Source code for maestral.main

"""This module defines the main API which is exposed to the CLI or GUI."""

from __future__ import annotations

# system imports
import os
import os.path as osp
import shutil
import sqlite3
import time
import warnings
import logging.handlers
import asyncio
import random
import gc
import tempfile
import mimetypes
import difflib
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import Iterator, Awaitable, Any

# external imports
import requests
from import DirDeletedEvent, FileDeletedEvent
from packaging.version import Version
from datetime import datetime, timezone

# local imports
from . import __version__
from .client import DropboxClient
from .core import (
from .sync import SyncDirection
from .manager import SyncManager
from .models import SyncEvent, SyncErrorEntry
from .exceptions import (
from .errorhandling import convert_api_errors, CONNECTION_ERRORS
from .config import MaestralConfig, MaestralState, validate_config_name
from .logging import CachedHandler, setup_logging, scoped_logger
from .utils import get_newer_version
from .utils.path import (
from .utils.appdirs import get_cache_path, get_data_path
from .utils.integration import get_ac_state, ACState
from .database.core import Database
from .constants import IDLE, PAUSED, CONNECTING, FileStatus, GITHUB_RELEASES_API

__all__ = ["Maestral"]

def _sql_add_column(db: Database, table: str, column: str, affinity: str) -> None:
        db.execute(f"ALTER TABLE {table} ADD COLUMN {column} {affinity};")
    except sqlite3.OperationalError:
        # column already exists

def _sql_drop_table(db: Database, table: str) -> None:
        db.execute(f"DROP TABLE {table};")
    except sqlite3.OperationalError:
        # table does not exist

# ======================================================================================
# Main API
# ======================================================================================

[docs]class Maestral: """The public API All methods and properties return objects or raise exceptions which can safely be serialized, i.e., pure Python types. The only exception are instances of :exc:`maestral.exceptions.MaestralApiError`: they need to be registered explicitly with the serpent serializer which is used for communication to frontends. Sync errors and fatal errors which occur in the sync threads can be read with the properties :attr:`sync_errors` and :attr:`fatal_errors`, respectively. :Example: First create an instance with a new config_name. In this example, we choose "private" to sync a private Dropbox account. Then link the created config to an existing Dropbox account and set up the local Dropbox folder. If successful, invoke :meth:`start_sync` to start syncing. >>> from maestral.main import Maestral >>> m = Maestral(config_name='private') >>> url = m.get_auth_url() # get token from Dropbox website >>> print(f'Please go to {url} to retrieve a Dropbox authorization token.') >>> token = input('Enter auth token: ') >>> res = >>> if res == 0: ... m.create_dropbox_directory('~/Dropbox (Private)') ... m.start_sync() :param config_name: Name of maestral configuration to run. Must not contain any whitespace. If the given config file does exist, it will be created. :param log_to_stderr: If ``True``, Maestral will print log messages to stderr. When started as a systemd services, this can result in duplicate log messages in the systemd journal. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__( self, config_name: str = "maestral", log_to_stderr: bool = False ) -> None: self._config_name = validate_config_name(config_name) self._conf = MaestralConfig(self._config_name) self._state = MaestralState(self._config_name) # Set up logging. self._logger = scoped_logger(__name__, config_name) self._log_to_stderr = log_to_stderr self._setup_logging() # Run update scripts after init of loggers and config / state. self._check_and_run_post_update_scripts() # Set up sync infrastructure. self.client = DropboxClient(config_name=self.config_name) self.manager = SyncManager(self.client) self.sync = self.manager.sync # Schedule background tasks. self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop() self._tasks: set[asyncio.Task] = set() self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( thread_name_prefix="maestral-thread-pool", max_workers=2, ) self._schedule_task(self._periodic_refresh_profile()) self._schedule_task(self._periodic_reindexing()) # Create a future which will return once `shutdown_daemon` is called. # This can be used by an event loop to wait until maestral has been stopped. self.shutdown_complete = self._loop.create_future() @property
[docs] def version(self) -> str: """Returns the current Maestral version.""" return __version__
[docs] def get_auth_url(self) -> str: """ Returns a URL to authorize access to a Dropbox account. To link a Dropbox account, retrieve an auth token from the URL and link Maestral by calling :meth:`link` with the provided token. :returns: URL to retrieve an OAuth token. """ return self.client.get_auth_url()
def _setup_logging(self) -> None: """ Sets up logging to log files, status and error properties, desktop notifications, the systemd journal if available, and to stderr if requested. """ self._root_logger = scoped_logger("maestral", self.config_name) ( self._log_handler_file, self._log_handler_stream, self._log_handler_sd, self._log_handler_journal, ) = setup_logging(self.config_name, self._log_to_stderr) log_fmt_short = logging.Formatter(fmt="%(message)s") # Log to cached handlers for status and error APIs. self._log_handler_info_cache = CachedHandler(maxlen=1) self._log_handler_info_cache.setFormatter(log_fmt_short) self._log_handler_info_cache.setLevel(logging.INFO) self._root_logger.addHandler(self._log_handler_info_cache) self._log_handler_error_cache = CachedHandler() self._log_handler_error_cache.setFormatter(log_fmt_short) self._log_handler_error_cache.setLevel(logging.ERROR) self._root_logger.addHandler(self._log_handler_error_cache) # ==== Methods to access config and saved state ==================================== @property
[docs] def config_name(self) -> str: """The selected configuration.""" return self._config_name
[docs] def set_conf(self, section: str, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Sets a configuration option. :param section: Name of section in config file. :param name: Name of config option. :param value: Config value. May be any type accepted by :obj:`ast.literal_eval`. """ self._conf.set(section, name, value)
[docs] def get_conf(self, section: str, name: str) -> Any: """ Gets a configuration option. :param section: Name of section in config file. :param name: Name of config option. :returns: Config value. May be any type accepted by :obj:`ast.literal_eval`. """ return self._conf.get(section, name)
[docs] def set_state(self, section: str, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Sets a state value. :param section: Name of section in state file. :param name: Name of state variable. :param value: State value. May be any type accepted by :obj:`ast.literal_eval`. """ self._state.set(section, name, value)
[docs] def get_state(self, section: str, name: str) -> Any: """ Gets a state value. :param section: Name of section in state file. :param name: Name of state variable. :returns: State value. May be any type accepted by :obj:`ast.literal_eval`. """ return self._state.get(section, name)
# ==== Getters / setters for config with side effects ============================== @property
[docs] def dropbox_path(self) -> str: """ Returns the path to the local Dropbox folder (read only). This will be an empty string if not Dropbox folder has been set up yet. Use :meth:`create_dropbox_directory` or :meth:`move_dropbox_directory` to set or change the Dropbox directory location instead. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ if self.pending_link: return "" else: return self.sync.dropbox_path
[docs] def excluded_items(self) -> list[str]: """ The list of files and folders excluded by selective sync. Any changes to this list will be applied immediately if we have already performed the initial sync. I.e., paths which have been added to the list will be deleted from the local drive and paths which have been removed will be downloaded. Use :meth:`exclude_item` and :meth:`include_item` to add or remove individual items from selective sync. """ if self.pending_link: return [] else: return self.sync.excluded_items
@excluded_items.setter def excluded_items(self, items: list[str]) -> None: """Setter: excluded_items""" excluded_items = self.sync.clean_excluded_items_list(items) old_excluded_items = self.excluded_items added_excluded_items = set(excluded_items) - set(old_excluded_items) added_included_items = set(old_excluded_items) - set(excluded_items) has_changes = len(added_excluded_items) > 0 or len(added_included_items) > 0 if has_changes: if self.sync.sync_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: self.sync.excluded_items = excluded_items if self.pending_first_download: return # Apply changes. for path in added_excluded_items:"Excluded %s", path) self._remove_after_excluded(path) for path in added_included_items: if not self.sync.is_excluded_by_user(path):"Included %s", path) self.manager.download_queue.put(path) finally: self.sync.sync_lock.release() else: raise BusyError( "Cannot set excluded items", "Please try again when idle." ) @property
[docs] def log_level(self) -> int: """Log level for log files, stderr and the systemd journal.""" return self._conf.get("app", "log_level")
@log_level.setter def log_level(self, level_num: int) -> None: """Setter: log_level.""" self._root_logger.setLevel(min(level_num, logging.INFO)) self._log_handler_file.setLevel(level_num) self._log_handler_stream.setLevel(level_num) self._log_handler_journal.setLevel(level_num) self._conf.set("app", "log_level", level_num) @property
[docs] def notification_snooze(self) -> float: """Snooze time for desktop notifications in minutes. Defaults to 0 if notifications are not snoozed.""" return self.sync.desktop_notifier.snoozed
@notification_snooze.setter def notification_snooze(self, minutes: float) -> None: """Setter: notification_snooze.""" self.sync.desktop_notifier.snoozed = minutes @property
[docs] def notification_level(self) -> int: """Level for desktop notifications. See :mod:`notify` for level definitions.""" return self.sync.desktop_notifier.notify_level
@notification_level.setter def notification_level(self, level: int) -> None: """Setter: notification_level.""" self.sync.desktop_notifier.notify_level = level # ==== State information ==========================================================
[docs] def status_change_longpoll(self, timeout: float | None = 60) -> bool: """ Blocks until there is a change in status or until a timeout occurs. This method can be used by frontends to wait for status changes without constant polling. :param timeout: Maximum time to block before returning, even if there is no status change. :returns: Whether there was a status change within the timeout. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 """ return self._log_handler_info_cache.wait_for_emit(timeout)
@property @property
[docs] def pending_dropbox_folder(self) -> bool: """Indicates if a local Dropbox directory has been configured (read only). This will not check if the configured directory actually exists, starting the sync may still raise a :exc:`maestral.exceptions.NoDropboxDirError`.""" return not self.sync.dropbox_path
[docs] def pending_first_download(self) -> bool: """Indicates if the initial download has already occurred (read only).""" return self.sync.local_cursor == 0 or self.sync.remote_cursor == ""
[docs] def paused(self) -> bool: """Indicates if syncing is paused by the user (read only). This is set by calling :meth:`pause`.""" return not self.manager.autostart.is_set() and not self.sync.busy()
[docs] def running(self) -> bool: """Indicates if sync threads are running (read only). This will return ``False`` before :meth:`start_sync` is called, when shutting down, or because of an unhandled exception in a sync thread.""" return self.manager.running.is_set() or self.sync.busy()
[docs] def connected(self) -> bool: """Indicates if Dropbox servers can be reached (read only).""" if self.pending_link: return False else: return self.manager.connected
[docs] def status(self) -> str: """The last status message (read only). This can be displayed as information to the user but should not be relied on otherwise.""" if self.paused: return PAUSED elif not self.connected: return CONNECTING else: return self._log_handler_info_cache.getLastMessage()
[docs] def sync_errors(self) -> list[SyncErrorEntry]: """ A list of current sync errors as dicts (read only). This list is populated by the sync threads. The following keys will always be present but may contain empty values: "type", "inherits", "title", "traceback", "title", "message", "local_path", "dbx_path". :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ return self.sync.sync_errors
[docs] def fatal_errors(self) -> list[MaestralApiError]: """ Returns a list of fatal errors as dicts (read only). This does not include lost internet connections or file sync errors which only emit warnings and are tracked and cleared separately. Errors listed here must be acted upon for Maestral to continue syncing. The following keys will always be present but may contain empty values: "type", "inherits", "title", "traceback", "title", and "message".s This list is populated from all log messages with level ERROR or higher that have ``exc_info`` attached. """ errors: list[MaestralApiError] = [] for r in self._log_handler_error_cache.cached_records: if r.exc_info: err = r.exc_info[1] if isinstance(err, MaestralApiError): errors.append(err) return errors
[docs] def clear_fatal_errors(self) -> None: """ Manually clears all fatal errors. This should be used after they have been resolved by the user through the GUI or CLI. """ self._log_handler_error_cache.clear()
[docs] def account_profile_pic_path(self) -> str: """ The path of the current account's profile picture (read only). There may not be an actual file at that path if the user did not set a profile picture or the picture has not yet been downloaded. """ return get_cache_path("maestral", f"{self._config_name}_profile_pic.jpeg")
[docs] def get_file_status(self, local_path: str) -> str: """ Returns the sync status of a file or folder. The returned status is recursive for folders, e.g., the file status will be "uploading" for a a folder if any file inside that folder is being uploaded. .. versionadded:: 1.4.4 Recursive behavior. Previous versions would return "up to date" for a folder, even if some of the contained files would be syncing. :param local_path: Path to file on the local drive. May be relative to the current working directory. :returns: String indicating the sync status. Can be 'uploading', 'downloading', 'up to date', 'error', or 'unwatched' (for files outside the Dropbox directory). This will always be 'unwatched' if syncing is paused. """ if not self.running: return FileStatus.Unwatched.value local_path = osp.realpath(local_path) try: dbx_path_lower = self.sync.to_dbx_path_lower(local_path) except ValueError: return FileStatus.Unwatched.value sync_event = self.manager.activity.get(local_path) if sync_event is None: # Check if there is any sync event for a child path. # TODO: Improve performance path = next( iter(p for p in self.manager.activity if p.startswith(local_path)), "" ) sync_event = self.manager.activity.get(path) if sync_event and sync_event.direction == SyncDirection.Up: return FileStatus.Uploading.value elif sync_event and sync_event.direction == SyncDirection.Down: return FileStatus.Downloading.value elif len(self.sync.sync_errors_for_path(dbx_path_lower)) > 0: return FileStatus.Error.value elif dbx_path_lower == "/" or self.sync.get_local_rev(dbx_path_lower): return FileStatus.Synced.value else: return FileStatus.Unwatched.value
[docs] def get_activity(self, limit: int | None = 100) -> list[SyncEvent]: """ Returns the current upload / download activity. :param limit: Maximum number of items to return. If None, all entries will be returned. :returns: A lists of all sync events currently queued for or being uploaded or downloaded with the events furthest up in the queue coming first. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() return list(self.manager.activity.values())[:limit]
[docs] def get_history(self, limit: int | None = 100) -> list[SyncEvent]: """ Returns the historic upload / download activity. Up to 1,000 sync events are kept in the database. Any events which occurred before the interval specified by the ``keep_history`` config value are discarded. :param limit: Maximum number of items to return. If None, all entries will be returned. :returns: A lists of all sync events since ``keep_history`` sorted by time with the oldest event first. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() if limit: return self.manager.history[-limit:] else: return self.manager.history
[docs] def get_account_info(self) -> FullAccount: """ Returns the account information from Dropbox and returns it as a dictionary. :returns: Dropbox account information. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() return self.client.get_account_info()
[docs] def get_space_usage(self) -> SpaceUsage: """ Gets the space usage from Dropbox and returns it as a dictionary. :returns: Dropbox space usage information. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() return self.client.get_space_usage()
# ==== Control methods for front ends ==============================================
[docs] def get_profile_pic(self) -> str | None: """ Attempts to download the user's profile picture from Dropbox. The picture is saved in Maestral's cache directory for retrieval when there is no internet connection. :returns: Path to saved profile picture or ``None`` if no profile picture was downloaded. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() account_info = self.client.get_account_info() if account_info.profile_photo_url: with convert_api_errors(): res = requests.get(account_info.profile_photo_url) with open(self.account_profile_pic_path, "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) return self.account_profile_pic_path else: self._delete_old_profile_pics() return None
[docs] def get_metadata(self, dbx_path: str) -> Metadata | None: """ Returns metadata for a file or folder on Dropbox. :param dbx_path: Path to file or folder on Dropbox. :returns: Dropbox item metadata as dict. See :class:`dropbox.files.Metadata` for keys and values. :raises NotFoundError: if there is nothing at the given path. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() return self.client.get_metadata(dbx_path)
[docs] def list_folder( self, dbx_path: str, recursive: bool = False, include_deleted: bool = False, include_mounted_folders: bool = True, include_non_downloadable_files: bool = False, ) -> list[Metadata]: """ List all items inside the folder given by ``dbx_path``. Keyword arguments are passed on the Dropbox API call :meth:`client.DropboxClient.list_folder`. :param dbx_path: Path to folder on Dropbox. :param recursive: If true, the list folder operation will be applied recursively to all subfolders and the response will contain contents of all subfolders. :param include_deleted: If true, the results will include entries for files and folders that used to exist but were deleted. :param bool include_mounted_folders: If true, the results will include entries under mounted folders which includes app folder, shared folder and team folder. :param bool include_non_downloadable_files: If true, include files that are not downloadable, i.e. Google Docs. :raises NotFoundError: if there is nothing at the given path. :raises NotAFolderError: if the given path refers to a file. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() with self.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: res = client.list_folder( dbx_path, recursive=recursive, include_deleted=include_deleted, include_mounted_folders=include_mounted_folders, include_non_downloadable_files=include_non_downloadable_files, ) return res.entries
[docs] def list_folder_iterator( self, dbx_path: str, recursive: bool = False, include_deleted: bool = False, include_mounted_folders: bool = True, limit: int | None = None, include_non_downloadable_files: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[list[Metadata]]: """ Returns an iterator over items inside the folder given by ``dbx_path``. Keyword arguments are passed on the client call :meth:`client.DropboxClient.list_folder_iterator`. Each iteration will yield a list of approximately 500 entries, depending on the number of entries returned by an individual API call. :param dbx_path: Path to folder on Dropbox. :param recursive: If true, the list folder operation will be applied recursively to all subfolders and the response will contain contents of all subfolders. :param include_deleted: If true, the results will include entries for files and folders that used to exist but were deleted. :param bool include_mounted_folders: If true, the results will include entries under mounted folders which includes app folder, shared folder and team folder. :param Nullable[int] limit: The maximum number of results to return per request. Note: This is an approximate number and there can be slightly more entries returned in some cases. :param bool include_non_downloadable_files: If true, include files that are not downloadable, i.e. Google Docs. :returns: Iterator over list of Dropbox item metadata as dicts. See :class:`dropbox.files.Metadata` for keys and values. :raises NotFoundError: if there is nothing at the given path. :raises NotAFolderError: if the given path refers to a file. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() with self.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: res_iter = client.list_folder_iterator( dbx_path, recursive=recursive, include_deleted=include_deleted, include_mounted_folders=include_mounted_folders, limit=limit, include_non_downloadable_files=include_non_downloadable_files, ) for res in res_iter: yield res.entries del res gc.collect()
[docs] def list_revisions(self, dbx_path: str, limit: int = 10) -> list[FileMetadata]: """ List revisions of old files at the given path ``dbx_path``. This will also return revisions if the file has already been deleted. :param dbx_path: Path to file on Dropbox. :param limit: Maximum number of revisions to list. :returns: List of Dropbox file metadata as dicts. See :class:`dropbox.files.Metadata` for keys and values. :raises NotFoundError: if there never was a file at the given path. :raises IsAFolderError: if the given path refers to a folder :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. """ self._check_linked() with self.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: return client.list_revisions(dbx_path, limit=limit)
[docs] def get_file_diff(self, old_rev: str, new_rev: str | None = None) -> list[str]: """ Compare to revisions of a text file using Python's difflib. The versions will be downloaded to temporary files. If new_rev is None, the old revision will be compared to the corresponding local file, if any. :param old_rev: Identifier of old revision. :param new_rev: Identifier of new revision. :returns: Diff as a list of strings (lines). :raises UnsupportedFileTypeForDiff: if file type is not supported. :raises UnsupportedFileTypeForDiff: if file content could not be decoded. :raises MaestralApiError: if file could not be read for any other reason. """ def str_from_date(d: datetime) -> str: """Convert 'client_modified' metadata to string in local timezone""" tz_date = d.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone() return tz_date.strftime("%d %b %Y at %H:%M") def download_rev(rev: str) -> tuple[list[str], FileMetadata]: """ Download a rev to a tmp file, read it and return the content + metadata. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+") as f: md ="rev:{rev}", # Read from the file. try: with convert_api_errors(dbx_path=dbx_path, content = f.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: raise UnsupportedFileTypeForDiff( "Failed to decode the file", "Only UTF-8 plain text files are currently supported.", ) return content, md # Get the metadata for old_rev before attempting to download. This is used # to guess the file type and fail early for unsupported files. md_old = self.client.get_metadata(f"rev:{old_rev}", include_deleted=True) if md_old is None: raise NotFoundError( f"Could not a file with revision {old_rev}", "Use 'list_revisions' to list past revisions of a file.", ) dbx_path = self.sync.correct_case(md_old.path_display) local_path = self.sync.to_local_path(md_old.path_display) # Check if a diff is possible. # If mime is None, proceed because most files without # an extension are just text files. mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(dbx_path) if mime is not None and not mime.startswith("text/"): raise UnsupportedFileTypeForDiff( f"Bad file type: '{mime}'", "Only files of type 'text/*' are supported." ) if new_rev: content_new, md_new = download_rev(new_rev) date_str_new = str_from_date(md_new.client_modified) else: # Use the local file if new_rev is None. new_rev = "local version" try: with convert_api_errors(dbx_path=dbx_path, local_path=local_path): mtime = time.localtime(osp.getmtime(local_path)) date_str_new = time.strftime("%d %b %Y at %H:%M", mtime) with open(local_path) as f: content_new = f.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: raise UnsupportedFileTypeForDiff( "Failed to decode the file", "Only UTF-8 plain text files are currently supported.", ) content_old, md_old = download_rev(old_rev) date_str_old = str_from_date(md_old.client_modified) return list( difflib.unified_diff( content_old, content_new, fromfile=f"{dbx_path} ({old_rev})", tofile=f"{dbx_path} ({new_rev})", fromfiledate=date_str_old, tofiledate=date_str_new, ) )
[docs] def restore(self, dbx_path: str, rev: str) -> FileMetadata: """ Restore an old revision of a file. :param dbx_path: The path to save the restored file. :param rev: The revision to restore. Old revisions can be listed with :meth:`list_revisions`. :returns: Metadata of the returned file. See :class:`dropbox.files.FileMetadata` for keys and values. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. """ self._check_linked()"Restoring '{dbx_path} to {rev}'") return self.client.restore(dbx_path, rev)
def _delete_old_profile_pics(self): for file in os.listdir(get_cache_path("maestral")): if file.startswith(f"{self._config_name}_profile_pic"): try: os.unlink(osp.join(get_cache_path("maestral"), file)) except OSError: pass
[docs] def rebuild_index(self) -> None: """ Rebuilds the rev file by comparing remote with local files and updating rev numbers from the Dropbox server. Files are compared by their content hashes and conflicting copies are created if the contents differ. File changes during the rebuild process will be queued and uploaded once rebuilding has completed. Rebuilding will be performed asynchronously and errors can be accessed through :attr:`sync_errors` or :attr:`maestral_errors`. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. :raises NoDropboxDirError: if local Dropbox folder is not set up. """ self._check_linked() self._check_dropbox_dir() self.manager.rebuild_index()
[docs] def start_sync(self) -> None: """ Creates syncing threads and starts syncing. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. :raises NoDropboxDirError: if local Dropbox folder is not set up. """ self._check_linked() self._check_dropbox_dir() self.manager.start()
[docs] def stop_sync(self) -> None: """ Stops all syncing threads if running. Call :meth:`start_sync` to restart syncing. """ self.manager.stop()
[docs] def reset_sync_state(self) -> None: """ Resets the sync index and state. Only call this to clean up leftover state information if a Dropbox was improperly unlinked (e.g., auth token has been manually deleted). Otherwise leave state management to Maestral. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() self.manager.reset_sync_state()
[docs] def set_excluded_items(self, items: list[str]) -> None: warnings.warn( "'set_excluded_items' is deprecated, please set 'excluded_items' directly", DeprecationWarning, ) self.excluded_items = items
[docs] def exclude_item(self, dbx_path: str) -> None: """ Excludes file or folder from sync and deletes it locally. It is safe to call this method with items which have already been excluded. :param dbx_path: Dropbox path of item to exclude. :raises NotFoundError: if there is nothing at the given path. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. :raises NoDropboxDirError: if local Dropbox folder is not set up. """ self._check_linked() self._check_dropbox_dir() dbx_path_lower = normalize(dbx_path.rstrip("/")) # ---- input validation -------------------------------------------------------- md = self.client.get_metadata(dbx_path_lower) if not md: raise NotFoundError( "Cannot exclude item", f'"{dbx_path_lower}" does not exist on Dropbox' ) if self.sync.is_excluded_by_user(dbx_path_lower):"%s was already excluded", dbx_path_lower) return if self.sync.sync_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: # ---- update excluded items list -------------------------------------- excluded_items = self.sync.excluded_items excluded_items.append(dbx_path_lower) self.sync.excluded_items = excluded_items # ---- remove item from local Dropbox ---------------------------------- self._remove_after_excluded(dbx_path_lower)"Excluded %s", dbx_path_lower) finally: self.sync.sync_lock.release() else: raise BusyError("Cannot exclude item", "Please try again when idle.")
def _remove_after_excluded(self, dbx_path_lower: str) -> None: # Perform housekeeping. self.sync.remove_node_from_index(dbx_path_lower) self.sync.clear_sync_errors_for_path(dbx_path_lower, recursive=True) # Remove folder from local drive. local_path_uncased = f"{self.dropbox_path}{dbx_path_lower}" try: local_path = to_existing_unnormalized_path(local_path_uncased) except FileNotFoundError: return event_cls = DirDeletedEvent if osp.isdir(local_path) else FileDeletedEvent with self.manager.sync.fs_events.ignore(event_cls(local_path)): delete(local_path)
[docs] def include_item(self, dbx_path: str) -> None: """ Includes a file or folder in sync and downloads it in the background. It is safe to call this method with items which have already been included, they will not be downloaded again. If the path lies inside an excluded folder, all its immediate parents will be included. Other children of the excluded folder will remain excluded. If any children of dbx_path were excluded, they will now be included. Any downloads will be carried out by the sync threads. Errors during the download can be accessed through :attr:`sync_errors` or :attr:`maestral_errors`. :param dbx_path: Dropbox path of item to include. :raises NotFoundError: if there is nothing at the given path. :raises DropboxAuthError: in case of an invalid access token. :raises DropboxServerError: for internal Dropbox errors. :raises ConnectionError: if the connection to Dropbox fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. :raises NoDropboxDirError: if local Dropbox folder is not set up. """ self._check_linked() self._check_dropbox_dir() dbx_path_lower = normalize(dbx_path.rstrip("/")) # ---- input validation -------------------------------------------------------- md = self.client.get_metadata(dbx_path_lower) if not md: raise NotFoundError( "Cannot include item", f"'{dbx_path_lower}' does not exist on Dropbox", ) if not self.sync.is_excluded_by_user(dbx_path_lower):"'%s' is already included, nothing to do", dbx_path_lower) return # ---- update excluded items list ---------------------------------------------- excluded_items = set(self.sync.excluded_items) # Remove dbx_path from list. try: excluded_items.remove(dbx_path_lower) except KeyError: pass excluded_parent: str | None = None for folder in excluded_items.copy(): # Include all parents which are required to download dbx_path. if is_child(dbx_path_lower, folder): # Remove parent folders from excluded list. excluded_items.remove(folder) # Re-add their children (except parents of dbx_path). for res in self.client.list_folder_iterator(folder): for entry in res.entries: if not is_equal_or_child(dbx_path_lower, entry.path_lower): excluded_items.add(entry.path_lower) excluded_parent = folder # Include all children of dbx_path. if is_child(folder, dbx_path_lower): excluded_items.remove(folder) if self.sync.sync_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: self.sync.excluded_items = list(excluded_items) # ---- download item from Dropbox -------------------------------------- if excluded_parent: "Included '%s' and parent directories", dbx_path_lower ) self.manager.download_queue.put(excluded_parent) else:"Included '%s'", dbx_path_lower) self.manager.download_queue.put(dbx_path_lower) finally: self.sync.sync_lock.release() else: raise BusyError("Cannot include item", "Please try again when idle.")
[docs] def excluded_status(self, dbx_path: str) -> str: """ Returns 'excluded', 'partially excluded' or 'included'. This function will not check if the item actually exists on Dropbox. :param dbx_path: Path to item on Dropbox. :returns: Excluded status. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() dbx_path_lower = normalize(dbx_path.rstrip("/")) if any(is_equal_or_child(dbx_path_lower, f) for f in self.sync.excluded_items): return "excluded" elif any(is_child(f, dbx_path_lower) for f in self.sync.excluded_items): return "partially excluded" else: return "included"
[docs] def move_dropbox_directory(self, new_path: str) -> None: """ Sets the local Dropbox directory. This moves all local files to the new location and resumes syncing afterwards. :param new_path: Full path to local Dropbox folder. "~" will be expanded to the user's home directory. :raises OSError: if moving the directory fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. :raises NoDropboxDirError: if local Dropbox folder is not set up. """ self._check_linked() self._check_dropbox_dir()"Moving Dropbox folder...") old_path = self.sync.dropbox_path new_path = osp.realpath(osp.expanduser(new_path)) try: if osp.samefile(old_path, new_path):'Dropbox folder moved to "{new_path}"') return except FileNotFoundError: pass if osp.exists(new_path): raise FileExistsError(f'Path "{new_path}" already exists.') # Pause syncing. was_syncing = self.running self.stop_sync() if osp.isdir(old_path): # Will also create ancestors of new_path if required. shutil.move(old_path, new_path) else: os.makedirs(new_path) # Update config file and client. self.sync.dropbox_path = new_path'Dropbox folder moved to "{new_path}"') # Resume syncing. if was_syncing: self.start_sync()
[docs] def create_dropbox_directory(self, path: str) -> None: """ Creates a new Dropbox directory. Only call this during setup. :param path: Full path to local Dropbox folder. "~" will be expanded to the user's home directory. :raises OSError: if creation fails. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. """ self._check_linked() # Pause syncing. resume = False if self.running: self.stop_sync() resume = True # Perform housekeeping. path = osp.realpath(osp.expanduser(path)) self.manager.reset_sync_state() # Create new folder. os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # Update config file and client. self.sync.dropbox_path = path # Resume syncing. if resume: self.start_sync()
# ==== Utility methods for front ends ==============================================
[docs] def to_local_path(self, dbx_path: str) -> str: """ Converts a path relative to the Dropbox folder to a correctly cased local file system path. :param dbx_path: Path relative to Dropbox root. :returns: Corresponding path on local hard drive. :raises NotLinkedError: if no Dropbox account is linked. :raises NoDropboxDirError: if local Dropbox folder is not set up. """ self._check_linked() self._check_dropbox_dir() return self.sync.to_local_path(dbx_path)
[docs] def check_for_updates(self) -> UpdateCheckResult: """ Checks if an update is available. :returns: A dictionary with information about the latest release with the fields 'update_available' (bool), 'latest_release' (str), 'release_notes' (str) and 'error' (str or None). :raises UpdateCheckError: if checking for an update fails. """ current_version = __version__.lstrip("v") update_release_notes = "" try: resp = requests.get(GITHUB_RELEASES_API) resp.raise_for_status() data = resp.json() releases = [] release_notes = [] # Remove? The GitHub API already returns sorted entries. data.sort(key=lambda x: Version(x["tag_name"]), reverse=True) for item in data: v = item["tag_name"].lstrip("v") if not Version(v).is_prerelease: releases.append(v) release_notes.append("### {tag_name}\n\n{body}".format(**item)) new_version = get_newer_version(current_version, releases) if new_version: # closest_release == current_version if current_version appears in the # release list. Otherwise closest_release < current_version closest_release = next( v for v in releases if Version(v) <= Version(current_version) ) closest_release_idx = releases.index(closest_release) update_release_notes_list = release_notes[0:closest_release_idx] update_release_notes = "\n".join(update_release_notes_list) except CONNECTION_ERRORS: raise UpdateCheckError( "Could not check for updates", "No internet connection. Please try again later.", ) except Exception as e: raise UpdateCheckError( "Could not check for updates", f"Unable to retrieve information: {e}", ) return UpdateCheckResult( update_available=bool(new_version), latest_release=new_version or current_version, release_notes=update_release_notes, )
[docs] def shutdown_daemon(self) -> None: """ Stop syncing and clean up our asyncio tasks. Notifies the :mod:`daemon` module to shut down the event loop and exit the running process if Maestral was started as a daemon. """ self.stop_sync() for task in self._tasks: task.cancel() self._pool.shutdown() if self._loop.is_running(): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.shutdown_complete.set_result, True)
# ==== Verifiers =================================================================== def _check_linked(self) -> None: if not self.client.linked: raise NotLinkedError( "No Dropbox account linked", "Please link an account using the GUI or CLI.", ) def _check_dropbox_dir(self) -> None: if self.pending_dropbox_folder: raise NoDropboxDirError( "No local Dropbox directory", "Please set up a local Dropbox directory using the GUI or CLI.", ) # ==== Housekeeping on update ===================================================== def _check_and_run_post_update_scripts(self) -> None: """ Runs post-update scripts if necessary. """ updated_from = self._state.get("app", "updated_scripts_completed") if Version(updated_from) < Version("1.2.1"): self._update_from_pre_v1_2_1() if Version(updated_from) < Version("1.3.2"): self._update_from_pre_v1_3_2() if Version(updated_from) < Version("1.4.8"): self._update_from_pre_v1_4_8() if Version(updated_from) < Version("1.6.0.dev0"): self._update_from_pre_v1_6_0() self._state.set("app", "updated_scripts_completed", __version__) self._conf.remove_deprecated_options() self._state.remove_deprecated_options() def _update_from_pre_v1_2_1(self) -> None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot upgrade from version before v1.2.1") def _update_from_pre_v1_3_2(self) -> None: if self._conf.get("app", "keyring") == "keyring.backends.OS_X.Keyring":"Migrating keyring after update from pre v1.3.2") self._conf.set("app", "keyring", "keyring.backends.macOS.Keyring") def _update_from_pre_v1_4_8(self) -> None: # Migrate config and state keys to new sections."Migrating config after update from pre v1.4.8") mapping = { "path": {"old": "main", "new": "sync"}, "excluded_items": {"old": "main", "new": "sync"}, "keyring": {"old": "app", "new": "auth"}, "account_id": {"old": "account", "new": "auth"}, } for key, sections in mapping.items(): if self._conf.has_option(sections["old"], key): value = self._conf.get(sections["old"], key) self._conf.set(sections["new"], key, value)"Migrating state after update from pre v1.4.8") mapping = { "token_access_type": {"old": "account", "new": "auth"}, } for key, sections in mapping.items(): if self._state.has_option(sections["old"], key): value = self._state.get(sections["old"], key) self._state.set(sections["new"], key, value) def _update_from_pre_v1_6_0(self) -> None:"Scheduling reindex after update from pre v1.6.0") db_path = get_data_path("maestral", f"{self.config_name}.db") db = Database(db_path, check_same_thread=False) _sql_drop_table(db, "hash_cache") _sql_drop_table(db, "'index'") _sql_drop_table(db, "'history'") self._state.reset_to_defaults("sync") db.close() # ==== Periodic async jobs ========================================================= def _schedule_task(self, coro: Awaitable) -> None: """Schedules a task in our asyncio loop.""" task = self._loop.create_task(coro) self._tasks.add(task) async def _periodic_refresh_profile(self) -> None: """Periodically refresh some infos.""" await asyncio.sleep(60 * 5) while True: if self.client.cred_storage.loaded: # Only run if we have loaded the access token, we don't # want to trigger any keyring access from here. try: await self._loop.run_in_executor(self._pool, self.get_profile_pic) await self._loop.run_in_executor(self._pool, self.get_account_info) except (ConnectionError, MaestralApiError, NotLinkedError): await sleep_rand(60 * 10) else: await sleep_rand(60 * 45) async def _periodic_reindexing(self) -> None: """ Trigger periodic reindexing, determined by the 'reindex_interval' setting. Don't reindex if we are running on battery power. """ while True: if self.manager.running.is_set(): elapsed = time.time() - self.sync.last_reindex ac_state = get_ac_state() reindexing_due = elapsed > self.manager.reindex_interval is_idle = self.manager.idle_time > 20 * 60 has_ac_power = ac_state in (ACState.Connected, ACState.Undetermined) if reindexing_due and is_idle and has_ac_power: self.manager.rebuild_index() await sleep_rand(60 * 5) def __repr__(self) -> str: email = self._state.get("account", "email") account_type = self._state.get("account", "type") return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(config={self._config_name!r}, " f"account=({email!r}, {account_type!r}))>" )
async def sleep_rand(target: float, jitter: float = 60): await asyncio.sleep(target + random.random() * jitter)