Source code for maestral.cli.cli_info

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import click

from .output import echo, Column, Table, Elide, Align, TextField, Field, DateField, Grid
from .common import convert_api_errors, check_for_fatal_errors, inject_proxy
from .core import DropboxPath
from ..models import SyncDirection, SyncStatus
from ..core import FileMetadata, FolderMetadata, DeletedMetadata

    from ..main import Maestral

@click.command(help="Show the status of the daemon.")
@inject_proxy(fallback=False, existing_config=True)
[docs]def status(m: Maestral) -> None: email = m.get_state("account", "email") account_type = m.get_state("account", "type").capitalize() usage = m.get_state("account", "usage") status_info = m.status account_str = f"{email} ({account_type})" if email else "--" usage_str = usage or "--" n_errors = len(m.sync_errors) color = "red" if n_errors > 0 else "green" n_errors_str =, fg=color) echo("") echo(f"Account: {account_str}") echo(f"Usage: {usage_str}") echo(f"Status: {status_info}") echo(f"Sync errors: {n_errors_str}") echo("") check_for_fatal_errors(m) sync_errors = m.sync_errors if len(sync_errors) > 0: path_column = Column(title="Path") message_column = Column(title="Error", wraps=True) for error in sync_errors: path_column.append(error.dbx_path) message_column.append(f"{error.title}. {error.message}") table = Table([path_column, message_column]) table.echo() echo("")
@click.command( help=""" Show the sync status of a local file or folder. Returned value will be 'uploading', 'downloading', 'up to date', 'error', or 'unwatched' (for files outside of the Dropbox directory). This will always be 'unwatched' if syncing is paused. This command can be used to for instance to query information for a plugin to a file-manager. """, ) @click.argument("local_path", type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True)) @inject_proxy(fallback=True, existing_config=True) @convert_api_errors
[docs]def filestatus(m: Maestral, local_path: str) -> None: stat = m.get_file_status(local_path) echo(stat)
@click.command(help="Live view of all items being synced.") @inject_proxy(fallback=False, existing_config=True) @convert_api_errors
[docs]def activity(m: Maestral) -> None: import curses from ..utils import natural_size if check_for_fatal_errors(m): return def curses_loop(screen) -> None: # no type hints for screen provided yet curses.use_default_colors() # don't change terminal background screen.nodelay(1) # sets `screen.getch()` to non-blocking while True: height, width = screen.getmaxyx() # create header lines = [ f"Status: {m.status}, Sync errors: {len(m.sync_errors)}", "", ] # create table filenames = [] states = [] col_len = 4 for event in m.get_activity(limit=height - 3): filename = os.path.basename(event.dbx_path) filenames.append(filename) arrow = "↓" if event.direction is SyncDirection.Down else "↑" if event.completed > 0: done_str = natural_size(event.completed, sep=False) todo_str = natural_size(event.size, sep=False) states.append(f"{done_str}/{todo_str} {arrow}") else: if event.status is SyncStatus.Syncing: if event.direction is SyncDirection.Up: states.append("uploading") else: states.append("downloading") else: states.append(event.status.value) col_len = max(len(filename), col_len) for name, state in zip(filenames, states): # create rows lines.append(name.ljust(col_len + 2) + state) # print to console screen screen.clear() try: screen.addstr("\n".join(lines)) except curses.error: pass screen.refresh() # abort when user presses 'q', refresh otherwise key = screen.getch() if key == ord("q"): break elif key < 0: time.sleep(1) # enter curses event loop curses.wrapper(curses_loop)
@click.command(help="Show recently changed or added files.") @inject_proxy(fallback=True, existing_config=True) @convert_api_errors
[docs]def history(m: Maestral) -> None: events = m.get_history() table = Table( [ Column("Path", elide=Elide.Leading), Column("Change"), Column("Time"), ] ) for event in events: table.append( [event.dbx_path, event.change_type.value, event.change_time_or_sync_time] ) echo("") table.echo() echo("")
@click.command(help="List contents of a Dropbox directory.") @click.argument("dropbox_path", type=DropboxPath(), default="") @click.option( "-l", "--long", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Show output in long format with metadata.", ) @click.option( "-d", "--include-deleted", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Include deleted items in listing.", ) @inject_proxy(fallback=True, existing_config=True) @convert_api_errors
[docs]def ls(m: Maestral, long: bool, dropbox_path: str, include_deleted: bool) -> None: from ..utils import natural_size echo("Loading...\r", nl=False) entries_iter = m.list_folder_iterator( dropbox_path, recursive=False, include_deleted=include_deleted, ) if long: table = Table( columns=[ Column("Name"), Column("Type"), Column("Size", align=Align.Right), Column("Shared"), Column("Syncing"), Column("Last Modified"), ] ) for entries in entries_iter: for entry in entries: text = "shared" if getattr(entry, "shared", False) else "private" color = "bright_black" if text == "private" else None shared_field = TextField(text, fg=color) excluded_status = m.excluded_status(entry.path_lower) color = "green" if excluded_status == "included" else None text = "✓" if excluded_status == "included" else excluded_status excluded_field = TextField(text, fg=color) dt_field: Field if isinstance(entry, FileMetadata): size = natural_size(entry.size) dt_field = DateField(entry.client_modified) item_type = "file" elif isinstance(entry, FolderMetadata): size = "-" dt_field = TextField("-") item_type = "folder" else: size = "-" dt_field = TextField("-") item_type = "deleted" table.append( [, item_type, size, shared_field, excluded_field, dt_field, ] ) echo(" " * 15) table.echo() echo(" " * 15) else: grid = Grid() for entries in entries_iter: for entry in entries: color = "blue" if isinstance(entry, DeletedMetadata) else None grid.append(TextField(, fg=color)) grid.echo()
@click.command(help="List all configured Dropbox accounts.") @click.option( "--clean", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Remove config files without a linked account.", )
[docs]def config_files(clean: bool) -> None: from ..daemon import is_running from ..config import ( MaestralConfig, MaestralState, list_configs, remove_configuration, ) if clean: # Clean up stale config files. for name in list_configs(): conf = MaestralConfig(name) dbid = conf.get("auth", "account_id") if dbid == "" and not is_running(name): remove_configuration(name) echo(f"Removed: {conf.config_path}") else: # Display config files. names = list_configs() emails = [] paths = [] for name in names: conf = MaestralConfig(name) state = MaestralState(name) emails.append(state.get("account", "email")) paths.append(conf.config_path) table = Table( [ Column("Config name", names), Column("Account", emails), Column("Path", paths, elide=Elide.Leading), ] ) echo("") table.echo() echo("")