Source code for maestral.errorhandling

This module contains methods and decorators to convert OSErrors and Dropbox SDK
exceptions to instances of :exc:`maestral.exceptions.MaestralApiError`.

from __future__ import annotations

# system imports
import os
import time
import errno
import contextlib
import functools
from typing import Iterator, Union, TypeVar, Callable, Any, cast

# external imports
import requests
from dropbox import files, sharing, users, async_, auth, common
from dropbox import exceptions  # type: ignore
from dropbox.stone_validators import ValidationError

# local imports
from .exceptions import (
from .utils.path import fs_max_lengths_for_path

__all__ = [

[docs]CONNECTION_ERRORS = ( requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.RetryError, requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ConnectionError, )
LocalError = Union[MaestralApiError, OSError] FT = TypeVar("FT", bound=Callable[..., Any]) # ==== Conversion functions to generate error messages and types ======================= @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs]def convert_api_errors( dbx_path: str | None = None, local_path: str | None = None ) -> Iterator[None]: """ A context manager that catches and re-raises instances of :exc:`OSError` and :exc:`dropbox.exceptions.DropboxException` as :exc:`maestral.exceptions.MaestralApiError` or :exc:`ConnectionError`. :param dbx_path: Dropbox path associated with the error. :param local_path: Local path associated with the error. """ try: yield except (exceptions.DropboxException, ValidationError) as exc: raise dropbox_to_maestral_error(exc, dbx_path, local_path) # Catch connection errors first, they may inherit from OSError. except CONNECTION_ERRORS: raise DropboxConnectionError( "Cannot connect to Dropbox", "Please check you internet connection and try again later.", ) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EPROTOTYPE: # Can occur on macOS, see raise DropboxConnectionError( "Cannot connect to Dropbox", "Please check you internet connection and try again later.", ) else: raise os_to_maestral_error(exc, dbx_path, local_path)
[docs]def os_to_maestral_error( exc: OSError, dbx_path: str | None = None, local_path: str | None = None ) -> LocalError: """ Converts a :exc:`OSError` to a :exc:`maestral.exceptions.MaestralApiError` and tries to add a reasonably informative error title and message. :param exc: Original OSError. :param dbx_path: Dropbox path associated with the error. :param local_path: Local path associated with the error. :returns: Converted exception. """ title = "Could not sync file or folder" err_cls: type[MaestralApiError] if isinstance(exc, PermissionError): err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError # subclass of SyncError text = "Insufficient read or write permissions for this location." elif isinstance(exc, FileNotFoundError): err_cls = NotFoundError # subclass of SyncError text = "The given path does not exist." elif isinstance(exc, FileExistsError): err_cls = ConflictError # subclass of SyncError title = "Could not download file" text = "There already is an item at the given path." elif isinstance(exc, IsADirectoryError): err_cls = IsAFolderError # subclass of SyncError title = "Could not create local file" text = "The given path refers to a folder." elif isinstance(exc, NotADirectoryError): err_cls = NotAFolderError # subclass of SyncError title = "Could not create local folder" text = "The given path refers to a file." elif exc.errno == errno.ENAMETOOLONG: err_cls = PathError # subclass of SyncError title = "Could not create local file" try: max_name, max_path = fs_max_lengths_for_path(local_path or "/") except RuntimeError: text = "The file name or path is too long." else: text = ( "The file name is too long. File names and paths must be shorter " f"than {max_name} and {max_path} characters on your file system, " f"respectively." ) elif exc.errno == errno.EINVAL: err_cls = PathError # subclass of SyncError title = "Could not create local file" text = ( "The file name contains characters which are not allowed on your file " "system. This could be for instance a colon or a trailing period." ) elif exc.errno == errno.EFBIG: err_cls = FileSizeError # subclass of SyncError title = "Could not download file" text = "The file size too large." elif exc.errno == errno.ELOOP: err_cls = SymlinkError # subclass of SyncError title = "Cannot upload symlink" text = "Symlinks are not currently supported by the public Dropbox API." elif exc.errno == errno.ENOSPC: err_cls = InsufficientSpaceError # subclass of SyncError title = "Could not download file" text = "There is not enough space left on the selected drive." elif exc.errno == errno.ENOMEM: err_cls = OutOfMemoryError # subclass of MaestralApiError text = "Out of memory. Please reduce the number of memory consuming processes." elif exc.errno is not None: err_cls = FileReadError text = f"Could not access file. Errno {exc.errno}: {os.strerror(exc.errno)}." else: err_cls = MaestralApiError text = str(exc) local_path = local_path or exc.filename maestral_exc = err_cls(title, text, dbx_path=dbx_path, local_path=local_path) maestral_exc.__cause__ = exc return maestral_exc
[docs]def dropbox_to_maestral_error( exc: exceptions.DropboxException | ValidationError | requests.HTTPError, dbx_path: str | None = None, local_path: str | None = None, ) -> MaestralApiError: """ Converts a Dropbox SDK exception to a :exc:`maestral.exceptions.MaestralApiError` and tries to add a reasonably informative error title and message. :param exc: Dropbox SDK exception.. :param dbx_path: Dropbox path associated with the error. :param local_path: Local path associated with the error. :returns: Converted exception. """ title = "An unexpected error occurred" text = "Please contact the developer with the traceback information from the logs." err_cls = MaestralApiError # ---- Dropbox API Errors ---------------------------------------------------------- if isinstance(exc, exceptions.ApiError): error = exc.error if isinstance(error, files.RelocationError): title = "Could not move file or folder" if error.is_cant_copy_shared_folder(): text = "Shared folders can’t be copied." err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_cant_move_folder_into_itself(): text = "You cannot move a folder into itself." err_cls = ConflictError elif error.is_cant_move_shared_folder(): text = "You cannot move the shared folder to the given destination." err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_cant_nest_shared_folder(): text = ( "Your move operation would result in nested shared folders. " "This is not allowed." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_cant_transfer_ownership(): text = ( "Your move operation would result in an ownership transfer. " "Maestral does not currently support this. Please carry out " "the move on the Dropbox website instead." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_duplicated_or_nested_paths(): text = ( "There are duplicated/nested paths among the target and " "destination folders." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_from_lookup(): lookup_error = error.get_from_lookup() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif error.is_from_write(): write_error = error.get_from_write() text, err_cls = get_write_error_msg(write_error) elif error.is_insufficient_quota(): text = ( "You do not have enough space on Dropbox to move " "or copy the files." ) err_cls = InsufficientSpaceError elif error.is_internal_error(): text = "Something went on Dropbox’s end. Please try again later." err_cls = DropboxServerError elif error.is_to(): to_error = error.get_to() text, err_cls = get_write_error_msg(to_error) elif error.is_too_many_files(): text = ( "There are more than 10,000 files and folders in one " "request. Please try to move fewer items at once." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_cant_move_into_vault(): vault_error = error.get_cant_move_into_vault() if vault_error.is_is_shared_folder(): text = "You cannot move a shared folder into the Dropbox Vault." else: text = "You cannot move this folder into the Dropbox Vault." err_cls = SyncError # TODO: uncomment when updating to dropbox >= 11.27.0 # elif error.is_cant_move_into_family(): # family_error = error.get_cant_move_into_family() # if family_error.is_is_shared_folder(): # text = "You cannot move a shared folder into the Family folder." # else: # text = "You cannot move this folder into the Family folder." # err_cls = SyncError elif isinstance(error, (files.CreateFolderError, files.CreateFolderEntryError)): title = "Could not create folder" if error.is_path(): write_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_write_error_msg(write_error) elif isinstance(error, files.DeleteError): title = "Could not delete item" if error.is_path_lookup(): lookup_error = error.get_path_lookup() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif error.is_path_write(): write_error = error.get_path_write() text, err_cls = get_write_error_msg(write_error) elif error.is_too_many_files(): text = ( "There are more than 10,000 files and folders in one " "request. Please try to delete fewer items at once." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_too_many_write_operations(): text = ( "There are too many write operations happening in your " "Dropbox. Please try again later." ) err_cls = SyncError elif isinstance(error, files.UploadError): title = "Could not upload file" if error.is_path(): write_error = error.get_path().reason # Returns UploadWriteFailed. text, err_cls = get_write_error_msg(write_error) elif error.is_properties_error(): # Occurs only for programming error in maestral. text = "Invalid property group provided." elif error.is_payload_too_large(): text = "Can only upload in chunks of at most 150 MB." err_cls = FileSizeError elif error.is_content_hash_mismatch(): text = "Data corruption during upload. Please try again." err_cls = DataCorruptionError elif isinstance(error, files.UploadSessionStartError): title = "Could not upload file" if error.is_concurrent_session_close_not_allowed(): # Occurs only for programming error in maestral. text = "Can not start a closed concurrent upload session." elif error.is_concurrent_session_data_not_allowed(): # Occurs only for programming error in maestral. text = ( "Uploading data not allowed when starting concurrent upload " "session." ) elif error.is_payload_too_large(): text = "Can only upload in chunks of at most 150 MB." err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_content_hash_mismatch(): text = "Data corruption during upload. Please try again." err_cls = DataCorruptionError elif isinstance(error, files.UploadSessionFinishError): title = "Could not upload file" if error.is_lookup_failed(): session_lookup_error = error.get_lookup_failed() text, err_cls = get_session_lookup_error_msg(session_lookup_error) elif error.is_path(): write_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_write_error_msg(write_error) elif error.is_properties_error(): # Occurs only for programming error in maestral. text = "Invalid property group provided." elif error.is_too_many_write_operations(): text = ( "There are too many write operations happening in your " "Dropbox. Please retry again later." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_too_many_shared_folder_targets(): text = ( "The batch request commits files into too many different shared " "folders. Please limit your batch request to files contained in a " "single shared folder." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_payload_too_large(): text = "Can only upload in chunks of at most 150 MB." err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_content_hash_mismatch(): text = "Data corruption during upload. Please try again." err_cls = DataCorruptionError elif isinstance(error, files.UploadSessionLookupError): title = "Could not upload file" text, err_cls = get_session_lookup_error_msg(error) elif isinstance(error, files.DownloadError): title = "Could not download file" if error.is_path(): lookup_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif error.is_unsupported_file(): text = "This file type cannot be downloaded but must be exported." err_cls = UnsupportedFileError elif isinstance(error, files.ListFolderError): title = "Could not list folder contents" if error.is_path(): lookup_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif isinstance(error, files.ListFolderContinueError): title = "Could not list folder contents" if error.is_path(): lookup_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif error.is_reset(): text = ( "Dropbox has reset its sync state. Please rebuild " "Maestral's index to re-sync your Dropbox." ) err_cls = CursorResetError elif isinstance(error, files.ListFolderLongpollError): title = "Could not get Dropbox changes" if error.is_reset(): text = ( "Dropbox has reset its sync state. Please rebuild " "Maestral's index to re-sync your Dropbox." ) err_cls = CursorResetError elif isinstance(error, async_.PollError): title = "Could not get status of batch job" if error.is_internal_error(): text = ( "Something went wrong with the job on Dropbox’s end. Please " "verify on the Dropbox website if the job succeeded and try " "again if it failed." ) err_cls = DropboxServerError else: # Other tags include invalid_async_job_id. # Neither should occur in our SDK usage. pass elif isinstance(error, files.ListRevisionsError): title = "Could not list file revisions" if error.is_path(): lookup_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif isinstance(error, files.RestoreError): title = "Could not restore file" if error.is_invalid_revision(): text = "Invalid revision." err_cls = NotFoundError elif error.is_path_lookup(): lookup_error = error.get_path_lookup() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif error.is_path_write(): write_error = error.get_path_write() text, err_cls = get_write_error_msg(write_error) elif error.is_in_progress(): title = "Restore in progress" text = "Please check again later if the restore completed" err_cls = SyncError elif isinstance(error, files.GetMetadataError): title = "Could not get metadata" if error.is_path(): lookup_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif isinstance(error, users.GetAccountError): title = "Could not get account info" if error.is_no_account(): text = ( "An account with the given Dropbox ID does not " "exist or has been deleted" ) err_cls = InvalidDbidError elif isinstance(error, sharing.CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError): title = "Could not create shared link" if error.is_access_denied(): text = "You do not have access to create shared links for this path." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError elif error.is_email_not_verified(): text = "Please verify you email address before creating shared links" err_cls = SharedLinkError elif error.is_path(): lookup_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif error.is_settings_error(): settings_error = error.get_settings_error() err_cls = SharedLinkError if settings_error.is_invalid_settings(): text = "Please check if the settings are valid." elif settings_error.is_not_authorized(): text = "Basic accounts do not support passwords or expiry dates." elif error.is_shared_link_already_exists(): text = "The shared link already exists." err_cls = SharedLinkError elif isinstance(error, sharing.RevokeSharedLinkError): title = "Could not revoke shared link" if error.is_shared_link_malformed(): text = "The shared link is malformed." err_cls = SharedLinkError elif error.is_shared_link_not_found(): text = "The given link does not exist." err_cls = NotFoundError elif error.is_shared_link_access_denied(): text = "You do not have access to revoke the shared link." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError elif error.is_unsupported_link_type(): text = "The link type is not supported." err_cls = SharedLinkError elif isinstance(error, sharing.ListSharedLinksError): title = "Could not list shared links" if error.is_path(): lookup_error = error.get_path() text, err_cls = get_lookup_error_msg(lookup_error) elif error.is_reset(): text = "Please try again later." err_cls = SharedLinkError elif isinstance(error, common.PathRootError): if error.is_no_permission(): text = "You don't have permission to access this namespace." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError elif error.is_invalid_root(): text = "Invalid root namespace." err_cls = SyncError elif isinstance(error, sharing.ShareFolderErrorBase): title = "Could not share folder" if error.is_email_unverified(): text = ( "You need to verify your email address before creating shared " "folders." ) err_cls = SyncError elif error.is_bad_path(): path_error = error.get_bad_path() text, err_cls = get_bad_path_error_msg(path_error) elif error.is_team_policy_disallows_member_policy(): text = "Team policy does not allow sharing with the specified members." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError elif error.is_disallowed_shared_link_policy(): text = "Team policy does not allow creating the specified shared link." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError elif ( isinstance(error, sharing.ShareFolderError) and error.is_no_permission() ): text = "You don't have permissions to share this folder." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError # ---- Authentication errors ------------------------------------------------------- elif isinstance(exc, exceptions.AuthError): error = exc.error if isinstance(error, auth.AuthError): if error.is_expired_access_token(): err_cls = TokenExpiredError title = "Authentication error" text = ( "Maestral's access to your Dropbox has expired. Please relink " "to continue syncing." ) elif error.is_invalid_access_token(): err_cls = TokenRevokedError title = "Authentication error" text = ( "Maestral's access to your Dropbox has been revoked. Please " "relink to continue syncing." ) elif error.is_user_suspended(): err_cls = DropboxAuthError title = "Authentication error" text = "Your user account has been suspended." elif error.is_missing_scope(): scope_error = error.get_missing_scope() required_scope = scope_error.required_scope err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError title = "Insufficient permissions" text = f"Performing this action requires the {required_scope} scope." else: # Other tags are invalid_select_admin, invalid_select_user, # route_access_denied. Neither should occur in our SDK # usage. pass else: err_cls = DropboxAuthError title = "Authentication error" text = "Please check if you can log in on the Dropbox website." # ---- Namespace Errors ------------------------------------------------------------ elif isinstance(exc, exceptions.PathRootError): error = exc.error err_cls = PathRootError title = "Invalid root namespace" if isinstance(error, common.PathRootError): if error.is_no_permission(): text = "You don't have permission to access this namespace." elif error.is_invalid_root(): text = "The given namespace does not exist." elif error.is_other(): text = "An unexpected error occurred with the given namespace." # ---- Bad input errors ------------------------------------------------------------ # Should only occur due to user input from console scripts. elif isinstance(exc, (exceptions.BadInputError, ValidationError)): err_cls = BadInputError title = "Bad input to API call" text = exc.message # ---- Internal Dropbox error ------------------------------------------------------ elif isinstance(exc, exceptions.InternalServerError): err_cls = DropboxServerError title = "Dropbox server error" text = ( "Something went wrong on Dropbox’s end. Please check on " "if their services are up and running and try again later." ) # ---- Errors which are passed through by the SDK ---------------------------------- elif isinstance(exc, exceptions.HttpError): text = exc.body maestral_exc = err_cls(title, text, dbx_path=dbx_path, local_path=local_path) maestral_exc.__cause__ = exc return maestral_exc
def get_write_error_msg(write_error: files.WriteError) -> tuple[str, type[SyncError]]: text = "" err_cls = SyncError if write_error.is_conflict(): conflict = write_error.get_conflict() if conflict.is_file(): text = ( "Could not write to the target path because another file " "was in the way." ) err_cls = FileConflictError elif conflict.is_folder(): text = ( "Could not write to the target path because another folder " "was in the way." ) err_cls = FolderConflictError elif conflict.is_file_ancestor(): text = ( "Could not create parent folders because another file " "was in the way." ) err_cls = FileConflictError else: text = ( "Could not write to the target path because another file or " "folder was in the way." ) err_cls = ConflictError elif write_error.is_disallowed_name(): text = "Dropbox will not save the file or folder because of its name." err_cls = PathError elif write_error.is_insufficient_space(): text = "You do not have enough space on Dropbox to move or copy the files." err_cls = InsufficientSpaceError elif write_error.is_malformed_path(): text = ( "The destination path contains incompatible characters. Paths may not end " "with a slash or whitespace or contain some characters such as emojis." ) err_cls = PathError elif write_error.is_no_write_permission(): text = "You do not have permissions to write to the target location." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError elif write_error.is_team_folder(): text = "You cannot move or delete team folders through Maestral." elif write_error.is_too_many_write_operations(): text = ( "There are too many write operations in your Dropbox. Please " "try again later." ) elif write_error.is_operation_suppressed(): text = "This file operation is not allowed at this path." return text, err_cls def get_lookup_error_msg( lookup_error: files.LookupError, ) -> tuple[str, type[SyncError]]: err_cls = SyncError if lookup_error.is_malformed_path(): text = "The path is invalid. Paths may not end with a slash or whitespace." err_cls = PathError elif lookup_error.is_not_file(): text = "The given path refers to a folder." err_cls = IsAFolderError elif lookup_error.is_not_folder(): text = "The given path refers to a file." err_cls = NotAFolderError elif lookup_error.is_not_found(): text = "There is nothing at the given path." err_cls = NotFoundError elif lookup_error.is_restricted_content(): text = ( "The file cannot be transferred because the content is restricted. For " "example, sometimes there are legal restrictions due to copyright " "claims." ) err_cls = RestrictedContentError elif lookup_error.is_unsupported_content_type(): text = "This file type is currently not supported for syncing." err_cls = UnsupportedFileError elif lookup_error.is_locked(): text = "The given path is locked." err_cls = InsufficientPermissionsError else: text = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." return text, err_cls def get_session_lookup_error_msg( session_lookup_error: files.UploadSessionLookupError, ) -> tuple[str, type[SyncError]]: err_cls = SyncError if session_lookup_error.is_closed(): text = "Cannot append data to a closed upload session." elif session_lookup_error.is_incorrect_offset(): text = "A network error occurred during the upload session." err_cls = DataCorruptionError elif session_lookup_error.is_not_closed(): text = "Upload session is still open, cannot finish." elif session_lookup_error.is_not_found(): text = ( "The upload session ID was not found or has expired. " "Upload sessions are valid for 48 hours." ) elif session_lookup_error.is_too_large(): text = "You can only upload files up to 350 GB." err_cls = FileSizeError elif session_lookup_error.is_payload_too_large(): text = "Can only upload in chunks of at most 150 MB." elif ( isinstance(session_lookup_error, files.UploadSessionAppendError) and session_lookup_error.is_content_hash_mismatch() ): text = "A network error occurred during the upload session." err_cls = DataCorruptionError else: text = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." return text, err_cls def get_bad_path_error_msg( path_error: sharing.SharePathError, ) -> tuple[str, type[SyncError]]: err_cls = SyncError if path_error.is_is_file(): text = "A file is at the specified path." err_cls = FileConflictError elif path_error.is_inside_shared_folder(): text = "Cannot share a folder inside a shared folder." elif path_error.is_contains_shared_folder(): text = "Cannot share a folder that contains a shared folder." elif path_error.is_contains_app_folder(): text = "Cannot share a folder that contains an app folder." elif path_error.is_contains_team_folder(): text = "Cannot share a folder that contains a team folder." elif path_error.is_is_app_folder(): text = "Cannot share app folders." elif path_error.is_inside_app_folder(): text = "Cannot share a folder inside an app folder." elif path_error.is_is_public_folder(): text = "A public folder can't be shared this way. Use a public link instead." elif path_error.is_inside_public_folder(): text = ( "A folder inside a public folder can't be shared this way. Use a public " "link instead." ) elif path_error.is_already_shared(): err_cls = FolderConflictError text = "The folder is already shared." elif path_error.is_invalid_path(): text = "The path is not valid." elif path_error.is_is_osx_package(): text = "Cannot share macOS packages." elif path_error.is_inside_osx_package(): text = "Cannot share folders inside macOS packages." elif path_error.is_is_vault(): text = "Cannot share the Vault folder." elif path_error.is_is_vault_locked(): text = "Cannot share a folder inside a locked Vault." elif path_error.is_is_family(): text = "Cannot share the Family folder." else: text = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." return text, err_cls # ==== decorator to retry on errors ====================================================
[docs]def retry_on_error( error_cls: type[Exception], max_retries: int, backoff: int = 0 ) -> Callable[[FT], FT]: """ A decorator to retry a function call if a specified exception occurs. :param error_cls: Error type to catch. :param max_retries: Maximum number of retries. :param backoff: Time in seconds to sleep before retry. """ def decorator(func: FT) -> FT: @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): tries = 0 while True: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except error_cls as exc: if tries < max_retries: tries += 1 if backoff > 0: time.sleep(backoff) else: raise exc return cast(FT, wrapper) return decorator