a file in our cache. :param inode: Inode of the file. :param local_path: Absolute path on local drive. :param hash_str: Hash string to save. If None, the existing cache entry will be deleted. :param mtime: Mtime of the file when the hash was computed. """ with self._database_access(): if hash_str: cache_entry = HashCacheEntry( inode=inode, local_path=local_path, hash_str=hash_str, mtime=mtime, ) self._hash_table.update(cache_entry) else: self._hash_table.delete_primary_key(inode) # ==== Mignore management ========================================================== @property
[docs] def mignore_path(self) -> str: """Path to mignore file on local drive (read only).""" return self._mignore_path
[docs] def mignore_rules(self) -> PathSpec: """List of mignore rules following git wildmatch syntax (read only).""" return self._mignore_rules
[docs] def load_mignore_file(self) -> None: """ Loads rules from mignore file. No rules are loaded if the file does not exist or cannot be read. :returns: PathSpec instance with ignore patterns. """ try: with open(self.mignore_path) as f: spec = except OSError as err: self._logger.debug("Could not load mignore rules: %s", err.strerror) spec = "" self._mignore_rules = PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", spec.splitlines())
# ==== Helper functions ============================================================
[docs] def ensure_dropbox_folder_present(self) -> None: """ Checks if the Dropbox folder still exists where we expect it to be. :raises NoDropboxDirError: When local Dropbox directory does not exist. """ exception = NoDropboxDirError( "Dropbox folder missing", "Please move the Dropbox folder back to its original location " "or restart Maestral to set up a new folder.", ) if not isdir(self.dropbox_path): raise exception # If the file system is not case-sensitive but preserving, a path which was # renamed with a case change only will still exist at the old location. We # therefore explicitly check for case changes here. if not self.is_fs_case_sensitive: try: cased_path = to_existing_unnormalized_path(self.dropbox_path) except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): raise exception if cased_path != self.dropbox_path: title = "Dropbox folder renamed" msg = ( "Please move the Dropbox folder back to its original location " "or restart Maestral to set up a new folder." ) raise NoDropboxDirError(title, msg)
[docs] def ensure_cache_dir_present(self) -> None: """ Checks for or creates a directory at :attr:`file_cache_path`. :raises CacheDirError: When local cache directory cannot be created. """ retries = 0 max_retries = 10 while not isdir(self.file_cache_path): try: # This will raise FileExistsError if file_cache_path # exists but is a file instead of a directory. os.makedirs(self.file_cache_path, exist_ok=True) return except FileExistsError: # Remove the file that's in our way, retry creation. self.clean_cache_dir() except NotADirectoryError: # Ensure that parent directories exist as expected. self.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() except OSError as err: raise CacheDirError( f"Cannot create cache directory: {err.strerror}", "Please check if you have write permissions for " f"{self._file_cache_path}.", ) if retries > max_retries: raise CacheDirError( "Cannot create cache directory", "Exceeded maximum number of retries", ) time.sleep(0.01) retries += 1
[docs] def clean_cache_dir(self, raise_error: bool = True) -> None: """ Removes all items in the cache directory. :param raise_error: Whether errors should be raised or only logged. """ with self.sync_lock: try: delete(self._file_cache_path, raise_error=True) except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError): pass except OSError as err: exc = CacheDirError( f"Cannot create cache directory: {err.strerror}", "Please check if you have write permissions for " f"{self._file_cache_path}.", ) if raise_error: raise exc self._logger.error(exc.title, exc_info=exc_info_tuple(exc)) self.desktop_notifier.notify(exc.title, exc.message, level=notify.ERROR)
def _new_tmp_file(self) -> str: """Returns a new temporary file name in our cache directory.""" self.ensure_cache_dir_present() try: with NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.file_cache_path, delete=False) as f: try: os.chmod(f.fileno(), 0o666 & ~umask) except OSError as err: # Can occur on file system's that don't support POSIX permissions # such as NTFS mounted without the permissions option. self._logger.debug("Cannot set permissions: %s", err.strerror) return except OSError as err: raise CacheDirError( f"Cannot create cache directory: {err.strerror}", "Please check if you have write permissions for " f"{self._file_cache_path}.", )
[docs] def correct_case(self, dbx_path: str, client: DropboxClient | None = None) -> str: """ Converts a Dropbox path with correctly cased basename to a fully cased path. This is useful because the Dropbox API guarantees the correct casing for the basename only. In practice, casing of parent directories is often incorrect. This method retrieves the correct casing of all ancestors in the path, either from our cache, our database, or from Dropbox servers. Performance may vary significantly with the number of parent folders and the method used to resolve the casing of all parent directory names: 1) If the parent directory is already in our cache, performance is O(1). 2) If the parent directory is already in our sync index, performance is slower because it requires a sqlite query but still O(1). 3) If the parent directory is unknown to us, its metadata (including the correct casing of directory's basename) is queried from Dropbox. This is used to construct a correctly cased path by calling :meth:`correct_case` again. At best, performance will be of O(2) if the parent directory is known to us, at worst it will be of order O(n) involving queries to Dropbox servers for each parent directory. When calling :meth:`correct_case` repeatedly for paths from the same tree, it is therefore best to do so in hierarchical order. :param dbx_path: Dropbox path with correctly cased basename, as provided by :attr:`dropbox.files.Metadata.path_display` or :attr:``. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Correctly cased Dropbox path. """ dbx_path_lower = normalize(dbx_path) client = client or self.client dirname, basename = osp.split(dbx_path) dirname_lower = osp.dirname(dbx_path_lower) dirname_cased = self._correct_case_helper(dirname, dirname_lower, client) path_cased = osp.join(dirname_cased, basename) # Add our result to the cache. self._case_conversion_cache.put(dbx_path_lower, path_cased) return path_cased
def _correct_case_helper( self, dbx_path: str, dbx_path_lower: str, client: DropboxClient ) -> str: """ :param dbx_path: Uncased or randomly cased Dropbox path. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalized fully lower cased Dropbox path. :param client: Client instance to use. :returns: Correctly cased Dropbox path. """ # Check for root folder. if dbx_path == "/": return dbx_path # Check in our conversion cache. dbx_path_cased = self._case_conversion_cache.get(dbx_path_lower) if dbx_path_cased: return dbx_path_cased # Try to get casing from our index, this is slower. with self._database_access(): entry = self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower) if entry: dbx_path_cased = entry.dbx_path_cased else: # Fall back to querying from server. md = client.get_metadata(dbx_path) if md: # Recurse over parent directories. dbx_path_cased = self.correct_case(md.path_display, client) else: # Give up. dbx_path_cased = dbx_path # Add our result to the cache. self._case_conversion_cache.put(dbx_path_lower, dbx_path_cased) return dbx_path_cased
[docs] def to_dbx_path(self, local_path: str) -> str: """ Converts a local path to a path relative to the Dropbox folder. Casing of the given ``local_path`` will be preserved. :param local_path: Absolute path on local drive. :returns: Relative path with respect to Dropbox folder. :raises ValueError: When the path lies outside the local Dropbox folder. """ if not is_equal_or_child(local_path, self.dropbox_path): raise ValueError(f'"{local_path}" is not in "{self.dropbox_path}"') return "/" + removeprefix(local_path, self.dropbox_path).lstrip("/")
[docs] def to_dbx_path_lower(self, local_path: str) -> str: """ Converts a local path to a path relative to the Dropbox folder. The path will be normalized as on Dropbox servers (lower case and some additional normalisations). :param local_path: Absolute path on local drive. :returns: Relative path with respect to Dropbox folder. :raises ValueError: When the path lies outside the local Dropbox folder. """ return normalize(self.to_dbx_path(local_path))
[docs] def to_local_path_from_cased(self, dbx_path_cased: str) -> str: """ Converts a correctly cased Dropbox path to the corresponding local path. This is more efficient than :meth:`to_local_path` which accepts uncased paths. :param dbx_path_cased: Path relative to Dropbox folder, correctly cased. :returns: Corresponding local path on drive. """ return f"{self.dropbox_path}{dbx_path_cased}"
[docs] def to_local_path(self, dbx_path: str, client: DropboxClient | None = None) -> str: """ Converts a Dropbox path to the corresponding local path. Only the basename must be correctly cased, as guaranteed by the Dropbox API for the ``display_path`` attribute of file or folder metadata. This method slower than :meth:`to_local_path_from_cased`. :param dbx_path: Path relative to Dropbox folder, must be correctly cased in its basename. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Corresponding local path on drive. """ client = client or self.client dbx_path_cased = self.correct_case(dbx_path, client) return f"{self.dropbox_path}{dbx_path_cased}"
[docs] def is_excluded(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if a file is excluded from sync. Certain file names are always excluded from syncing, following the Dropbox support article: This includes file system files such as 'desktop.ini' and '.DS_Store' and some temporary files as well as caches used by Dropbox or Maestral. `is_excluded` accepts both local and Dropbox paths. :param path: Can be an absolute path, a path relative to the Dropbox folder or just a file name. Does not need to be normalized. :returns: Whether the path is excluded from syncing. """ dirname, basename = osp.split(path) # Is in excluded files? if basename in EXCLUDED_FILE_NAMES: return True # Is in excluded dirs? try: dbx_dirname = self.to_dbx_path(dirname) except ValueError: # Path is already relative to Dropbox. dbx_dirname = dirname root_dir = next(iter(part for part in dbx_dirname.split("/", 2) if part), "") if root_dir in EXCLUDED_DIR_NAMES: return True # Is temporary file? if "~" in basename: # 1) Office temporary files if basename.startswith("~$"): return True if basename.startswith(".~"): return True # 2) Other temporary files if basename.startswith("~") and basename.endswith(".tmp"): return True return False
[docs] def is_excluded_by_user(self, dbx_path_lower: str) -> bool: """ Check if file has been excluded through "selective sync" by the user. :param dbx_path_lower: Normalised lower case Dropbox path. :returns: Whether the path is excluded from download syncing by the user. """ return any(is_equal_or_child(dbx_path_lower, p) for p in self.excluded_items)
[docs] def is_mignore(self, event: SyncEvent) -> bool: """ Check if local file change has been excluded by a mignore pattern. :param event: SyncEvent for local file event. :returns: Whether the path is excluded from upload syncing by the user. """ if len(self.mignore_rules.patterns) == 0: return False return self._is_mignore_path( event.dbx_path, is_dir=event.is_directory ) and not self.get_local_rev(event.dbx_path_lower)
def _is_mignore_path(self, dbx_path: str, is_dir: bool = False) -> bool: relative_path = dbx_path.lstrip("/") if is_dir: relative_path = f"{relative_path}/" return self.mignore_rules.match_file(relative_path) def _slow_down(self) -> None: """ Pauses if CPU usage is too high if called from one of our thread pools. """ if self._max_cpu_percent == 100 * CPU_COUNT: return cpu_usage = cpu_usage_percent() if cpu_usage > self._max_cpu_percent: thread_name = current_thread().name self._logger.debug(f"{thread_name}: {cpu_usage}% CPU usage - throttling") while cpu_usage > self._max_cpu_percent: cpu_usage = cpu_usage_percent(0.5 + 2 * random.random()) self._logger.debug( f"{thread_name}: {cpu_usage}% CPU usage - end throttling" )
[docs] def cancel_sync(self) -> None: """ Raises a :exc:`maestral.exceptions.CancelledError` in all sync threads and waits for them to shut down. """ self._cancel_requested.set() # Wait until we can acquire the sync lock => we are idle. self.sync_lock.acquire() self.sync_lock.release() self._cancel_requested.clear()"Sync aborted")
[docs] def busy(self) -> bool: """ Checks if we are currently syncing. :returns: ``True`` if :attr:`sync_lock` cannot be acquired, ``False`` otherwise. """ idle = self.sync_lock.acquire(blocking=False) if idle: self.sync_lock.release() return not idle
def _handle_sync_error(self, err: SyncError, direction: SyncDirection) -> None: """ Handles a sync error. Fills out any missing path information and adds the error to the persistent state for later resync. :param err: The sync error to handle. :param direction: The sync direction (up or down) for which the error occurred. """ # Fill in missing dbx_path or local_path. if err.dbx_path and not err.local_path: err.local_path = self.to_local_path_from_cased(err.dbx_path) if err.local_path and not err.dbx_path: err.dbx_path = self.to_dbx_path(err.local_path) # Fill in missing dbx_path_from or local_path_from. if err.dbx_path_from and not err.local_path_from: err.local_path_from = self.to_local_path_from_cased(err.dbx_path_from) if err.local_path_from and not err.dbx_path_from: err.dbx_path_from = self.to_dbx_path(err.local_path_from) if not err.dbx_path: raise ValueError("Sync error has an unknown path") printable_file_name = sanitize_string(osp.basename(err.dbx_path))"Could not sync %s", printable_file_name, exc_info=True) def callback() -> None: if err.local_path: click.launch(err.local_path, locate=True) elif err.dbx_path: url_path = urllib.parse.quote(err.dbx_path) click.launch(f"{url_path}") self.desktop_notifier.notify( "Sync error", f"Could not {direction.value}load {printable_file_name}", level=notify.SYNCISSUE, actions={"Show": callback}, on_click=callback, ) # Save sync errors to retry later. dbx_path_lower = normalize(err.dbx_path) if err.dbx_path_from: dbx_path_from_lower = normalize(err.dbx_path_from) else: dbx_path_from_lower = None with self._database_access(): self._sync_errors_table.update( SyncErrorEntry( dbx_path=err.dbx_path, dbx_path_lower=dbx_path_lower, dbx_path_from=err.dbx_path_from, dbx_path_from_lower=dbx_path_from_lower, local_path=err.local_path, local_path_from=err.local_path_from, direction=direction, title=err.title, message=err.message, type=err.__class__.__name__, ) ) @contextmanager def _database_access(self, raise_error: bool = True) -> Iterator[None]: """ A context manager to synchronises access to the SQLite database. Catches exceptions raised by sqlite3 and converts them to a MaestralApiError if we know how to handle them. :param raise_error: Whether errors should be raised or logged. """ title = "" msg = "" new_exc = None try: with self._db_lock: yield except sqlite3.OperationalError as exc: title = "Database transaction error" msg = ( f'The index file at "{self._db_path}" cannot be read. ' "Please check that you have sufficient permissions and " "rebuild the index if necessary." ) new_exc = DatabaseError(title, msg).with_traceback(exc.__traceback__) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as exc: title = "Database integrity error" msg = "Please rebuild the index to continue syncing." new_exc = DatabaseError(title, msg).with_traceback(exc.__traceback__) except sqlite3.DatabaseError as exc: title = "Database transaction error" msg = ( "Please restart Maestral to continue syncing. " "Rebuild the index if this issue persists." ) new_exc = DatabaseError(title, msg).with_traceback(exc.__traceback__) if new_exc: if raise_error: raise new_exc self._logger.error(title, exc_info=exc_info_tuple(new_exc)) self.desktop_notifier.notify(title, msg, level=notify.ERROR) def _clear_caches(self) -> None: """ Frees memory by clearing internal caches. """ self._case_conversion_cache.clear() self.fs_events.expire_ignored_events() def _sync_event_from_fs_event(self, fs_event: FileSystemEvent) -> SyncEvent: return SyncEvent.from_file_system_event(fs_event, self) def _sync_events_from_fs_events( self, fs_events: list[FileSystemEvent] ) -> list[SyncEvent]: """Convert local file system events to sync events. This is done in a thread pool to parallelize content hashing.""" res = do_parallel( self._sync_event_from_fs_event, fs_events, thread_name_prefix="maestral-local-indexer", ) return list(res) # ==== Upload sync =================================================================
[docs] def upload_local_changes_while_inactive(self) -> None: """ Collects changes while sync has not been running and uploads them to Dropbox. Call this method when resuming sync. """ with self.sync_lock: # Delete upload sync errors before starting indexing. This prevents errors # from now deleted or ignored (.mignore) items from lingering on. All other # sync errors will be retried automatically by comparing local items against # our index. self._logger.debug("Pruning sync errors") with self._database_access(): query = MatchQuery(SyncErrorEntry.direction, SyncDirection.Up) self._sync_errors_table.delete(query)"Indexing local changes...") try: events, local_cursor = self._get_local_changes_while_inactive() except OSError as err: if err.filename == self.dropbox_path: self.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() raise os_to_maestral_error(err) events = self._clean_local_events(events) sync_events = self._sync_events_from_fs_events(events) del events if len(sync_events) > 0: self.apply_local_changes(sync_events) self._logger.debug("Uploaded local changes while inactive") else: self._logger.debug("No local changes while inactive") del sync_events gc.collect() self.local_cursor = local_cursor self._clear_caches()
def _get_local_changes_while_inactive(self) -> tuple[list[FileSystemEvent], float]: """ Retrieves all local changes since the last sync by performing a full scan of the local folder. Changes are detected by comparing the new directory snapshot to our index. Added items: Are present in the snapshot but not in our index. Deleted items: Are present in our index but not in the snapshot. Modified items: Are present in both but have a mtime newer than the last sync. Note that the client sets mtimes for files explicitly but never to a value in the future. mtime > last_sync therefore indicates a recent content change. We do not use the ctime here to avoid resyncing the entire folder after it has been moved (moving between partitions and on some file systems can change the ctime). :returns: Tuple containing local file system events and a cursor / timestamp for the changes. """ changes = [] snapshot_time = time.time() # Get modified or added items. for path, stat in walk(self.dropbox_path, self._scandir_with_ignore): is_dir = S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode) dbx_path_lower = self.to_dbx_path_lower(path) index_entry = self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower) if index_entry: is_new = False last_sync = index_entry.last_sync or 0.0 else: is_new = True last_sync = 0.0 last_sync = max(last_sync, self.local_cursor) # Check if item was created or modified since the last sync, # but before we started the FileEventHandler (~snapshot_time). mtime_check = snapshot_time > stat.st_mtime > last_sync # Always upload untracked items, check mtime of tracked items. is_modified = mtime_check and not is_new if is_new: if is_dir: event = DirCreatedEvent(path) else: event = FileCreatedEvent(path) changes.append(event) elif is_modified: if is_dir and index_entry.is_directory: # type: ignore # We don't emit `DirModifiedEvent`s. pass elif not is_dir and not index_entry.is_directory: # type: ignore event = FileModifiedEvent(path) changes.append(event) elif is_dir: event0 = FileDeletedEvent(path) event1 = DirCreatedEvent(path) changes += [event0, event1] elif not is_dir: event0 = DirDeletedEvent(path) event1 = FileCreatedEvent(path) changes += [event0, event1] # Get deleted items. for entry in self.iter_index(): local_path = self.to_local_path_from_cased(entry.dbx_path_cased) is_mignore = self._is_mignore_path(entry.dbx_path_cased, entry.is_directory) if is_mignore or not exists(local_path): if entry.is_directory: event = DirDeletedEvent(local_path) else: event = FileDeletedEvent(local_path) changes.append(event) # Ensure that the local Dropbox folder still exists before returning changes. # This prevents a deletion of the Dropbox folder from being incorrectly # processed as individual file deletions. self.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() duration = time.time() - snapshot_time self._logger.debug("Local indexing completed in %s sec", round(duration, 4)) self._logger.debug("Retrieved local changes:\n%s", pf_repr(changes)) return changes, snapshot_time
[docs] def wait_for_local_changes(self, timeout: float = 40) -> bool: """ Blocks until local changes are available. :param timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait. :returns: ``True`` if changes are available, ``False`` otherwise. """ self._logger.debug( "Waiting for local changes since cursor: %s", self.local_cursor ) return self.fs_events.wait_for_event(timeout)
[docs] def upload_sync_cycle(self) -> None: """ Performs a full upload sync cycle by calling in order: 1) :meth:`list_local_changes` 2) :meth:`apply_local_changes` Handles updating the local cursor for you. If monitoring for local file events was interrupted, call :meth:`upload_local_changes_while_inactive` instead. """ with self.sync_lock: changes, cursor = self.list_local_changes() self.apply_local_changes(changes) self.local_cursor = cursor # Free memory early to prevent fragmentation. del changes self._clear_caches() gc.collect() if self._cancel_requested.is_set(): raise CancelledError("Sync cancelled")
[docs] def list_local_changes(self, delay: float = 1) -> tuple[list[SyncEvent], float]: """ Returns a list of local changes with at most one entry per path. :param delay: Delay in sec to wait for subsequent changes before returning. :returns: (list of sync times events, time_stamp) """ events = [] local_cursor = time.time() # Keep collecting events until idle for `delay`. while True: try: event = self.fs_events.local_file_event_queue.get(timeout=delay) events.append(event) local_cursor = time.time() except Empty: break self._logger.debug("Retrieved local file events:\n%s", pf_repr(events)) events = self._clean_local_events(events) sync_events = self._sync_events_from_fs_events(events) # Free memory early to prevent fragmentation. del events gc.collect() return sync_events, local_cursor
[docs] def apply_local_changes(self, sync_events: list[SyncEvent]) -> list[SyncEvent]: """ Applies locally detected changes to the remote Dropbox. Changes which should be ignored (mignore or always ignored files) are skipped. :param sync_events: List of local file system events. """ results: list[SyncEvent] = [] if len(sync_events) == 0: return results # Sort all sync events into deleted, dir_moved and other. Discard items # which are excluded by mignore or the internal exclusion list. Deleted and # dir_moved events will never be nested (we have already combined such nested # events) but all other events might be. We order and apply them hierarchically. deleted: list[SyncEvent] = [] dir_moved: list[SyncEvent] = [] other: defaultdict[int, list[SyncEvent]] = defaultdict(list) for event in sync_events: if self.is_excluded(event.local_path) or self.is_mignore(event): continue if event.is_deleted: deleted.append(event) elif event.is_directory and event.is_moved: dir_moved.append(event) else: level = event.dbx_path.count("/") other[level].append(event) # Housekeeping. self.syncing[event.local_path] = event self._logger.debug("Filtered deleted events:\n%s", pf_repr(deleted)) self._logger.debug("Filtered dir moved events:\n%s", pf_repr(dir_moved)) self._logger.debug("Filtered other events:\n%s", pf_repr(other)) # Apply deleted events first, folder moved events second. # Neither event type requires an actual upload. if deleted:"Uploading deletions...") res = do_parallel( self._create_remote_entry, deleted, on_progress=lambda x, y:"Deleting {x}/{y}"), thread_name_prefix="maestral-upload-pool", ) results.extend(res) if dir_moved:"Moving folders...") for event in dir_moved:"Moving {event.dbx_path_from}") r = self._create_remote_entry(event) results.append(r) # Apply other events in parallel, processing each hierarchy level successively. for level in sorted(other): res = do_parallel( self._create_remote_entry, other[level], on_progress=lambda x, y:"Syncing ↑ {x}/{y}"), thread_name_prefix="maestral-upload-pool", ) results.extend(res) self._clean_history() return results
def _clean_local_events( self, events: list[FileSystemEvent] ) -> list[FileSystemEvent]: """ Takes local file events and cleans them up as follows: 1) Keep only a single event per path, unless the item type changed (e.g., from file to folder). 2) Collapses moved and deleted events of folders with those of their children. The order of events will be preserved according to the first event registered for that path. :param events: Iterable of :class:`watchdog.FileSystemEvent`. :returns: List of :class:`watchdog.FileSystemEvent`. """ # COMBINE EVENTS TO ONE EVENT PER PATH # Move events are difficult to combine with other event types, we split them # into deleted and created events and recombine them later if neither the source # of the destination path of has other events associated with it or is excluded # from sync. # mapping of path -> event history events_for_path: defaultdict[str, list[FileSystemEvent]] = defaultdict(list) # mapping of "event id" -> [source event, destination event] moved_events: defaultdict[str, list[FileSystemEvent]] = defaultdict(list) for event in events: if event.event_type == EVENT_TYPE_MOVED: deleted, created = split_moved_event(event) events_for_path[deleted.src_path].append(deleted) events_for_path[created.src_path].append(created) else: events_for_path[event.src_path].append(event) # For every path, keep only a single event which represents all changes, # unless we deal with a type change. for path in list(events_for_path): events = events_for_path[path] if len(events) == 1: # There is only a single event for this path. If it is a split moved # event, mark it for possible recombination later. event = events[0] if hasattr(event, "move_id"): moved_events[event.move_id].append(event) else: # Count how often the file / folder was created vs deleted. # Remember if it was first created or deleted. n_created = 0 n_deleted = 0 first_created_index = -1 first_deleted_index = -1 for i in reversed(range(len(events))): event = events[i] if event.event_type == EVENT_TYPE_CREATED: n_created += 1 first_created_index = i if event.event_type == EVENT_TYPE_DELETED: n_deleted += 1 first_deleted_index = i if n_created > n_deleted: # Item was created. if events[-1].is_directory: events_for_path[path] = [DirCreatedEvent(path)] else: events_for_path[path] = [FileCreatedEvent(path)] elif n_created < n_deleted: # Item was deleted. if events[0].is_directory: events_for_path[path] = [DirDeletedEvent(path)] else: events_for_path[path] = [FileDeletedEvent(path)] else: # Same number of deleted and created events. if n_created == 0 or first_deleted_index < first_created_index: # Item was modified. if events[0].is_directory and events[-1].is_directory: # Both first and last events are from folders. events_for_path[path] = [DirModifiedEvent(path)] elif not events[0].is_directory and not events[-1].is_directory: # Both first and last events are from files. events_for_path[path] = [FileModifiedEvent(path)] elif events[0].is_directory: # Type change folder -> file. events_for_path[path] = [ DirDeletedEvent(path), FileCreatedEvent(path), ] elif events[-1].is_directory: # Type change file -> folder. events_for_path[path] = [ FileDeletedEvent(path), DirCreatedEvent(path), ] else: # Item was likely only temporary. We still trigger a rescan of # the path because some atomic modifications may be reported as # out-of-order created and deleted events on macOS. del events_for_path[path] self.rescan(path) # Recombine moved events if we have retained both sides of event during the # above consolidation. for split_events in moved_events.values(): if len(split_events) == 2: src_path = split_events[0].src_path dest_path = split_events[1].src_path if split_events[0].is_directory: new_event = DirMovedEvent(src_path, dest_path) else: new_event = FileMovedEvent(src_path, dest_path) # Only recombine events if neither has an excluded path: We want to # treat renaming from / to an excluded path as a creation / deletion, # respectively. if not self._should_split_excluded(new_event): del events_for_path[src_path] events_for_path[dest_path] = [new_event] # At this point, `events_for_path` will contain a single event per path or # exactly two events (deleted and created) in case of a type change. # COMBINE MOVED AND DELETED EVENTS OF FOLDERS AND THEIR CHILDREN INTO ONE EVENT # Avoid nested iterations over all events here, they are on the order of O(n^2) # which becomes costly when the user moves or deletes folder with a large number # of children. Benchmark: aim to stay below 1 sec for 20,000 nested events on # representative laptop PCs. # 0) Collect all moved and deleted events in sets. dir_moved_paths: set[tuple[str, str]] = set() dir_deleted_paths: set[str] = set() for events in events_for_path.values(): event = events[0] if isinstance(event, DirMovedEvent): dir_moved_paths.add((event.src_path, event.dest_path)) elif isinstance(event, DirDeletedEvent): dir_deleted_paths.add(event.src_path) # 1) Combine moved events of folders and their children into one event. if len(dir_moved_paths) > 0: child_moved_dst_paths: set[str] = set() # For each event, check if it is a child of a moved event discard it if yes. for events in events_for_path.values(): event = events[0] if event.event_type == EVENT_TYPE_MOVED: dirnames = ( osp.dirname(event.src_path), osp.dirname(event.dest_path), ) if dirnames in dir_moved_paths: child_moved_dst_paths.add(event.dest_path) for path in child_moved_dst_paths: del events_for_path[path] # 2) Combine deleted events of folders and their children to one event. if len(dir_deleted_paths) > 0: child_deleted_paths: set[str] = set() for events in events_for_path.values(): event = events[0] if event.event_type == EVENT_TYPE_DELETED: dirname = osp.dirname(event.src_path) if dirname in dir_deleted_paths: child_deleted_paths.add(event.src_path) for path in child_deleted_paths: del events_for_path[path] # PREPARE RETURN VALUE AND FREE MEMORY cleaned_events = [] for events in events_for_path.values(): cleaned_events.extend(events) # Free memory early to prevent fragmentation. del events_for_path del moved_events del dir_moved_paths del dir_deleted_paths gc.collect() return cleaned_events def _should_split_excluded(self, event: FileMovedEvent | DirMovedEvent) -> bool: if event.event_type != EVENT_TYPE_MOVED: raise ValueError("Can only split moved events") dbx_src_path = self.to_dbx_path(event.src_path) dbx_dest_path = self.to_dbx_path(event.dest_path) if ( self.is_excluded(event.src_path) or self.is_excluded(event.dest_path) or self.is_excluded_by_user(normalize(dbx_src_path)) or self.is_excluded_by_user(normalize(dbx_dest_path)) ): return True elif len(self.mignore_rules.patterns) == 0: return False else: src_is_mignore = self._is_mignore_path(dbx_src_path, event.is_directory) dest_is_mignore = self._is_mignore_path(dbx_dest_path, event.is_directory) return src_is_mignore or dest_is_mignore def _handle_normalization_conflict(self, event: SyncEvent) -> bool: """ Checks for other items in the same directory with a different name but the same normalization. :param event: SyncEvent for local created or moved event. :returns: Whether a case conflict was detected and handled. """ if not (event.is_added or event.is_moved): return False dirname, basename = osp.split(event.local_path) equivalent_paths = get_existing_equivalent_paths(basename, root=dirname) if len(equivalent_paths) > 1: # We have different file names that would map to the same normalized path! conflict_path = next(p for p in equivalent_paths if p != event.local_path) # Check if we have a case conflict or a unicode conflict. if normalize_case(event.local_path) == normalize_case(conflict_path): suffix = "case conflict" elif normalize_unicode(event.local_path) == normalize_case(conflict_path): suffix = "unicode conflict" else: suffix = "normalization conflict" local_path_cc = generate_cc_name( event.local_path, suffix=suffix, ) event_cls = DirMovedEvent if isdir(event.local_path) else FileMovedEvent with self.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(event.local_path, local_path_cc)): with convert_api_errors(): move(event.local_path, local_path_cc, raise_error=True) self.rescan(local_path_cc) 'Normalization conflict: renamed "%s" to "%s"', event.local_path, local_path_cc, ) return True else: return False def _handle_selective_sync_conflict(self, event: SyncEvent) -> bool: """ Checks for items in the local directory with same path as an item which is excluded by selective sync. Renames items if necessary. :param event: SyncEvent for local created or moved event. :returns: Whether a selective sync conflict was detected and handled. """ if not (event.is_added or event.is_moved): return False if self.is_excluded_by_user(event.dbx_path_lower): local_path_cc = generate_cc_name( event.local_path, suffix="selective sync conflict", ) event_cls = DirMovedEvent if isdir(event.local_path) else FileMovedEvent with self.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(event.local_path, local_path_cc)): with convert_api_errors(): move(event.local_path, local_path_cc, raise_error=True) self.rescan(local_path_cc) 'Selective sync conflict: renamed "%s" to "%s"', event.local_path, local_path_cc, ) return True else: return False def _create_remote_entry(self, event: SyncEvent) -> SyncEvent: """ Applies a local file system event to the remote Dropbox and clears any existing sync errors belonging to that path. Any :exc:`maestral.exception.SyncError` will be caught and logged as appropriate. This method always uses a new copy of client and closes the network session afterwards. :param event: SyncEvent for local file event. :returns: SyncEvent with updated status. """ if self._cancel_requested.is_set(): raise CancelledError("Sync cancelled") self._slow_down() event.status = SyncStatus.Syncing try: with self.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: if event.is_added and event.is_file: res = self._on_local_file_created(event, client) elif event.is_added and event.is_directory: res = self._on_local_folder_created(event, client) elif event.is_moved: res = self._on_local_moved(event, client) elif event.is_changed and event.is_file: res = self._on_local_file_modified(event, client) elif event.is_deleted: res = self._on_local_deleted(event, client) else: res = None if res is not None: event.status = SyncStatus.Done else: event.status = SyncStatus.Skipped except SyncError as err: self._handle_sync_error(err, direction=SyncDirection.Up) event.status = SyncStatus.Failed else: self.clear_sync_errors_from_event(event) finally: self.syncing.pop(event.local_path, None) # Add events to history database. if event.status == SyncStatus.Done: with self._database_access(): return event @staticmethod def _wait_for_creation(local_path: str) -> None: """ Wait for a file at a path to be created or modified. :param local_path: Absolute path to file on drive. """ try: while True: size1 = getsize(local_path) time.sleep(0.2) size2 = getsize(local_path) if size1 == size2: return except OSError: return def _on_local_moved( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> Metadata | None: """ Call when a local item is moved. Keep in mind that we may be moving a whole tree of items. But its better deal with the complexity than to delete and re-uploading everything. Thankfully, in case of directories, we always process the top-level first. Trying to move the children will then be delegated to `on_create` (because the old item no longer lives on Dropbox) and that won't upload anything because file contents have remained the same. :param event: SyncEvent for local moved event. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Metadata for created remote item at destination. :raises MaestralApiError: For any issues when syncing the item. """ client = client or self.client if event.local_path_from == self.dropbox_path: self.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() # Fail fast on badly decoded paths. validate_encoding(event.local_path) if self._handle_selective_sync_conflict(event): return None if self._handle_normalization_conflict(event): return None dbx_path_from = cast(str, event.dbx_path_from) # If a file at the destination should be replaced, remove it first, but only if # its rev matches the rev of the local overwritten file. # The Dropbox API does not allow overwriting a destination file during a move. local_entry = self.get_index_entry(event.dbx_path_lower) if local_entry and local_entry.is_file: try: client.remove(local_entry.dbx_path_lower, parent_rev=local_entry.rev) except (NotFoundError, FileConflictError): pass else: self._logger.debug( 'Replacing existing file "%s" by move', local_entry.dbx_path_lower ) # Perform the move. try: md_to_new = client.move(dbx_path_from, event.dbx_path, autorename=True) except NotFoundError: # If not on Dropbox, e.g., because its old name was invalid, # create it instead of moving it. self._logger.debug( 'Could not move "%s" -> "%s" on Dropbox, source does not exists. ' 'Creating "%s" instead', event.dbx_path_from, event.dbx_path, event.dbx_path, ) self.rescan(event.local_path) return None assert event.dbx_path_from_lower is not None self.remove_node_from_index(event.dbx_path_from_lower) if not self._handle_upload_conflict(md_to_new, event, client): self._logger.debug( 'Moved "%s" to "%s" on Dropbox', dbx_path_from, event.dbx_path ) self._update_index_recursive(md_to_new, client) return md_to_new def _update_index_recursive(self, md: Metadata, client: DropboxClient) -> None: self.update_index_from_dbx_metadata(md, client) if isinstance(md, FolderMetadata): result = client.list_folder(md.path_lower, recursive=True) for md in result.entries: self.update_index_from_dbx_metadata(md, client) def _on_local_file_created( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> Metadata | None: """ Call when a local file is created. :param event: SyncEvent corresponding to local created event. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Metadata for created item or None if no remote item is created. :raises MaestralApiError: For any issues when syncing the item. """ client = client or self.client # Fail fast on badly decoded paths. validate_encoding(event.local_path) if self._handle_selective_sync_conflict(event): return None if self._handle_normalization_conflict(event): return None self._wait_for_creation(event.local_path) # Check if item already exists with identical content. if not self._check_requires_upload(event, client): return None local_entry = self.get_index_entry(event.dbx_path_lower) local_rev: str | None = None if not local_entry: # File is new to us, let Dropbox rename it if something is in the way. mode = WriteMode.Add elif local_entry.is_directory: # Try to overwrite the destination, this will fail... mode = WriteMode.Overwrite else: # File has been modified, update remote if matching rev, # create conflict otherwise. mode = WriteMode.Update local_rev = local_entry.rev self._logger.debug( '"%s" appears to have been created but we are already tracking it', event.dbx_path, ) try: md_new = client.upload( event.local_path, event.dbx_path, autorename=True, write_mode=mode, update_rev=local_rev, sync_event=event, ) except (NotFoundError, NotAFolderError, IsAFolderError): # Note: NotAFolderError can be raised when a parent in the local path # refers to a file instead of a folder. self._logger.debug( 'Could not upload "%s": the file does not exist', event.local_path ) return None if not self._handle_upload_conflict(md_new, event, client): self._logger.debug('Created "%s" on Dropbox', event.dbx_path) self.update_index_from_dbx_metadata(md_new, client) return md_new def _on_local_folder_created( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> Metadata | None: """ Call when a local folder is created. :param event: SyncEvent corresponding to local created event. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Metadata for created item or None if no remote item is created. :raises MaestralApiError: For any issues when syncing the item. """ client = client or self.client # Fail fast on badly decoded paths. validate_encoding(event.local_path) if self._handle_selective_sync_conflict(event): return None if self._handle_normalization_conflict(event): return None self._wait_for_creation(event.local_path) try: if client.is_team_space and event.dbx_path.count("/") == 1: md_new = client.share_dir(event.dbx_path) if not md_new: # Remote folder has been deleted after creating. Reflect changes # locally and return. self._logger.debug( '"%s" on Dropbox was deleted after creation, ' "deleting local copy", event.dbx_path, ) err = delete( event.local_path, force_case_sensitive=not self.is_fs_case_sensitive, ) if err: raise os_to_maestral_error(err) return None else: md_new = client.make_dir(event.dbx_path, autorename=False) except FolderConflictError: self._logger.debug( 'No conflict for "%s": the folder already exists', event.local_path ) try: md = client.get_metadata(event.dbx_path) if isinstance(md, FolderMetadata): self.update_index_from_dbx_metadata(md, client) except NotFoundError: pass return None except FileConflictError: md_new = client.make_dir(event.dbx_path, autorename=True) if not self._handle_upload_conflict(md_new, event, client): self._logger.debug('Created "%s" on Dropbox', event.dbx_path) self.update_index_from_dbx_metadata(md_new, client) return md_new def _on_local_file_modified( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> Metadata | None: """ Call when a local file is modified. :param event: SyncEvent for local modified event. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Metadata corresponding to modified remote item or None if no remote item is modified. :raises MaestralApiError: For any issues when syncing the item. """ client = client or self.client self._wait_for_creation(event.local_path) # Check if item already exists with identical content. if not self._check_requires_upload(event, client): return None local_entry = self.get_index_entry(event.dbx_path_lower) local_rev: str | None = None if not local_entry: self._logger.debug( '"%s" appears to have been modified but cannot find old revision', event.dbx_path, ) mode = WriteMode.Add elif local_entry.is_directory: mode = WriteMode.Overwrite else: mode = WriteMode.Update local_rev = local_entry.rev try: md_new = client.upload( event.local_path, event.dbx_path, autorename=True, write_mode=mode, update_rev=local_rev, sync_event=event, ) except (NotFoundError, NotAFolderError, IsAFolderError): # Note: NotAFolderError can be raised when a parent in the local path # refers to a file instead of a folder. self._logger.debug( 'Could not upload "%s": the item does not exist', event.dbx_path ) return None if not self._handle_upload_conflict(md_new, event, client): self._logger.debug('Uploaded modified "%s" to Dropbox', event.dbx_path) self.update_index_from_dbx_metadata(md_new, client) return md_new def _on_local_deleted( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> Metadata | None: """ Call when a local item is deleted. We try not to delete remote items which have been modified since the last sync. :param event: SyncEvent for local deletion. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Metadata for deleted item or None if no remote item is deleted. :raises MaestralApiError: For any issues when syncing the item. """ client = client or self.client # Return early on invalid encoding. We don't raise an error here because the # file cannot exist on the server. try: validate_encoding(event.local_path) except PathError: self._logger.debug( 'Could not delete "%s": the item does not exist on Dropbox', event.dbx_path, ) return None # We intercept any attempts to delete the home folder here instead of waiting # for an error from the Dropbox API. This allows us to provide a better error # message. home_path = self._state.get("account", "home_path") if event.dbx_path == home_path: raise SyncError( title="Could not delete item", message="Cannot delete the user's home folder", dbx_path=event.dbx_path, local_path=event.local_path, ) if event.local_path == self.dropbox_path: self.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() if self.is_excluded_by_user(event.dbx_path_lower): self._logger.debug( 'Not deleting "%s": is excluded by selective sync', event.dbx_path ) return None local_rev = self.get_local_rev(event.dbx_path_lower) md = client.get_metadata(event.dbx_path, include_deleted=True) if not md: self._logger.debug( 'Could not delete "%s": the item does not exist on Dropbox', event.dbx_path, ) return None if event.is_directory and isinstance(md, FileMetadata): self._logger.debug( 'Expected folder at "%s" but found a file instead, checking ' "which one is newer", md.path_display, ) # Don't delete a remote file if it was modified since last sync. if md.server_modified.timestamp() >= self.get_last_sync( event.dbx_path_lower ): self._logger.debug( 'Skipping deletion: remote item "%s" has been modified ' "since last sync", md.path_display, ) # Mark local folder as untracked. self.remove_node_from_index(event.dbx_path_lower) return None if event.is_file and isinstance(md, FolderMetadata): # Don't delete a remote folder if we were expecting a file. # TODO: Delete the folder if its children did not change since last sync. # Is there a way of achieving this without listing the folder or listing # all changes and checking when they occurred? self._logger.debug( 'Skipping deletion: expected file at "%s" but found a ' "folder instead", md.path_display, ) # Mark local file as untracked. self.remove_node_from_index(event.dbx_path_lower) return None try: # Will only perform delete if Dropbox remote rev matches `local_rev`. md_deleted = client.remove( event.dbx_path, parent_rev=local_rev if event.is_file else None ) except NotFoundError: self._logger.debug( 'Could not delete "%s": the item no longer exists on Dropbox', event.dbx_path, ) md_deleted = None except PathError: self._logger.debug( 'Could not delete "%s": the item has been changed ' "since last sync", event.dbx_path, ) md_deleted = None # Remove revision metadata. self.remove_node_from_index(event.dbx_path_lower) return md_deleted def _handle_upload_conflict( self, md_new: Metadata, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient ) -> bool: """ If a conflicting copy was created by Dropbox during the upload, we mirror the remote changes locally. This method can only be used for added, changed and moved events. :param md_new: Metadata of item after upload. :param event: Original upload sync event which triggered the upload. :param client: Client instance to use. :returns: Whether a conflicting copy was created. """ if event.is_deleted: raise ValueError("Cannot process deleted event.") if == osp.basename(event.local_path): # No conflicting copy was created. return False # Get new local path corresponding to created entry. local_path_cc = self.to_local_path(md_new.path_display, client) # Move the local item. event_cls = DirMovedEvent if isdir(event.local_path) else FileMovedEvent with self.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(event.local_path, local_path_cc)): with convert_api_errors(): move(event.local_path, local_path_cc, raise_error=True) # Delete entry of old path. self.remove_node_from_index(event.dbx_path_lower) self._logger.debug( 'Upload conflict: renamed "%s" to "%s"', event.dbx_path, md_new.path_display, ) return True def _check_requires_upload(self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient) -> bool: """ Checks if a local file needs to be uploaded. This is determined by checking for equal file contents. If no upload is required, the local index is updated with the remote metadata. Note that conflict resolution in case of different content will be handled by the server. :param event: Local sync event of a file creation or modification. :param client: Client instance to use. :return: Whether the remote item has the same content as the local sync event. """ if not (event.is_file and (event.is_changed or event.is_added)): raise ValueError("Can only be called with added or modified files") md_old = client.get_metadata(event.dbx_path) if isinstance(md_old, FileMetadata): if ( event.content_hash == md_old.content_hash and event.symlink_target == md_old.symlink_target ): # File contents are identical, do not upload. change_type = "Modification" if event.is_changed else "Creation" self._logger.debug( '%s of "%s" detected but file content is the same as on Dropbox', change_type, event.dbx_path, ) self.update_index_from_dbx_metadata(md_old, client) return False else: return True return True # ==== Download sync ===============================================================
[docs] def get_remote_item( self, dbx_path: str, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> bool: """ Downloads a remote file or folder and updates its local rev. If the remote item does not exist, any corresponding local items will be deleted. If ``dbx_path`` refers to a folder, the download will be handled by :meth:`_get_remote_folder`. If it refers to a single file, the download will be performed by :meth:`_create_local_entry`. This method can be used to fetch individual items outside the regular sync cycle, for instance when including a previously excluded file or folder. :param dbx_path: Path relative to Dropbox folder. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Whether download was successful. """ client = client or self.client"Syncing ↓ {dbx_path}") with self.sync_lock: md = client.get_metadata(dbx_path, include_deleted=True) dbx_path_lower = normalize(dbx_path) if md is None: # Create a fake deleted event. index_entry = self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower) cased_path = index_entry.dbx_path_cased if index_entry else dbx_path md = DeletedMetadata( name=osp.basename(dbx_path), path_lower=dbx_path_lower, path_display=cased_path, ) event = SyncEvent.from_metadata(md, self) if event.is_directory: success = self._get_remote_folder(dbx_path, client) else: self.syncing[event.local_path] = event e = self._create_local_entry(event) success = e.status in (SyncStatus.Done, SyncStatus.Skipped) self._clear_caches() return success
def _get_remote_folder( self, dbx_path: str, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> bool: """ Gets all files/folders from a Dropbox folder and writes them to the local folder :attr:`dropbox_path`. :param dbx_path: Path relative to Dropbox folder. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Whether download was successful. """ client = client or self.client with self.sync_lock: try: idx = 0 # Iterate over index and download results. list_iter = client.list_folder_iterator(dbx_path, recursive=True) for res in list_iter: idx += len(res.entries) if idx > 0:"Indexing {idx}...") res.entries.sort(key=lambda x: x.path_lower.count("/")) # Convert metadata to sync_events. sync_events = [ SyncEvent.from_metadata(md, self) for md in res.entries ] download_res = self.apply_remote_changes(sync_events) success = all( e.status in (SyncStatus.Done, SyncStatus.Skipped) for e in download_res ) if self._cancel_requested.is_set(): raise CancelledError("Sync cancelled") except SyncError as e: self._handle_sync_error(e, direction=SyncDirection.Down) return False return success
[docs] def wait_for_remote_changes( self, last_cursor: str, timeout: int = 40, client: DropboxClient | None = None, ) -> bool: """ Blocks until changes to the remote Dropbox are available. :param last_cursor: Cursor form last sync. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds before returning even if there are no changes. Dropbox adds random jitter of up to 90 sec to this value. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: ``True`` if changes are available, ``False`` otherwise. """ client = client or self.client self._logger.debug("Waiting for remote changes since cursor:\n%s", last_cursor) has_changes = client.wait_for_remote_changes(last_cursor, timeout=timeout) # Wait for 2 sec. This delay is typically only necessary folders are shared / # un-shared with other Dropbox accounts. time.sleep(2) self._logger.debug("Detected remote changes: %s", has_changes) return has_changes
[docs] def download_sync_cycle(self, client: DropboxClient | None = None) -> None: """ Performs a full download sync cycle by calling in order: 1) :meth:`list_remote_changes_iterator` 2) :meth:`apply_remote_changes` Handles updating the remote cursor and resuming interrupted syncs for you. Calling this method will perform a full indexing if this is the first download. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. """ client = client or self.client with self.sync_lock: if self.remote_cursor == "": self._state.set("sync", "last_reindex", time.time()) self._state.set("sync", "did_finish_indexing", False) self._state.set("sync", "indexing_counter", 0) idx = self._state.get("sync", "indexing_counter") is_indexing = not self._state.get("sync", "did_finish_indexing") if is_indexing and idx == 0:"Indexing remote Dropbox") elif is_indexing:"Resuming indexing") else:"Fetching remote changes") changes_iter = self.list_remote_changes_iterator(self.remote_cursor, client) # Download changes in chunks to reduce memory usage. for changes, cursor in changes_iter: idx += len(changes) if idx > 0:"Indexing {idx}...") downloaded = self.apply_remote_changes(changes) # Save (incremental) remote cursor. self.remote_cursor = cursor self._state.set("sync", "indexing_counter", idx) # Send desktop notifications when not indexing. if not is_indexing: self.notify_user(downloaded, client) if self._cancel_requested.is_set(): raise CancelledError("Sync cancelled") # Free memory early to prevent fragmentation. del changes del downloaded gc.collect() self._state.set("sync", "did_finish_indexing", True) self._state.set("sync", "indexing_counter", 0) if idx > 0: self._clear_caches()
[docs] def list_remote_changes_iterator( self, last_cursor: str, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> Iterator[tuple[list[SyncEvent], str]]: """ Get remote changes since the last download sync, as specified by ``last_cursor``. If the ``last_cursor`` is from paginating through a previous set of changes, continue where we left off. If ``last_cursor`` is an empty string, perform a full indexing of the Dropbox folder. :param last_cursor: Cursor from last download sync. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: Iterator yielding tuples with remote changes and corresponding cursor. """ client = client or self.client if last_cursor == "": # We are starting from the beginning, do a full indexing. changes_iter = client.list_folder_iterator("/", recursive=True) else: # Pick up where we left off. This may be an interrupted indexing / # pagination through changes or a completely new set of changes. self._logger.debug("Fetching remote changes since cursor: %s", last_cursor) changes_iter = client.list_remote_changes_iterator(last_cursor) for changes in changes_iter: changes = self._clean_remote_changes(changes) changes.entries.sort(key=lambda x: x.path_lower.count("/")) self._logger.debug("Remote changes:\n%s", pf_repr(changes.entries)) sync_events = [SyncEvent.from_metadata(md, self) for md in changes.entries] self._logger.debug("Converted remote changes to SyncEvents") yield sync_events, changes.cursor
[docs] def apply_remote_changes(self, sync_events: list[SyncEvent]) -> list[SyncEvent]: """ Applies remote changes to local folder. Call this on the result of :meth:`list_remote_changes`. The saved cursor is updated after a set of changes has been successfully applied. Entries in the local index are created after successful completion. :param sync_events: List of remote changes. :returns: List of changes that were made to local files and bool indicating if all download syncs were successful. """ results: list[SyncEvent] = [] if len(sync_events) == 0: return results # Sort changes into folders, files and deleted items. Discard excluded items # and remove and deleted items from our excluded list. # Sort according to path hierarchy: # - Do not create sub-folder / file before parent exists. # - Delete parents before deleting children to save some work. files: list[SyncEvent] = [] folders: defaultdict[int, list[SyncEvent]] = defaultdict(list) deleted: defaultdict[int, list[SyncEvent]] = defaultdict(list) new_excluded = self.excluded_items for event in sync_events: is_excluded = self.is_excluded_by_user( event.dbx_path_lower ) or self.is_excluded(event.dbx_path) if is_excluded: if event.is_deleted: # Remove deleted item and its children from the excluded list. new_excluded = [ path for path in new_excluded if not is_equal_or_child(path, event.dbx_path_lower) ] else: level = event.dbx_path.count("/") if event.is_deleted: deleted[level].append(event) elif event.is_file: files.append(event) elif event.is_directory: folders[level].append(event) # Housekeeping. self.syncing[event.local_path] = event self.excluded_items = new_excluded # Apply deleted items. if deleted:"Applying deletions...") for level in sorted(deleted): res = do_parallel( self._create_local_entry, deleted[level], on_progress=lambda x, y:"Deleting {x}/{y}"), thread_name_prefix="maestral-download-pool", ) results.extend(res) # Create local folders, start with top-level and work your way down. if folders:"Creating folders...") for level in sorted(folders): res = do_parallel( self._create_local_entry, folders[level], on_progress=lambda x, y:"Creating folder {x}/{y}"), thread_name_prefix="maestral-download-pool", ) results.extend(res) # Apply created files. res = do_parallel( self._create_local_entry, files, on_progress=lambda x, y:"Syncing ↓ {x}/{y}"), thread_name_prefix="maestral-download-pool", ) results.extend(res) self._clean_history() return results
[docs] def notify_user( self, sync_events: list[SyncEvent], client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> None: """ Shows a desktop notification for the given file changes. :param sync_events: List of SyncEvents from download sync. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. """ client = client or self.client buttons: dict[str, Callable[[], None]] changes = [e for e in sync_events if e.status != SyncStatus.Skipped] # Get number of remote changes. n_changed = len(changes) if n_changed == 0: return # Find out who changed the item(s). user_name: str | None dbid_list = {e.change_dbid for e in changes if e.change_dbid is not None} if len(dbid_list) == 1: # All files have been modified by the same user dbid = dbid_list.pop() if dbid == client.account_info.account_id: user_name = "You" else: try: account_info = client.get_account_info(dbid) except InvalidDbidError: user_name = None else: user_name = account_info.display_name else: # Don't display multiple usernames in notification. user_name = None if n_changed == 1: # Display the username, file name, and type of change in notification. event = changes[0] file_name = osp.basename(event.dbx_path) change_type = event.change_type.value def callback() -> None: click.launch(event.local_path, locate=True) buttons = {"Show": callback} else: # Display the number of files changed and potentially the type of change in # notification. if all(e.change_type == sync_events[0].change_type for e in sync_events): change_type = sync_events[0].change_type.value else: change_type = "changed" if all(e.is_file for e in sync_events): file_name = f"{n_changed} files" elif all(e.is_directory for e in sync_events): file_name = f"{n_changed} folders" else: file_name = f"{n_changed} items" def callback() -> None: pass buttons = {} if change_type == ChangeType.Removed.value: def callback() -> None: # Show Dropbox website with deleted files. click.launch("") buttons = {"Show": callback} if user_name: msg = f"{user_name} {change_type} {file_name}" else: msg = f"{file_name} {change_type}" self.desktop_notifier.notify( "Items synced", msg, actions=buttons, on_click=callback )
def _check_download_conflict(self, event: SyncEvent) -> Conflict: """ Check if a local item is conflicting with remote change. The equivalent check when uploading and a change will be carried out by Dropbox itself. Checks are carried out against our index, reflecting the latest sync state. We compare the following values: 1) Local vs remote rev: 'folder' for folders, actual revision for files and None for deleted or not present items. 2) Local vs remote content hash: 'folder' for folders, actual hash for files and None for deletions. 3) Local ctime vs last sync time: This is calculated recursively for folders. :param event: Download SyncEvent. :returns: Conflict check result. """ local_rev = self.get_local_rev(event.dbx_path_lower) with convert_api_errors(event.dbx_path, event.local_path): local_symlink_target = get_symlink_target(event.local_path) if event.rev == local_rev: # Local change has the same rev. The local item (or deletion) must be newer # and not yet synced or identical to the remote state. Don't overwrite. self._logger.debug( 'Equal revs for "%s": local item is the same or newer ' "than on Dropbox", event.dbx_path, ) return Conflict.LocalNewerOrIdentical elif ( event.content_hash == self.get_local_hash(event.local_path) and event.symlink_target == local_symlink_target ): # Content hashes are equal, therefore items are identical. Folders will # have a content hash of 'folder'. self._logger.debug( 'Equal content hashes for "%s": no conflict', event.dbx_path ) return Conflict.Identical elif ( len( self.sync_errors_for_path( event.dbx_path_lower, direction=SyncDirection.Up ) ) > 0 ): # Local version could not be uploaded due to a sync error. Do not # over-write unsynced changes but declare a conflict. self._logger.debug( 'Unresolved upload error for "%s": conflict', event.dbx_path ) return Conflict.Conflict elif not self._ctime_newer_than_last_sync(event.local_path): # Last change time of local item (recursive for folders) is older than # the last time the item was synced. Remote must be newer. self._logger.debug( 'Local item "%s" has no unsynced changes: remote item is newer', event.dbx_path, ) return Conflict.RemoteNewer elif event.is_deleted: # Remote item was deleted but local item has been modified since then. self._logger.debug( 'Local item "%s" has unsynced changes and remote was ' "deleted: local item is newer", event.dbx_path, ) return Conflict.LocalNewerOrIdentical else: # Both remote and local items have unsynced changes: conflict. self._logger.debug( 'Local item "%s" has unsynced local changes: conflict', event.dbx_path, ) return Conflict.Conflict def _ctime_newer_than_last_sync(self, local_path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if a local item has any unsynced changes. This is by comparing its ctime to the ``last_sync`` time saved in our index. In case of folders, we recursively check the ctime of children. :param local_path: Local path of item to check. :returns: Whether the local item has unsynced changes. """ if self.is_excluded(local_path): # Excluded names such as .DS_Store etc. never count as unsynced changes. return False dbx_path_lower = self.to_dbx_path_lower(local_path) index_entry = self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower) with convert_api_errors(): # Catch OSErrors. try: stat = os.lstat(local_path) except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): # Don't check ctime for deleted items (os won't give stat info) # but confirm absence from index. return index_entry is not None if S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode): # Don't check ctime for folders but compare to index entry type. if index_entry is None or index_entry.is_file: return True # Recurse over children. with os.scandir(local_path) as it: for entry in it: if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False): if self._ctime_newer_than_last_sync(entry.path): return True elif not self.is_excluded( child_dbx_path_lower = self.to_dbx_path_lower(entry.path) ctime = entry.stat(follow_symlinks=False).st_ctime if ctime > self.get_last_sync(child_dbx_path_lower): return True return False else: # Check our ctime against index. return stat.st_ctime > self.get_last_sync(dbx_path_lower) def _get_ctime(self, local_path: str) -> float: """ Returns the ctime of a local item or -1.0 if there is nothing at the path. If the item is a directory, return the largest ctime of it and its children. Items which are excluded from syncing (e.g., .DS_Store files) are ignored. :param local_path: Absolute path on local drive. :returns: Ctime or -1.0. """ try: stat = os.lstat(local_path) if S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode): ctime = stat.st_ctime with os.scandir(local_path) as it: for entry in it: if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False): child_ctime = self._get_ctime(entry.path) elif not self.is_excluded( child_ctime = entry.stat(follow_symlinks=False).st_ctime else: child_ctime = -1.0 ctime = max(ctime, child_ctime) return ctime else: return stat.st_ctime except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): return -1.0 except OSError as exc: raise os_to_maestral_error(exc, local_path=local_path) def _clean_remote_changes(self, changes: ListFolderResult) -> ListFolderResult: """ Takes remote file events since last sync and cleans them up so that there is only a single event per path. Dropbox will sometimes report multiple changes per path. Once such instance is when sharing a folder: ``files/list_folder/continue`` will report the shared folder and its children as deleted and then created because the folder *is* actually deleted from the user's Dropbox and recreated as a shared folder which then gets mounted to the user's Dropbox. Ideally, we want to deal with this without re-downloading all its contents. :param changes: Result from Dropbox API call to retrieve remote changes. :returns: Cleaned up changes with a single Metadata entry per path. """ # Note: we won't have to deal with modified or moved events, # Dropbox only reports DeletedMetadata or FileMetadata / FolderMetadata histories: defaultdict[str, list[Metadata]] = defaultdict(list) for entry in changes.entries: histories[entry.path_lower].append(entry) new_entries = [] for h in histories.values(): if len(h) == 1: new_entries.extend(h) else: last_event = h[-1] local_entry = self.get_index_entry(last_event.path_lower) was_dir = local_entry and local_entry.is_directory # Dropbox guarantees that applying events in the provided order will # reproduce the state in the cloud. We therefore keep only the last # event, unless there is a change in item type. if ( was_dir and isinstance(last_event, FileMetadata) or not was_dir and isinstance(last_event, FolderMetadata) ): deleted_event = DeletedMetadata(, path_lower=last_event.path_lower, path_display=last_event.path_display, ) new_entries.append(deleted_event) new_entries.append(last_event) else: new_entries.append(last_event) changes.entries = new_entries return changes def _create_local_entry(self, event: SyncEvent) -> SyncEvent: """ Applies a file / folder change from Dropbox servers to the local Dropbox folder. Any :exc:`maestral.exception.MaestralApiError` will be caught and logged as appropriate. Entries in the local index are created after successful completion. :param event: Dropbox metadata. :returns: Copy of the Dropbox metadata if the change was applied successfully, ``True`` if the change already existed, ``False`` in case of a sync error and ``None`` if cancelled. """ if self._cancel_requested.is_set(): raise CancelledError("Sync cancelled") self._slow_down() event.status = SyncStatus.Syncing try: if event.is_deleted: res = self._on_remote_deleted(event) elif event.is_file: with self.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: res = self._on_remote_file(event, client) elif event.is_directory: res = self._on_remote_folder(event) else: res = None if res is not None: event.status = SyncStatus.Done else: event.status = SyncStatus.Skipped except SyncError as e: self._handle_sync_error(e, direction=SyncDirection.Down) event.status = SyncStatus.Failed else: self.clear_sync_errors_from_event(event) finally: self.syncing.pop(event.local_path, None) # Add events to history database. if event.status == SyncStatus.Done: with self._database_access(): return event def _ensure_parent( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> None: """ Ensures that all parent folders for a sync event exist locally. This is used to prevent children from being downloaded before their parents. In the most cases, we will automatically sync parents before their children but this is not always guaranteed. See :param event: SyncEvent for target file. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. """ client = client or self.client dbx_path_lower_dirname = osp.dirname(event.dbx_path_lower) if dbx_path_lower_dirname == "/": return with self._tree_traversal: if not self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower_dirname): self._logger.debug( f"Parent folder {dbx_path_lower_dirname} is not in index. " f"Syncing it now before syncing any children." ) parent_md = client.get_metadata(dbx_path_lower_dirname) if parent_md: # If the parent no longer exists, we don't do anything. parent_event = SyncEvent.from_metadata(parent_md, self) self._on_remote_folder(parent_event, client) def _on_remote_file( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> SyncEvent | None: """ Applies a remote file change or creation locally. :param event: SyncEvent for file download. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: SyncEvent corresponding to local item or None if no local changes are made. """ client = client or self.client self._apply_case_change(event) # Store the new entry at the given path in your local state. If the required # parent folders don’t exist yet, create them. If there’s already something else # at the given path, replace it and remove all its children. conflict_check = self._check_download_conflict(event) if conflict_check is Conflict.Identical: self.update_index_from_sync_event(event) return None elif conflict_check is Conflict.LocalNewerOrIdentical: return None # Ensure that parent folders are synced. self._ensure_parent(event, client) # We download to a temporary file first (this may take some time). tmp_fname = self._new_tmp_file() try: md ="rev:{event.rev}", tmp_fname, sync_event=event) event = SyncEvent.from_metadata(md, self) except SyncError as err: # Replace rev number with path. err.dbx_path = event.dbx_path raise err # Re-check for conflict and move the conflict # out of the way if anything has changed. local_path = event.local_path if self._check_download_conflict(event) == Conflict.Conflict: new_local_path = generate_cc_name(local_path) event_cls = DirMovedEvent if isdir(local_path) else FileMovedEvent with self.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(local_path, new_local_path)): with convert_api_errors(): move(local_path, new_local_path, raise_error=True) self._logger.debug( 'Download conflict: renamed "%s" to "%s"', local_path, new_local_path ) self.rescan(new_local_path) if isdir(local_path): with self.fs_events.ignore(DirDeletedEvent(local_path)): delete(local_path, force_case_sensitive=not self.is_fs_case_sensitive) # Preserve permissions of the destination file if we are only syncing an update # to the file content (Dropbox ID of the file remains the same). old_entry = self.get_index_entry(event.dbx_path_lower) preserve_permissions = bool(old_entry and event.dbx_id == old_entry.dbx_id) ignore_events = [FileMovedEvent(tmp_fname, local_path)] if preserve_permissions: # Ignore FileModifiedEvent when changing permissions. # Note that two FileModifiedEvents may be emitted on macOS. ignore_events.append(FileModifiedEvent(local_path)) if IS_MACOS: ignore_events.append(FileModifiedEvent(local_path)) if isfile(local_path): # Ignore FileDeletedEvent when replacing old file. ignore_events.append(FileDeletedEvent(local_path)) is_dir_symlink = event.is_directory and event.symlink_target is not None if is_dir_symlink: # We may get events from children of the symlink target when moving a # directory symlink. Make sure to ignore those as well. ignore_events.append(DirMovedEvent(tmp_fname, local_path)) # Move the downloaded file to its destination. with self.fs_events.ignore(*ignore_events, recursive=is_dir_symlink): with convert_api_errors(dbx_path=event.dbx_path, local_path=local_path): stat = os.lstat(tmp_fname) move( tmp_fname, local_path, preserve_dest_permissions=preserve_permissions, raise_error=True, ) self.update_index_from_sync_event(event) self._save_local_hash( stat.st_ino, event.local_path, event.content_hash, stat.st_mtime ) self._logger.debug('Created local file "%s"', event.dbx_path) return event def _on_remote_folder( self, event: SyncEvent, client: DropboxClient | None = None ) -> SyncEvent | None: """ Applies a remote folder creation locally. :param event: SyncEvent for folder download. :param client: Client instance to use. If not given, use the instance provided in the constructor. :returns: SyncEvent corresponding to local item or None if no local changes are made. """ client = client or self.client self._apply_case_change(event) # Store the new entry at the given path in your local state. If the required # parent folders don’t exist yet, create them. If there’s already something else # at the given path, replace it but leave the children as they are. conflict_check = self._check_download_conflict(event) if conflict_check is Conflict.Identical: self.update_index_from_sync_event(event) return None elif conflict_check is Conflict.LocalNewerOrIdentical: return None if conflict_check == Conflict.Conflict: new_local_path = generate_cc_name(event.local_path) event_cls = DirMovedEvent if isdir(event.local_path) else FileMovedEvent with self.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(event.local_path, new_local_path)): with convert_api_errors(): move(event.local_path, new_local_path, raise_error=True) self._logger.debug( 'Download conflict: renamed "%s" to "%s"', event.local_path, new_local_path, ) self.rescan(new_local_path) # Ensure that parent folders are synced. self._ensure_parent(event, client) if isfile(event.local_path): with self.fs_events.ignore( FileModifiedEvent(event.local_path), # May be emitted on macOS. FileDeletedEvent(event.local_path), ): delete( event.local_path, force_case_sensitive=not self.is_fs_case_sensitive ) try: with self.fs_events.ignore( DirCreatedEvent(event.local_path), recursive=False ): os.mkdir(event.local_path) except FileExistsError: pass except OSError as err: self.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() raise os_to_maestral_error(err, dbx_path=event.dbx_path) self.update_index_from_sync_event(event) self._logger.debug('Created local folder "%s"', event.dbx_path) return event def _on_remote_deleted(self, event: SyncEvent) -> SyncEvent | None: """ Applies a remote deletion locally. :param event: Dropbox deleted metadata. :returns: SyncEvent corresponding to local deletion or None if no local changes are made. """ self._apply_case_change(event) # If your local state has something at the given path, remove it and all its # children. If there’s nothing at the given path, ignore this entry. conflict_check = self._check_download_conflict(event) if conflict_check is Conflict.Identical: self.update_index_from_sync_event(event) return None elif conflict_check is Conflict.LocalNewerOrIdentical: return None event_cls = DirDeletedEvent if isdir(event.local_path) else FileDeletedEvent with self.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(event.local_path)): exc = delete( event.local_path, force_case_sensitive=not self.is_fs_case_sensitive ) if not exc: self.update_index_from_sync_event(event) self._logger.debug('Deleted local item "%s"', event.local_path) return event elif isinstance(exc, (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError)): self.update_index_from_sync_event(event) self._logger.debug('Deletion failed: "%s" not found', event.dbx_path) return None else: raise os_to_maestral_error(exc, dbx_path=event.dbx_path) def _apply_case_change(self, event: SyncEvent) -> None: """ Applies any changes in casing of the remote item locally. This should be called before any system calls using ``local_path`` because the actual path on the file system may have a different casing on case-sensitive file systems. On case- insensitive file systems, this causes only a cosmetic change. :param event: Download SyncEvent. """ with self._database_access(): entry = self.get_index_entry(event.dbx_path_lower) if entry and entry.dbx_path_cased != event.dbx_path: local_path_old = self.to_local_path_from_cased(entry.dbx_path_cased) event_cls = DirMovedEvent if isdir(local_path_old) else FileMovedEvent with self.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(local_path_old, event.local_path)): move(local_path_old, event.local_path) with self._database_access(): entry.dbx_path_cased = event.dbx_path self._index_table.update(entry) self._logger.debug('Renamed "%s" to "%s"', local_path_old, event.local_path)
[docs] def rescan(self, local_path: str) -> None: """ Forces a rescan of a local path: schedules created events for every folder, modified events for every file and deleted events for every deleted item (compared to our index). :param local_path: Path to rescan. """ self._logger.debug('Rescanning "%s"', local_path) if isfile(local_path): self.fs_events.queue_event(FileModifiedEvent(local_path)) elif isdir(local_path): self.fs_events.queue_event(DirCreatedEvent(local_path)) # Add created and modified events for children as appropriate. for path, stat in walk(local_path, self._scandir_with_ignore): if S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode): self.fs_events.queue_event(DirCreatedEvent(path)) else: self.fs_events.queue_event(FileModifiedEvent(path)) # Add deleted events for children. dbx_path_lower = self.to_dbx_path_lower(local_path) with self._database_access(): query = PathTreeQuery(IndexEntry.dbx_path_lower, dbx_path_lower) entries = for entry in entries: child_path = self.to_local_path_from_cased(entry.dbx_path_cased) if not exists(child_path): if entry.is_directory: self.fs_events.queue_event(DirDeletedEvent(child_path)) else: self.fs_events.queue_event(FileDeletedEvent(child_path)) elif not exists(local_path): dbx_path_lower = self.to_dbx_path_lower(local_path) local_entry = self.get_index_entry(dbx_path_lower) if local_entry: if local_entry.is_directory: self.fs_events.queue_event(DirDeletedEvent(local_path)) else: self.fs_events.queue_event(FileDeletedEvent(local_path))
def _clean_history(self) -> None: """Commits new events and removes all events older than ``_keep_history`` from history.""" with self._database_access(): # Drop all entries older than keep_history. now = time.time() keep_history = self._conf.get("sync", "keep_history") self._db.execute( "DELETE FROM history WHERE IFNULL(change_time, sync_time) < ?", now - keep_history, ) self._history_table.clear_cache() def _scandir_with_ignore( self, path: str | os.PathLike[str] ) -> Iterator[os.DirEntry[str]]: with os.scandir(path) as it: for entry in it: dbx_path = self.to_dbx_path(entry.path) if not self.is_excluded(entry.path) and not self._is_mignore_path( dbx_path, entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False) ): yield entry
# ====================================================================================== # Helper functions # ====================================================================================== def do_parallel( func: Callable[P, T], *iterable: Collection[P.args], thread_name_prefix: str = "", on_progress: Callable[[int, int], Any] | None = None, ) -> Iterable[T]: """ Similar to ```` but yields results as they become available. :param func: Apply this callable to every item of ``iterable``. :param iterable: Iterable with arguments to pass to ``func``. :param thread_name_prefix: Used for internal ThreadPoolExecutor. :param on_progress: Callback when each task is completed. Takes the number of completed items and the total number of items as arguments. """ with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=NUM_THREADS, thread_name_prefix=thread_name_prefix ) as tpe: fs = [tpe.submit(func, *args) for args in zip(*iterable)] n_done = 0 for f in as_completed(fs): n_done += 1 if on_progress: on_progress(n_done, len(iterable[0])) yield f.result() def get_dest_path(event: FileSystemEvent) -> str: """ Returns the dest_path of a file system event if present (moved events only) otherwise returns the src_path (which is also the "destination"). :param event: Watchdog file system event. :returns: Destination path for moved event, source path otherwise. """ if isinstance(event, (FileMovedEvent, DirMovedEvent)): return event.dest_path return event.src_path def split_moved_event( event: FileMovedEvent | DirMovedEvent, ) -> tuple[FileSystemEvent, FileSystemEvent]: """ Splits a FileMovedEvent or DirMovedEvent into "deleted" and "created" events of the same type. A new attribute ``move_id`` is added to both instances. :param event: Original event. :returns: Tuple of deleted and created events. """ if event.is_directory: created_event_cls = DirCreatedEvent deleted_event_cls = DirDeletedEvent else: created_event_cls = FileCreatedEvent deleted_event_cls = FileDeletedEvent deleted_event = deleted_event_cls(event.src_path) created_event = created_event_cls(event.dest_path) move_id = uuid.uuid4() deleted_event.move_id = move_id created_event.move_id = move_id return deleted_event, created_event class pf_repr: """ Class that wraps an object and creates a pretty formatted representation for it. This can be used to get pretty formatting in log messages while deferring the actual formatting until the message is created. :param obj: Object to wrap. """ def __init__(self, obj: Any) -> None: self.obj = obj def __repr__(self) -> str: return pformat(self.obj) def validate_encoding(local_path: str) -> None: """ Validate that the path contains only characters in the reported file system encoding. On Unix, paths are fundamentally bytes and some platforms do not enforce a uniform encoding of file names despite reporting a file system encoding. Such paths will be handed to us in Python with "surrogate escapes" in place of the unknown characters. Since the Dropbox API and our database both require utf-8 encoded paths, we use this method to check and fail early on unknown characters. :param local_path: Path to check. :raises PathError: if the path contains characters with an unknown encoding. """ try: local_path.encode() except UnicodeEncodeError: fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() error = PathError( "Could not upload item", f"The file name contains characters outside the " f"{fs_encoding} encoding of your file system", ) error.local_path = local_path raise error