Source code for maestral.autostart

This module handles starting the maestral daemon on user login and supports multiple
platform specific backends such as launchd or systemd.

Note that launchd agents will not show as "login items" in macOS system preferences. As
a result, the user does not have a convenient UI to remove Maestral autostart entries
manually outside Maestral itself. Login items however only support app bundles and
provide no option to pass command line arguments to the app. They would therefore
neither support pip installed packages nor multiple configurations.

from __future__ import annotations

# system imports
import os
import os.path as osp
import re
import shutil
import stat
import platform
import subprocess
import shlex
import plistlib
import configparser
from pathlib import Path
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any

    from importlib.metadata import files, PackageNotFoundError
except ImportError:  # Python 3.7 and lower
    from importlib_metadata import files, PackageNotFoundError

# local imports
from .utils.appdirs import get_home_dir, get_conf_path, get_data_path
from .constants import BUNDLE_ID, ENV
from .exceptions import MaestralApiError

[docs]class SupportedImplementations(Enum): """Enumeration of supported implementations"""
[docs] systemd = "systemd"
[docs] launchd = "launchd"
[docs] xdg_desktop = "xdg_desktop"
[docs]class AutoStartBase: """Base class for autostart backends"""
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """Enable autostart. Must be implemented in subclass.""" raise NotImplementedError("No supported implementation")
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: """Disable autostart. Must be implemented in subclass.""" raise NotImplementedError("No supported implementation")
[docs] def enabled(self) -> bool: """Returns the enabled status as bool. Must be implemented in subclass.""" return False
[docs]class AutoStartSystemd(AutoStartBase): """Autostart backend for systemd :param service_name: Name of systemd service. :param start_cmd: Absolute path to executable and optional program arguments. :param unit_dict: Dictionary of additional keys and values for the Unit section. :param service_dict: Dictionary of additional keys and values for the Service section. :param install_dict: Dictionary of additional keys and values for the "Install" section. """ def __init__( self, service_name: str, start_cmd: str, unit_dict: dict[str, str] | None = None, service_dict: dict[str, str] | None = None, install_dict: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() # strip any instance specifiers from template service name filename = re.sub(r'@[^"]*\.service', "@.service", service_name) self.service_name = service_name self.destination = get_data_path(osp.join("systemd", "user"), filename) self.service_config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) # set to preserve key casing self.service_config.optionxform = str # type: ignore self.service_config.add_section("Unit") self.service_config.add_section("Service") self.service_config.add_section("Install") # fill out some default values for a minimum systemd unit self.service_config["Service"]["Type"] = "exec" self.service_config["Service"]["ExecStart"] = start_cmd self.service_config["Install"]["WantedBy"] = "" # update with user-specified dicts if unit_dict: self.service_config["Unit"].update(unit_dict) if service_dict: self.service_config["Service"].update(service_dict) if install_dict: self.service_config["Install"].update(install_dict) # write to file in ~/.local/share/systemd/user with open(self.destination, "w") as f: self.service_config.write(f)
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: res =["systemctl", "--user", "enable", self.service_name]) if res.returncode != 0: raise MaestralApiError("Could not enable autostart", str(res.stderr))
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: res =["systemctl", "--user", "disable", self.service_name]) if res.returncode != 0: raise MaestralApiError("Could not disable autostart", str(res.stderr))
[docs] def enabled(self) -> bool: """Checks if the systemd service is enabled.""" res = ["systemctl", "--user", "--quiet", "is-enabled", self.service_name] ) return res == 0
[docs]class AutoStartLaunchd(AutoStartBase): """Autostart backend for launchd :param bundle_id: Bundle ID for the app, e.g., "". :param start_cmd: Absolute path to executable and optional program arguments. :param kwargs: Additional key, value pairs to add to plist. Values may be strings, booleans, lists or dictionaries. """ def __init__(self, bundle_id: str, start_cmd: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__() filename = bundle_id + ".plist" self.path = osp.join(get_home_dir(), "Library", "LaunchAgents") self.destination = osp.join(self.path, filename) self.plist_dict = { "Label": str(bundle_id), "ProcessType": "Interactive", "RunAtLoad": True, "ProgramArguments": shlex.split(start_cmd), } self.plist_dict.update(kwargs)
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True) with open(self.destination, "wb") as f: plistlib.dump(self.plist_dict, f, sort_keys=False)
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: try: os.unlink(self.destination) except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def enabled(self) -> bool: """Checks if the launchd plist exists in ~/Library/LaunchAgents.""" return os.path.isfile(self.destination)
[docs]class AutoStartXDGDesktop(AutoStartBase): """Autostart backend for XDG desktop entries Used to start a GUI on user login for most Linux desktops. For a full specifications, please see: :param app_name: Name of application. :param start_cmd: Executable on $PATH or absolute path to executable and optional program arguments. :param filename: Name of desktop entry file. If not given, the application name will be used. :param kwargs: Additional key, value pairs to be used in the desktop entries. Values must be strings and may not contain "=", otherwise no additional validation will be performed. """ def __init__( self, app_name: str, start_cmd: str, filename: str | None, **kwargs: str ) -> None: super().__init__() # create desktop file content self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) # set to preserve key casing self.config.optionxform = str # type: ignore self.config["Desktop Entry"] = { "Version": "1.0", "Type": "Application", "Name": app_name, "Exec": start_cmd, } self.config["Desktop Entry"].update(kwargs) filename = filename or f"{app_name}.desktop" self.destination = get_conf_path("autostart", filename)
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: try: with open(self.destination, "w") as f: self.config.write(f, space_around_delimiters=False) st = os.stat(self.destination) os.chmod(self.destination, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) except Exception as exc: raise MaestralApiError("Could not enable autostart", exc.args[0])
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: try: os.unlink(self.destination) except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): pass except Exception as exc: raise MaestralApiError("Could not enable autostart", exc.args[0])
[docs] def enabled(self) -> bool: """Checks if the XDG desktop entry exists in ~/.config/autostart.""" return os.path.isfile(self.destination)
[docs]def get_available_implementation() -> SupportedImplementations | None: """Returns the supported implementation depending on the platform.""" system = platform.system() if system == "Darwin": return SupportedImplementations.launchd else: try: res = subprocess.check_output(["ps", "-p", "1"]).decode() except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): return None else: return SupportedImplementations.systemd if "systemd" in res else None
[docs]def get_maestral_command_path() -> str: """ Returns the path to the maestral executable. May be an empty string if the executable cannot be found. """ try: dist_files = files("maestral") except PackageNotFoundError: # we may have had installation issues dist_files = [] path: os.PathLike[str] | None if dist_files: try: rel_path = next(p for p in dist_files if p.match("**/bin/maestral")) path = rel_path.locate() except StopIteration: path = None else: path = None if isinstance(path, Path): # resolve any symlinks and “..” components path = path.resolve() if path and osp.isfile(path): return str(path) else: return shutil.which("maestral") or ""
[docs]class AutoStart: """Starts Maestral on user log-in Creates auto-start files in the appropriate system location to automatically start Maestral when the user logs in. Different backends are used depending on the platform. :param config_name: Name of Maestral config. """ _impl: AutoStartBase def __init__(self, config_name: str) -> None: self.maestral_path = get_maestral_command_path() self.implementation = get_available_implementation() start_cmd = f"{self.maestral_path} start -f -c {config_name}" bundle_id = f"{BUNDLE_ID}-daemon.{config_name}" if self.implementation == SupportedImplementations.launchd: self._impl = AutoStartLaunchd( bundle_id, start_cmd, EnvironmentVariables=ENV, ) elif self.implementation == SupportedImplementations.systemd: notify_failure = ( "if [ ${SERVICE_RESULT} != success ]; " "then notify-send Maestral 'Daemon failed: ${SERVICE_RESULT}'; " "fi" ) self._impl = AutoStartSystemd( service_name=f"maestral-daemon@{config_name}.service", start_cmd=f"{self.maestral_path} start -f -c %i", unit_dict={"Description": "Maestral daemon for the config %i"}, service_dict={ "Type": "notify", "WatchdogSec": "30", "ExecStop": f"{self.maestral_path} stop -c %i", "ExecStopPost": f'/usr/bin/env bash -c "{notify_failure}"', "Environment": " ".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in ENV.items()), }, ) else: self._impl = AutoStartBase() @property
[docs] def enabled(self) -> bool: """True if autostart is enabled, False otherwise.""" return self._impl.enabled
@enabled.setter def enabled(self, value: bool) -> None: """Setter: enabled.""" if value: self.enable() else: self.disable()
[docs] def toggle(self) -> None: """Toggles autostart on or off.""" self.enabled = not self.enabled
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """Enable autostart.""" if self.enabled: return if self.maestral_path: self._impl.enable() else: raise OSError("Could not find path of maestral executable")
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: """Disable autostart.""" if not self.enabled: return self._impl.disable()