Source code for maestral.cli.output

This module provides classes and methods for beautifully formatted output to stdout.
This includes printing tables and grids, formatting dates and eliding strings.

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Sequence, Any, Iterator

import click

from .utils import get_term_width

# ==== text adjustment helpers =========================================================

[docs]class Align(enum.Enum): """Text alignment in column"""
[docs] Left = 0
[docs] Right = 1
[docs]class Elide(enum.Enum): """Elide directives"""
[docs] Leading = 0
[docs] Center = 1
[docs] Trailing = 2
[docs]class Prefix(enum.Enum): """Prefix for command line output"""
[docs] Info = 0
[docs] Ok = 1
[docs] Warn = 2
[docs] NONE = 3
[docs]def elide( text: str, width: int, placeholder: str = "...", elide: Elide = Elide.Trailing ) -> str: """ Elides a string to fit into the given width. :param text: Text to truncate. :param width: Target width. :param placeholder: Placeholder string to indicate truncated text. :param elide: Which part to truncate. :returns: Truncated text. """ if len(text) <= width: return text available = width - len(placeholder) if elide is Elide.Trailing: return text[:available] + placeholder elif elide is Elide.Leading: return placeholder + text[-available:] else: half_available = available // 2 return text[:half_available] + placeholder + text[-half_available:]
[docs]def adjust(text: str, width: int, align: Align = Align.Left) -> str: """ Pads a string with spaces up the desired width. Preserves ANSI color codes without counting them towards the width. This function is similar to ``str.ljust`` and ``str.rjust``. :param text: Initial string. :param width: Target width. If smaller than the given text, nothing is done. :param align: Side to align the padded string: to the left or to the right. """ needed = width - len(click.unstyle(text)) if needed > 0: if align == Align.Left: return text + " " * needed else: return " " * needed + text else: return text
# ==== printing structured data to console =============================================
[docs]class Field: """Base class to represent a field in a table.""" @property
[docs] def display_width(self) -> int: """ The requested total width of the content in characters when not wrapped or shortened in any way. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def format(self, width: int) -> list[str]: """ Returns the field content formatted to fit the requested width. :param width: Width to fit. :returns: Shortened or wrapped string. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class TextField(Field): """ A text field for a table. :param text: Text to represent. :param align: Text alignment: right or left. :param wraps: Whether to wrap the text instead of truncating it to fit into a requested width. :elide: Truncation strategy: trailing, center or leading. :param style: Styling passed on to :meth:`` when styling the text. """ def __init__( self, text: str, align: Align = Align.Left, wraps: bool = False, elide: Elide = Elide.Trailing, **style, ) -> None: self.text = text self.align = align self.wraps = wraps self.elide = elide = style @property
[docs] def display_width(self) -> int: return len(self.text)
[docs] def format(self, width: int) -> list[str]: import textwrap if self.wraps: lines = textwrap.wrap(self.text, width=width) else: lines = [elide(self.text, width, elide=self.elide)] # apply style first, adjust later if lines = [, ** for line in lines] return [adjust(line, width, self.align) for line in lines]
def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}('{self.text}')>"
[docs]class DateField(Field): """ A datetime field for a table. The formatting of the datetime will be adjusted depending on the available width. Does not currently support localisation. :param dt: Datetime to represent. :param style: Styling passed on to :meth:`` when styling the text. """ def __init__(self, dt: datetime, **style) -> None: self.dt = dt = style @property
[docs] def display_width(self) -> int: return 20
[docs] def format(self, width: int) -> list[str]: if width >= 20: string = self.dt.strftime("%d %b %Y at %H:%M") elif width >= 17: string = self.dt.strftime("%x, %H:%M") else: string = self.dt.strftime("%x") if return [, **] else: return [string]
def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}('{self.format(17)}')>"
[docs]class Column: """ A table column. :param title: Column title. :param fields: Fields in the table. Any sequence of objects can be given and will be converted to :class:`Field` instances as appropriate. :param align: How to align text inside the column. Will only be used for :class:`TextField`. :param wraps: Whether to wrap fields to fit into the column width instead of truncating them. Will only be used for :class:`TextField`. :param elide: How to elide text which is too wide for a column. Will only be used for :class:`TextField`. """
[docs] fields: list[Field]
def __init__( self, title: str | None, fields: Sequence = (), align: Align = Align.Left, wraps: bool = False, elide: Elide = Elide.Trailing, ) -> None: self.title = TextField(title, align=align, bold=True) if title else None self.align = align self.wraps = wraps self.elide = elide self.fields = [] for field in fields: self.fields.append(self._to_field(field)) @property
[docs] def display_width(self) -> int: if self.title: all_fields = self.fields + [self.title] else: all_fields = self.fields return max(field.display_width for field in all_fields)
[docs] def has_title(self): return self.title is not None
[docs] def append(self, field: Any) -> None: self.fields.append(self._to_field(field))
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, field: Any) -> None: self.fields.insert(index, self._to_field(field))
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> Field: return self.fields[item] def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: Any) -> None: self.fields[key] = self._to_field(value) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Field]: return iter(self.fields) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.fields) def _to_field(self, field: Any) -> Field: from datetime import datetime if isinstance(field, Field): return field elif isinstance(field, datetime): return DateField(field) else: return TextField( str(field), align=self.align, wraps=self.wraps, elide=self.elide ) def __repr__(self): title = self.title.text if self.title else "untitled" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(title='{title}')>"
[docs]class Table: """ A table which can be printed to stdout. :param columns: Table columns. Can be a list of :class:`Column` instances or table titles. :param padding: Padding between columns. """
[docs] columns: list[Column]
def __init__(self, columns: list[Column | str], padding: int = 2) -> None: self.columns = [] self.padding = padding for col in columns: if isinstance(col, Column): self.columns.append(col) else: self.columns.append(Column(col)) @property
[docs] def ncols(self) -> int: """The number of columns""" return len(self.columns)
[docs] def nrows(self) -> int: """The number of rows""" return max(len(col) for col in self.columns)
[docs] def append(self, row: Sequence) -> None: """ Appends a new row to the table. :param row: List of fields to append to each column. Length must match the number of columns. """ if len(row) != self.ncols: raise ValueError(f"Got {len(row)} fields but have {self.ncols} columns") for i, col in enumerate(self.columns): col.append(row[i])
[docs] def rows(self) -> list[list[Field]]: """ Returns a list of rows in the table. Each row is a list of fields. """ return [[col[i] for col in self.columns] for i in range(len(self))]
def __len__(self) -> int: return self.nrows
[docs] def format_lines(self, width: int | None = None) -> Iterator[str]: """ Iterator over formatted lines of the table. Fields may span multiple lines if they are set to wrap instead of truncate. :param width: Width to fit the table. Defaults to terminal width if not given. :returns: Iterator over lines which can be printed to the terminal. """ # Get terminal width if no width is given. width = width or get_term_width() available_width = width - self.padding * len(self.columns) raw_col_widths = [col.display_width for col in self.columns] # Allocate column width from available width, # weighted by the raw width of each column. n = 3 sum_widths = sum(w**n for w in raw_col_widths) subtract = max([sum(raw_col_widths) - available_width, 0]) allocated_col_widths = tuple( round(w - subtract * w**n / sum_widths) for w in raw_col_widths ) spacer = " " * self.padding # Generate line for titles. if any(col.has_title for col in self.columns): titles: list[str] = [] for col, width in zip(self.columns, allocated_col_widths): if col.title: titles.append(col.title.format(width)[0]) else: titles.append(adjust("", width)) line = spacer.join(titles) yield line.rstrip() # Generate lines for rows. for row in self.rows(): cells = [] for field, alloc_width in zip(row, allocated_col_widths): cells.append(field.format(alloc_width)) n_lines = max(len(cell) for cell in cells) for i in range(n_lines): line_parts = [] for cell_lines, alloc_width in zip(cells, allocated_col_widths): try: line_parts.append(cell_lines[i]) except IndexError: line_parts.append(adjust("", width=alloc_width)) line = spacer.join(line_parts) yield line.rstrip()
[docs] def format(self, width: int | None = None) -> str: """ Returns a fully formatted table as a string with linebreaks. :param width: Width to fit the table. Defaults to terminal width if not given. :returns: Formatted table. """ return "\n".join(self.format_lines(width))
[docs] def echo(self): """Prints the table to the terminal.""" for line in self.format_lines(): click.echo(line)
[docs]class Grid: """ A grid of fields which can be printed to stdout. :param fields: A sequence of fields (strings, datetimes, any objects with a string representation). :param padding: Padding between fields. :param align: Alignment of strings in the grid. """
[docs] fields: list[Field]
def __init__( self, fields: Sequence = (), padding: int = 2, align: Align = Align.Left ): self.fields = [] self.padding = padding self.align = align for field in fields: self.fields.append(self._to_field(field))
[docs] def append(self, field: Any) -> None: """Appends a field to the grid.""" self.fields.append(self._to_field(field))
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: return iter(self.fields) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.fields) def _to_field(self, field: Any) -> Field: from datetime import datetime if isinstance(field, Field): return field elif isinstance(field, datetime): return DateField(field) else: return TextField(str(field), align=self.align)
[docs] def format_lines(self, width: int | None = None) -> Iterator[str]: """ Iterator over formatted lines of the grid. :param width: Width to fit the grid. Defaults to terminal width if not given. :returns: Iterator over lines which can be printed to the terminal. """ if len(self.fields) > 0: from ..utils import chunks # get terminal width if no width is given width = width or get_term_width() field_width = max(field.display_width for field in self.fields) field_width = min(field_width, width) # cap at terminal / total width field_texts = [field.format(field_width)[0] for field in self.fields] n_columns = max(width // (field_width + self.padding), 1) rows = chunks(field_texts, n_columns) spacer = " " * self.padding for row in rows: line = spacer.join(row) yield line.rstrip() else: yield ""
[docs] def format(self, width: int | None = None) -> str: """ Returns a fully formatted grid as a string with linebreaks. :param width: Width to fit the table. Defaults to terminal width if not given. :returns: Formatted grid. """ return "\n".join(self.format_lines(width))
[docs] def echo(self): """Prints the grid to the terminal.""" for line in self.format_lines(): click.echo(line)
# ==== printing messages to console ====================================================
[docs]def echo(message: str, nl: bool = True, prefix: Prefix = Prefix.NONE) -> None: """ Print a message to stdout. :param message: The string to output. :param nl: Whether to end with a new line. :param prefix: Any prefix to output before the message, """ if prefix is Prefix.Ok: pre ="✓", fg="green") + " " elif prefix is Prefix.Warn: pre ="!", fg="red") + " " elif prefix is Prefix.Info: pre = "- " else: pre = "" click.echo(f"{pre}{message}", nl=nl)
[docs]def info(message: str, nl: bool = True) -> None: """ Print an info message to stdout. Will be prefixed with a dash. :param message: The string to output. :param nl: Whether to end with a new line. """ echo(message, nl=nl, prefix=Prefix.Info)
[docs]def warn(message: str, nl: bool = True) -> None: """ Print a warning to stdout. Will be prefixed with an exclamation mark. :param message: The string to output. :param nl: Whether to end with a new line. """ echo(message, nl=nl, prefix=Prefix.Warn)
[docs]def ok(message: str, nl: bool = True) -> None: """ Print a confirmation to stdout. Will be prefixed with a checkmark. :param message: The string to output. :param nl: Whether to end with a new line. """ echo(message, nl=nl, prefix=Prefix.Ok)