Source code for maestral.manager

"""This module contains the classes to coordinate sync threads."""

from __future__ import annotations

# system imports
import os
import errno
import time
import gc
import ctypes
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
from queue import Empty, Queue
from threading import Event, RLock, Thread
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Iterator, cast, TypeVar, Callable, Any

# local imports
from . import __url__
from . import notify
from .client import DropboxClient, API_HOST
from .core import TeamRootInfo, UserRootInfo
from .config import MaestralConfig, MaestralState
from .constants import (
from .models import SyncEvent
from .exceptions import (
from .sync import SyncEngine
from .fsevents import Observer
from .logging import scoped_logger
from .utils import removeprefix
from .utils.integration import check_connection, get_inotify_limits
from .utils.path import move, delete, is_equal_or_child, is_child, normalize

__all__ = ["SyncManager"]


FT = TypeVar("FT", bound=Callable[..., Any])

malloc_trim: Callable

    libc = ctypes.CDLL("")
    malloc_trim = libc.malloc_trim
except (OSError, AttributeError):

    def malloc_trim(*args):

def _free_memory() -> None:
    """Give back memory"""

[docs]class SyncManager: """Class to manage sync threads :param client: The Dropbox API client, a wrapper around the Dropbox Python SDK. """
[docs] added_item_queue: Queue[str]
"""Queue of dropbox paths which have been newly included in syncing.""" def __init__(self, client: DropboxClient): self.client = client self.config_name = self.client.config_name self._conf = MaestralConfig(self.config_name) self._state = MaestralState(self.config_name) self._logger = scoped_logger(__name__, self.config_name) self._lock = RLock() self.running = Event() self.startup_completed = Event() self.autostart = Event() self.added_item_queue = Queue() self.sync = SyncEngine(self.client) self._startup_time = -1.0 self.connection_check_interval = 10 self.connected = False self._connection_helper_running = True self.connection_helper = Thread( target=self.connection_monitor, name="maestral-connection-helper", daemon=True, ) self.connection_helper.start() self.local_observer_thread: Observer | None = None def _with_lock(fn: FT) -> FT: # type: ignore @wraps(fn) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): with self._lock: return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return cast(FT, wrapper) # ---- config and state ------------------------------------------------------------ @property
[docs] def reindex_interval(self) -> float: """ Interval in sec for period reindexing. Changes will be saved to state file. """ return self._conf.get("sync", "reindex_interval")
@reindex_interval.setter def reindex_interval(self, interval: float) -> None: """Setter: reindex_interval""" self._conf.set("sync", "reindex_interval", interval) @property
[docs] def activity(self) -> dict[str, SyncEvent]: """Returns a list all items queued for or currently syncing.""" return self.sync.syncing
[docs] def history(self) -> list[SyncEvent]: """A list of the last SyncEvents in our history. History will be kept for the interval specified by the config value ``keep_history`` (defaults to two weeks) but at most 1,000 events will be kept.""" return self.sync.history
[docs] def idle_time(self) -> float: """ Returns the idle time in seconds since the last file change or since startup if there haven't been any changes in our current session. """ now = time.time() time_since_startup = now - self._startup_time time_since_last_sync = now - self.sync.last_change return min(time_since_startup, time_since_last_sync)
# ---- control methods ------------------------------------------------------------- @_with_lock
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Creates observer threads and starts syncing.""" if self.running.is_set(): return if not check_connection(DROPBOX_API_HOSTNAME, logger=self._logger): # Schedule autostart when connection becomes available. self.autostart.set() return # create a new set of events to let old threads die down self.running = Event() self.startup_completed = Event() self.startup_thread = Thread( target=self.startup_worker, daemon=True, args=( self.running, self.startup_completed, self.autostart, ), name="maestral-sync-startup", ) if self._conf.get("sync", "download"): self.download_thread = Thread( target=self.download_worker, daemon=True, args=( self.running, self.startup_completed, self.autostart, ), name="maestral-download", ) self.download_thread_added_folder = Thread( target=self.download_worker_added_item, daemon=True, args=( self.running, self.startup_completed, self.autostart, ), name="maestral-folder-download", ) enable_upload = self._conf.get("sync", "upload") enable_download = self._conf.get("sync", "download") if enable_upload: self.upload_thread = Thread( target=self.upload_worker, daemon=True, args=( self.running, self.startup_completed, self.autostart, ), name="maestral-upload", ) if not self.local_observer_thread: try: self.local_observer_thread = self._create_observer() except MaestralApiError as exc: self._logger.error(exc.title, exc_info=True) self.sync.desktop_notifier.notify( exc.title, exc.message, level=notify.ERROR ) return self.running.set() self.autostart.set() if enable_upload: self.sync.fs_events.enable() self.upload_thread.start() if enable_download: self.download_thread.start() self.download_thread_added_folder.start() self.startup_thread.start() self._startup_time = time.time()
def _create_observer(self) -> Observer: local_observer_thread = Observer(timeout=40) = "maestral-fsobserver" local_observer_thread.schedule( self.sync.fs_events, self.sync.dropbox_path, recursive=True ) for emitter in local_observer_thread.emitters: # there should be only a single emitter thread = "maestral-fsemitter" try: local_observer_thread.start() except OSError as exc: if exc.errno in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EMFILE): try: max_user_watches, max_user_instances, _ = get_inotify_limits() except OSError: max_user_watches, max_user_instances = 2**18, 2**9 url = f"{__url__}/docs/inotify-limits" if exc.errno == errno.ENOSPC: n_new = max(2**19, 2 * max_user_watches) raise InotifyError( "Inotify limit reached", "Changes to your Dropbox folder cannot be monitored because it " "contains too many items. Please increase " f"fs.inotify.max_user_watches to {n_new}. See {url} for more " "information.", ) else: n_new = max(2**10, 2 * max_user_instances) raise InotifyError( "Inotify limit reached", "Changes to your Dropbox folder cannot be monitored because " "there are too many activity inotify instances. Please " f"increase fs.inotify.max_user_instances to {n_new}. See " f"{url} for more information.", ) elif exc.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES): raise InotifyError( "Insufficient permissions to monitor local changes", "Please check the permissions for your local Dropbox folder", ) elif exc.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR): raise NoDropboxDirError( "Dropbox folder missing", "Please move the Dropbox folder back to its original location " "or restart Maestral to set up a new folder.", ) else: raise MaestralApiError( "Could not start watch of local directory", exc.strerror, ) return local_observer_thread @_with_lock
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stops syncing and destroys worker threads.""" if self.running.is_set():"Shutting down threads...") self.sync.fs_events.disable() self.running.clear() self.startup_completed.clear() self.autostart.clear() self.sync.cancel_sync() if self.local_observer_thread: self.local_observer_thread.stop() self.local_observer_thread = None
[docs] def reset_sync_state(self) -> None: """Resets all saved sync state. Settings are not affected.""" if self.running.is_set(): raise MaestralApiError( "Cannot reset sync state while syncing", "Please try again when idle." ) self.sync.reset_sync_state()
[docs] def rebuild_index(self) -> None: """ Rebuilds the rev file by comparing remote with local files and updating rev numbers from the Dropbox server. Files are compared by their content hashes and conflicting copies are created if the contents differ. File changes during the rebuild process will be queued and uploaded once rebuilding has completed. Rebuilding will be performed asynchronously. """"Rebuilding index...") was_running = self.running.is_set() self.stop() self.reset_sync_state() if was_running: self.start()
# ---- path root management --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check_and_update_path_root(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the user's root namespace corresponds to the currently configured path root. Updates the root namespace if required and migrates the local folder structure. Syncing will be paused during the migration. :returns: Whether the path root was updated. """ if self._needs_path_root_update(): was_running = self.running.is_set() self.stop() self._update_path_root() if was_running:"Restarting sync") self.start() return True else: self._logger.debug("Path root is up to date") return False
def _needs_path_root_update(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the user's root namespace corresponds to the currently configured path root. :returns: Whether the configured root namespace needs to be updated. """ self._logger.debug("Checking path root...") account_info = self.client.get_account_info() return self.client.namespace_id != account_info.root_info.root_namespace_id def _update_path_root(self) -> None: """ Changes the layout of the local Dropbox folder if the user joins or leaves a team. New team folders will be downloaded, old team folders will be removed. """ current_root_type = self._state.get("account", "path_root_type") current_user_home_path = self._state.get("account", "home_path") current_user_home_path_lower = normalize(current_user_home_path) if current_root_type == "team" and current_user_home_path == "": raise MaestralApiError( "Cannot migrate folder structure", "Inconsistent namespace information found.", ) root_info = self.client.account_info.root_info team = team_name = if team else "team" if isinstance(root_info, UserRootInfo): new_root_type = "user" new_user_home_path = "" elif isinstance(root_info, TeamRootInfo): new_root_type = "team" new_user_home_path = root_info.home_path else: raise MaestralApiError( "Unknown root namespace type", f"Got {root_info!r} but expected UserRootInfo or TeamRootInfo.", ) local_user_home_path = self.sync.to_local_path_from_cased(new_user_home_path) try: local_dropbox_dirlist = list(os.scandir(self.sync.dropbox_path)) except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): title = "Dropbox folder missing" msg = ( "Please move the Dropbox folder back to its original location or " "restart Maestral to set up a new folder." ) raise NoDropboxDirError(title, msg) with self.sync.sync_lock: if new_root_type == "team" and current_root_type == "user": # User joined a team."User joined %s. Resyncing user files.", team_name) self.sync.desktop_notifier.notify( f"Joined {team_name}", "Migrating user files and downloading team folders", ) # Migrate user folder to "self.sync.dropbox_path/home_path". We do this # by creating a temporary folder and renaming it after moving all # personal items to prevent name conflicts where a folder has the same # name as `root_info.home_path`. tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.sync.dropbox_path) for entry in local_dropbox_dirlist: if entry.path != new_path = f"{}/{}" self._logger.debug( "Moving to personal folder: %r%r", entry.path, new_path ) move(entry.path, new_path, raise_error=True) self._logger.debug("Moving %r%r",, local_user_home_path) os.rename(, local_user_home_path) # Migrate all excluded items. self._logger.debug("Migrating excluded items") new_excluded = [ new_user_home_path + path for path in self.sync.excluded_items ] self.sync.excluded_items = new_excluded elif new_root_type == "user" and current_root_type == "team": # User left a team."User left team. Updating folder layout.") self.sync.desktop_notifier.notify( "Left Dropbox Team", "Migrating user files and removing team folders", ) # Remove all team folders. for entry in local_dropbox_dirlist: if != current_user_home_path.lstrip("/"): delete(entry.path, raise_error=True) # Migrate user folders to local Dropbox root. We do this by renaming the # user home to a temporary name and then moving its contents to the # parent folder. old_home_root = self.sync.dropbox_path + current_user_home_path tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.sync.dropbox_path) try: os.rename(old_home_root, except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): # User folder does not (yet) exist. pass else: for entry in list(os.scandir( new_path = f"{self.sync.dropbox_path}/{}" move(entry.path, new_path, raise_error=True) self._logger.debug( "Moved to root folder: %r%r", entry.path, new_path ) delete( # Migrate excluded items: # Prune all teams folders from excluded list. Remove home folder # prefix from excluded items. If the user folder itself is # excluded, keep it excluded. self._logger.debug("Migrating excluded items") new_excluded = [ removeprefix(path, current_user_home_path_lower) for path in self.sync.excluded_items if is_child(path, current_user_home_path_lower) ] self.sync.excluded_items = new_excluded elif new_root_type == "team" and current_root_type == "team": # User switched between different teams."User switched teams. Updating team folders.") self.sync.desktop_notifier.notify( f"Switched teams to {team_name}", "Updating team folders" ) # Remove all team folders, leave user folder alone. for entry in local_dropbox_dirlist: if != current_user_home_path.lstrip("/"): delete(entry.path, raise_error=True) self._logger.debug("Deleted team folder: %r", entry.path) # Migrate excluded items: # Prune all teams folders from excluded list. If the user folder # itself is excluded, keep it excluded. self._logger.debug("Migrating excluded items") new_excluded = [ path for path in self.sync.excluded_items if is_equal_or_child(path, current_user_home_path_lower) ] self.sync.excluded_items = new_excluded # Update path root of client. self.client.update_path_root(root_info) # Trigger reindex. self.sync.reset_sync_state() # ---- thread methods --------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def connection_monitor(self) -> None: """ Monitors the connection to Dropbox servers. Pauses syncing when the connection is lost and resumes syncing when reconnected and syncing has not been paused by the user. """ while self._connection_helper_running: connected = check_connection(DROPBOX_API_HOSTNAME) if connected != self.connected: # Log the status change. if connected else CONNECTING) if connected: if not self.running.is_set() and self.autostart.is_set(): self.start() self.connected = connected time.sleep(self.connection_check_interval)
[docs] def download_worker( self, running: Event, startup_completed: Event, autostart: Event, ) -> None: """ Worker to sync changes of remote Dropbox with local folder. :param running: Event to shut down local file event handler and worker threads. :param startup_completed: Set when startup sync is completed. :param autostart: Set when syncing should automatically resume on connection. """ startup_completed.wait() while running.is_set(): with self._handle_sync_thread_errors(running, autostart): with self.sync.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: has_changes = self.sync.wait_for_remote_changes( self.sync.remote_cursor, client=client ) # Check for root namespace updates. Don't apply any remote # changes in case of a changed root path. if self.check_and_update_path_root(): return if not running.is_set(): return self.sync.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() if has_changes: self.sync.download_sync_cycle(client) client.get_space_usage() _free_memory()
[docs] def download_worker_added_item( self, running: Event, startup_completed: Event, autostart: Event, ) -> None: """ Worker to download items which have been newly included in sync. :param running: Event to shut down local file event handler and worker threads. :param startup_completed: Set when startup sync is completed. :param autostart: Set when syncing should automatically resume on connection. """ startup_completed.wait() while running.is_set(): with self._handle_sync_thread_errors(running, autostart): try: dbx_path_lower = self.added_item_queue.get(timeout=40) except Empty: pass else: # Guard against crashes. self.sync.pending_downloads.add(dbx_path_lower) if not running.is_set(): return with self.sync.sync_lock: with self.sync.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: self.sync.get_remote_item(dbx_path_lower, client) self.sync.pending_downloads.discard(dbx_path_lower) _free_memory()
[docs] def upload_worker( self, running: Event, startup_completed: Event, autostart: Event, ) -> None: """ Worker to sync local changes to remote Dropbox. :param running: Event to shut down local file event handler and worker threads. :param startup_completed: Set when startup sync is completed. :param autostart: Set when syncing should automatically resume on connection. """ startup_completed.wait() while running.is_set(): with self._handle_sync_thread_errors(running, autostart): has_changes = self.sync.wait_for_local_changes() if not running.is_set(): return self.sync.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() if has_changes: self.sync.upload_sync_cycle() _free_memory()
[docs] def startup_worker( self, running: Event, startup_completed: Event, autostart: Event, ) -> None: """ Worker to sync local changes to remote Dropbox. :param running: Event to shut down local file event handler and worker threads. :param startup_completed: Set when startup sync is completed. :param autostart: Set when syncing should automatically resume on connection. """ with self._handle_sync_thread_errors(running, autostart): # Fail early if Dropbox folder disappeared. self.sync.ensure_dropbox_folder_present() # Reload mignore rules. self.sync.load_mignore_file() self.client.get_space_usage() # Update path root and migrate local folders. This is required when a user # joins or leaves a team and their root namespace changes. self.check_and_update_path_root() if not running.is_set(): startup_completed.set() return with self.sync.client.clone_with_new_session() as client: # Retry failed downloads. if len(self.sync.download_errors) > 0:"Retrying failed syncs...") for error in list(self.sync.download_errors): self.sync.get_remote_item(error.dbx_path_lower, client) # Resume interrupted downloads. if len(self.sync.pending_downloads) > 0:"Resuming interrupted syncs...") for dbx_path in list(self.sync.pending_downloads): self.sync.get_remote_item(dbx_path, client) self.sync.pending_downloads.discard(dbx_path) if not running.is_set(): startup_completed.set() return self.sync.download_sync_cycle(client) if not running.is_set(): startup_completed.set() return if self._conf.get("sync", "upload"): self.sync.upload_local_changes_while_inactive() startup_completed.set() _free_memory()
# ---- utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------- @contextmanager def _handle_sync_thread_errors( self, running: Event, autostart: Event ) -> Iterator[None]: try: yield except CancelledError: # Shutdown will be handled externally. running.clear() except (DropboxConnectionError, DropboxServerError): self._logger.debug("Connection error", exc_info=True) self.stop() self.autostart.set() except PathRootError: self._logger.debug("API call failed due to path root error", exc_info=True) self.check_and_update_path_root() except Exception as err: title = getattr(err, "title", "Unexpected error") message = getattr(err, "message", "Please restart to continue syncing") self._logger.error(title, exc_info=True) self.sync.desktop_notifier.notify(title, message, level=notify.ERROR) self.stop() def __del__(self): try: self.stop() self._connection_helper_running = False except Exception: pass