
This module contains the definitions of our database tables which store the index, sync history and cache of content hashes. Each table is defined by a subclass of maestral.utils.orm.Model with properties representing database columns. Class instances then represent table rows.

class maestral.database.SyncDirection(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration of sync directions

Up = 'up'
Down = 'down'
class maestral.database.SyncStatus(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration of sync status

Queued = 'queued'
Syncing = 'syncing'
Done = 'done'
Failed = 'failed'
Skipped = 'skipped'
Aborted = 'aborted'
class maestral.database.ItemType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration of SyncEvent types

File = 'file'
Folder = 'folder'
Unknown = 'unknown'
class maestral.database.ChangeType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration of SyncEvent change types

Added = 'added'
Removed = 'removed'
Moved = 'moved'
Modified = 'modified'
class maestral.database.SyncEvent(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: maestral.utils.orm.Model

Represents a file or folder change in the sync queue

This class is used to represent both local and remote file system changes and track their sync progress. Some instance attributes will depend on the state of the sync session, e.g., local_path will depend on the current path of the local Dropbox folder. They may therefore become invalid between sync sessions.

The class methods from_dbx_metadata() and from_file_system_event() should be used to properly construct a SyncEvent from a dropbox.files.Metadata instance or a instance, respectively.

Initialise with keyword arguments corresponding to column names and values.


kwargs – Keyword arguments assigning values to table columns.

Return type


property id: Any

A unique identifier of the SyncEvent.

property direction: Any

The SyncDirection.

property item_type: Any

The ItemType. May be undetermined for remote deletions.

property sync_time: Any

The time the SyncEvent was registered.

property dbx_id: Any

A unique dropbox ID for the file or folder. Will only be set for download events which are not deletions.

property dbx_path: Any

Correctly cased Dropbox path of the item to sync. If the sync represents a move operation, this will be the destination path. Follows the casing from the path_display attribute of Dropbox metadata.

property dbx_path_lower: Any

Dropbox path of the item to sync. If the sync represents a move operation, this will be the destination path. This is normalised as the path_lower attribute of Dropbox metadata.

property local_path: Any

Local path of the item to sync. If the sync represents a move operation, this will be the destination path. This will be correctly cased.

property dbx_path_from: Any

Dropbox path that this item was moved from. Will only be set if change_type is ChangeType.Moved. Follows the casing from the path_display attribute of Dropbox metadata.

property dbx_path_from_lower: Any

Dropbox path that this item was moved from. Will only be set if change_type is ChangeType.Moved. This is normalised as the path_lower attribute of Dropbox metadata.

property local_path_from: Any

Local path that this item was moved from. Will only be set if change_type is ChangeType.Moved. This will be correctly cased.

property rev: Any

The file revision. Will only be set for remote changes. Will be 'folder' for folders and None for deletions.

property content_hash: Any

A hash representing the file content. Will be 'folder' for folders and None for deletions. Set for both local and remote changes.

If the file is a symlink, its target path. This should only be set for files.

property change_type: Any

The ChangeType. Remote SyncEvents currently do not generate moved events but are reported as deleted and added at the new location.

property change_time: Any

Local ctime or remote client_modified time for files. None for folders or for remote deletions. Note that client_modified may not be reliable as it is set by other clients and not verified.

property change_dbid: Any

The Dropbox ID of the account which performed the changes. This may not be set for added folders or deletions on the server.

property change_user_name: Any

The user name corresponding to change_dbid, if the account still exists. This field may not be set for performance reasons.

property status: Any

The SyncStatus.

property size: Any

Size of the item in bytes. Always zero for folders.

property completed: Any

File size in bytes which has already been uploaded or downloaded. Always zero for folders.

property change_time_or_sync_time: float

Change time when available, otherwise sync time. This can be used for sorting or user information purposes.

property is_file: bool

Returns True for file changes

property is_directory: bool

Returns True for folder changes

property is_added: bool

Returns True for added items

property is_moved: bool

Returns True for moved items

property is_changed: bool

Returns True for changed file contents

property is_deleted: bool

Returns True for deleted items

property is_upload: bool

Returns True for changes to upload

property is_download: bool

Returns True for changes to download

classmethod from_dbx_metadata(md, sync_engine)[source]

Initializes a SyncEvent from the given Dropbox metadata.


An instance of this class with attributes populated from the given Dropbox Metadata.

Return type


classmethod from_file_system_event(event, sync_engine)[source]

Initializes a SyncEvent from the given local file system event.


An instance of this class with attributes populated from the given SyncEvent.

Return type


class maestral.database.IndexEntry(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: maestral.utils.orm.Model

Represents an entry in our local sync index

Initialise with keyword arguments corresponding to column names and values.


kwargs – Keyword arguments assigning values to table columns.

Return type


property dbx_path_lower: Any

Dropbox path of the item in lower case. This acts as a primary key for the SQLites database since there can only be one entry per case-insensitive Dropbox path. Corresponds to the path_lower field of Dropbox metadata.

property dbx_path_cased: Any

Dropbox path of the item, correctly cased. Corresponds to the path_display field of Dropbox metadata.

property dbx_id: Any

The unique dropbox ID for the item.

property item_type: Any

The ItemType.

property last_sync: Any

The last time a local change was uploaded. Should be the ctime of the local item.

property rev: Any

The file revision. Will be 'folder' for folders.

property content_hash: Any

A hash representing the file content. Will be 'folder' for folders. May be None if not yet calculated.

If the file is a symlink, its target path. This should only be set for files.

property is_file: bool

Returns True for files

property is_directory: bool

Returns True for folders

Returns True for symlinks

class maestral.database.HashCacheEntry(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: maestral.utils.orm.Model

Represents an entry in our cache of content hashes

Initialise with keyword arguments corresponding to column names and values.


kwargs – Keyword arguments assigning values to table columns.

Return type


property inode: Any

The inode of the item.

property local_path: Any

The local path of the item.

property hash_str: Any

The content hash of the item.

property mtime: Any

The mtime of the item just before the hash was computed. When the current mtime is newer, the hash will need to be recalculated.